Dreams, Dreams, Dreams! What Do They Mean?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 04:12

Yesterday was a glorious pre-summers day and I was down on the beach enjoying the sunshine and the low tide, walking amongst the rocks and admiring the different color pebbles on the beach wishing I knew more about them and their energetic origin. The sand on the beach here is a gorgeous bronze and so different from where I come from in Cape Town where the sand is lighter in color, almost white. I was sitting on the sand and wondering again why I feel such a bond with water, especially the ocean, whilst still having this fear of it. Water has enormous energy and its energy is so attractive to me. Just taking a luxurious bath is heavenly for me. Water is an excellent medium for higher vibrational energy, so if you’re looking for higher guidance, take a long bath or shower!

It seems my attraction to water has to do with me needing to connect with higher vibrational energy, and the Elementals. My fear for deep water goes back to previous lifetimes and it is a fear I’m busy dealing with now. I know the sinking of Atlantis caused my demise and I know that my body went deep down into the depths of the cold Atlantic Ocean. My fear of deep dark water and of not being able to breathe comes from this experience.

Michael explains ~ At the time of the death of the physical body, the mental body continues to register negative emotional energy for a short time afterwards and this negative energy is stored in cellular memory.

This negative emotional energy is therefore stored in my cellular memory and is now coming up for release. I do love the ocean though and before my demise, I was a great lover of swimming in the ocean.

Lately I’ve had a couple dreams about water and I know its Michael trying to help me overcome this fear. In the one dream I found myself in deep water, but it was as clear as a swimming pool. In the dream I looked up at the surface and began to panic that I had gone too deep, and before the panic could turn to fear the realization hit me that I was able to breathe under the water! What an incredible experience that turned out to be.

Two nights ago I had another dream, this time even more real. This time I was with a man I didn’t recognize and a tiny baby. The baby belonged to the man, not me, but I held the baby. We decided to swim in the ocean and found a large rock from which we could climb off into the water which was fairly calm and clear and the most beautiful color of light green fluorite. This was a large body of water and I couldn’t see the bottom, but for some reason I had no fear. Once in the water it was wonderful and warm. Then suddenly we were being propelled forward, moving at a great speed, with me holding the baby and the man on my right. I told the man, it is okay, it’s my friend (meaning Michael) helping me to overcome my fear of being in a large body of water. It felt like we were being propelled by some powerful force. (I can imagine this is what it must feel like to swim with the dolphins!) When we stopped moving I tried to touch my foot to the bottom, but found that I was being held up, suspended in the water by an unseen force, which I know was Michael. I checked to see if the baby was okay and it was fine. Then in the next moment we found ourselves back on the rock and I was trying to find something to wrap the baby in to keep her warm. Eventually I found a glove and I wrapped her in the glove. She was no bigger than my hand. I realized I had enjoyed being in the water and wished I had stayed in it longer because it was so warm.

When I woke up I asked Michael if the dream was real and he said “As real as it can be”. I asked if that place was real and he said yes it was and he would take me back there one day. What the baby and the man meant I don’t know for sure but I am feeling that the baby was a child that I had ‘lost’ and this was Michael’s was of letting me know the baby was okay and that I would also be okay. He has told me so many times that I have nothing to fear from water, or from anything actually.

I know that what is happening is I am being taken back and healing my ‘past’ through dreams. I am being shown that the pain and suffering I endured back then is being healed by the love I am becoming through the merging of our energies.

Spirit has a wonderful and gentle way of showing us that everything can and will be healed, that we have nothing to fear except fear itself, and what better way to do this than through dreams. Most of us have had some terrible experiences in our lifetimes here and now that our many lifetimes or timelines are merging together into One Consciousness with our Highest Source, we are being healed of all that negative energy.

It is not necessary to know the details, unless of course you want to. I will know the details one day when the time is right for me to know, but for now I am ready to trust my Self and let Spirit guide me into healing those aspects of myself.

I will swim in the sea again, I am sure of it. Whether I will swim in my physical body or in Soul consciousness, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I heal so that I can be fully reunited with my Source.

We leave you with our absolute love & wish you a glorious SUNshine Day!


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