Trinity of Blessings attunement

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 05:53

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

You are a luminary, a sage, a wise one, a high priestess/high priest, a wizard, and a supreme co-creator! You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved!

Your material needs are taken care of as you step into your power and begin to utilize the energy of Source of ALL Creation. Plug into the Source of All creation, the Source that feeds you and your material needs. It is LOVE Dear Ones! The Source of All is LOVE. Just use the power of IMAGINATION to bring this energy into your energy field daily, hourly if necessary! This infinite Source of energy exists all around you and also within you. You are walking within this energy field daily! This is the power that animates you.

As your spiritual sight awakens you are beginning to ‘see’ through new eyes, the eyes of your Creator. You are gifted with further understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ and the Power that exists behind it, back-stage so to speak.

Open the door to Love and Abundance Consciousness!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/17/2017 - 08:22


Opening the Door to Love and Abundance!

We had a wonderful and successful Fellowship Ring this past Saturday on the subject of Abundance. The call lasted almost 2 hours and I’m sure we could have spoken for much longer on this subject.

The message on Abundance is a simple one, and one that we are all familiar with at this stage of the game. It’s simply a matter of putting what we know into practice.

Our main point of focus must now be IN our HEART and BE’ing in that space, because we are now embodying more of our True Nature than ever before. So if you think about it, then it makes perfect sense why the old ways of manifesting are no longer working. We now have to be CONGRUENT and in total alignment with our True Nature, which is Love!

Love is all there is!  And our Higher Self, whom we are becoming and embodying more and more of each day, IS DIVINE PERFECT LOVE. And, it is INFINITE and all powerful in its Divine Nature. And it is perfectly ABUNDANT!

So what does this mean for you and I? It means that we have to BE PRESENT and in the space of ALLOWING Love to be made manifest within us at all times.

And how do we do this? Well, the easiest way to explain it is that when we allow Love to be made manifest, we are allowing our Hearts to rule. We basically give free reign to our Higher Self / True Self / God Self / Greater Self etc., whatever label you wish to give your Higher Consciousness.

And then once we have given our Greater Self free reign, we are to LET GO and ALLOW our lives to unfold by staying IN THE VIBES of Love or above.

Attention Energy Workers! Who does this energy you are feeling belong to?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/27/2017 - 09:09

Attention Energy Workers! Who does this energy you are feeling belong to?

Taking care of your energy is one of the daily responsibilities of energy workers ie Light Workers. Everyone is empathetic and some more so than others. Your sense of empathy is linked to your willingness at an unconscious level to take on the burdens of others. Some people are unaware of how much they are dong for others, even to their own detriment. If you are feeling very tired or very heavy ask yourself, “Who does this belong to? Is this my energy?” And most likely the answer will be No. Then all you have to do is call in the Light of your Higher Self and Source energy to fill your energy field and High Heart, and then transmit the Light to whomever this energy belongs to. You may want to say something like, “I bless whomever this energy belongs to and send them unconditional love and blessings in return.”

If you suddenly feel pain in your body, do not be shy to ask your body who it belongs to. The body is very willing to oblige you with an answer right away. Most likely again the answer will be that it is not yours. Again, send the Light of Love into the area that is experiencing pain and ask that the energy be released back to the person it belongs to.

Sunday Musings ~ Oh Ye of little Faith…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 05/03/2015 - 08:31

Thank Goodness, a little faith is all you need. Only a teeny weeny mustard seed of faith, said Jeshua, would move mountains for you. So true. But how different is faith from trust? Faith is the cornerstone to trust. Faith is the foundation that paths the way to knowing, and therefore fully trusting, that all you have faith in, will come to pass.

Faith lives in your Heart, alongside Trust. When you live a Heart-based reality, you will begin to FEEL the magic of your Heart Genie busy working for you. Imagine that! You have your very own magical Genie living inside of you!

By having faith and trust you’re automatically moving away from an ego/mind based reality to a Heart based reality. And that is the place inside of you where miracles and magic resides!

So few people realize this though.

I was listening to my Mother on the telephone yesterday. In the space of 10 minutes she said the word ‘hell’ at least 5 times. It is no wonder then that her reality (life experience) is much like that word. Every morning at 8am she watches the ‘Faith’ channel on TV and she tries to write down everything they’re saying in her little notepad. Sometimes during the day she would get out her notepad and go over her notes by reading them out loud to herself. When I asked why she reads the words out loud, she answered “I need to get this into my nut!!” She refers to her head as her nut…. Ironic that a nut often has a hard shell and is difficult, sometimes impossible, to open. The Heart, however, is easily opened. All it takes is love.

It is in your Heart that YOUR Truth lies and never anywhere else. Not on TV or in a book, or even in this blog you’re reading.


Trinity of Blessings

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 10/05/2013 - 09:15

trinity of blessings archangel michael

The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement received from Archangel Michael to help you become aligned with the energy of Divine Love, Peace and Joy. This higher vibrational energy will help you to transform your life as you become more and more comfortable working with this energy.  This vibration and frequency of Love, Peace and Joy exists within the highest part of your Self and as you begin to work with this energy, you become more in alignment with who YOU TRULY ARE ~ A Being of Infinite Wisdom, Possibility and Creativity. When you begin to work with the highest part of your Self, which is your Highest consciousness, you begin to attract miracles and blessings in your life and your life is transformed.

When you receive this attunement from Archangel Michael, you give him permission to appoint these energies to each of your chakras, which will open you to receive this frequency of vibration and the awareness of the amazing gift of manifestation that lies within you. This energy offers the key to unlocking the powers that exist within each and every one of you to manifest your most deepest desire.

There are no distinctions made regarding religious beliefs, it is totally non-denominational. We embrace and promote Unity among all faiths and beliefs whether you are Buddist, Catholic, Wiccan, Jewish, Native American or any Earth-based Spiritual belief…All are welcome to work with these energies!

The Trinity of Blessings™ Attunement

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 02/19/2013 - 10:12

Attunement to Divine Love, Peace and Joy


The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement to a higher frequency of vibration which, when received from the Archangel Michael, promotes Love, Joy and Peace within each person and therefore the world. The embrace the Trinity of Blessings is to embrace Universal abundance, prosperity and wellbeing through the sharing of Love, Joy and Peace.


By accepting the Trinity of Blessings™ Attunement you will open yourself to receive this new frequency of vibration and the awareness of the amazing gift of manifestation that lies within each and every one of us. Archangel Michael offers this key to unlocking the energies and powers within us to manifest your most deepest desire. He is extending his hand to all who wish to manifest their desire into their reality and to co-create a world of Peace in this Golden Age beginning with the Love, Joy and Peace within each individual who receives this attunement.


The Trinity of Blessings™, like Archangel Michael, makes no distinctions regarding religious beliefs, it is totally non-denominational. We embrace and promote Unity among all faiths and beliefs whether you are Buddist, Catholic, Wiccan, Jewish, Native American or any Earth-based Spiritual belief…All are welcome to work with these energies!


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