Getting a Grip on Letting Go

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/09/2016 - 18:15

by Zen Gardner

This might sound contradictory or counter intuitive but it’s not. Many are being faced with serious personal challenges and decisions right now on top of this backdrop of the ongoing global crackdown and diminishing realm of harmony and supply. The building maelstrom around us only picks up speed as we attempt to go about our lives and it is by no means an easy time in which to operate.

I’ve often addressed the issue of personally shifting in a seriously shifting “whirled” on many levels and how at least two very distinct dynamics are at play during this awakening amidst an increasingly contorted and spiritually toxified environment. Changing in a changing world is not a time to simply lay back and take it.  Our participation is clearly implicated and needs to be very awake, aware and conscious.

There are things to hold on to while at the same time adhering to the principle of letting go. This can only be approached from a conscious perspective but approach it we must.


Grab the Rudder and Move On

The underlying truths and realities we’ve become intensely aware of cannot be neglected during such times of apparent stress and contradiction. We need to loosen our grip on the temporal nature of the fleeting emotional and physical gymnastics we’re experiencing on a very practical level, while at the same time sailing steadfast in the direction of firm conscious conviction regarding underlying realities.

All this is easy to say but it’s actually quite clear when we consciously stand back and lucidly evaluate our situations. I’m no perfect example of continual overcoming as I succumb to these waves like anyone else at times. It just helps me enormously to stop and assess and consciously address these confrontations as they come up, with the intention that it can perhaps help someone else in the process.

After all, we’re in this together.

Sometimes Simply Blast Through

This is a personal remedy I employ regularly. Rather than wallow in some confining situation, mulling over my circumstances, challenges and growing sense of anxiety or sense of depression that seem to close in periodically, I prefer to blast out.  If I don’t like the circumstances I can change them by taking the initiative. It’s not always easy, nor does it always work, but it almost always does.

Get busy. Do something productive and quickly move on. All the while keeping an eye on what was trying to hold you back and often those around you to better understand it as you gain distance from it. It’s a learning process and requires attentive action and some real tenacity.

It’s actually easy and the path of seemingly less resistance to take the initiative rather than slide around the morass of goop that surrounds us in times like this. We look for sympathy and grovel in it a bit thinking we’ll get some leg up from a loved one or some external influence to help yank us out of these cesspits of weakness and self-pity, but it’s just a fleeting comfort and of no avail as far as overcoming.

Those assuaging bandages never go anywhere and we know it, yet we each play that game on and off. But it does help a bit to share ourselves in this manner – to an extent.

We always eventually pull out of these dips, but waiting for circumstances to change is like expecting your containment cell sergeant to give you a break. Ain’t gonna happen. It’s more often than not a time to turn the dial to another station and operate accordingly.

The challenge is making the decision, and that gets into a world of personal, social and psycho-spiritual influences. Nevertheless it’s the same simple, basic decision.

Move on.


The Challenge

A lot is and will be coming at us in the time to come. Be armed, and aware. We’re each antennae picking up a myriad of signals from a wide variety of sources so this should not be a surprise to us, yet when it hits home personally it takes on another nature that isn’t that easy to shirk, never mind grasp at the time.

That’s understandable, and the nature of the game. Try not to internalize these confrontations as much as see them for what they are: outside attacks on the psycho-spiritual body testing our metal and resolute determination, something available to each of us that awaits drawing upon.

The battle we’re engaged in is one for our consciousness. This is why the would-be controllers work so hard at diverting our attention, to keep us from our true spiritual nature and mode of understanding. Information comes at us at an almost blinding speed and we need to be aware of the nature of this onslaught and selective as to what we tune into and give our attention as well as intention.

What Awaits Us

This won’t get any easier. Our fundamental fighting techniques need to be honed. The true spiritual warrior need only be equipped with dogged determination to get through, nothing more, although discernment sure helps and grows with time. The enclosing matrices of seeming impossibilities and insurmountable circumstances will always be there. They simply take on new disguises and play with a variety of emotional triggers.

Our vision beyond these creeping enclosures creates the way. It’s simply ours to follow it.

When we know the end from the beginning, which we do in our heart of hearts, there’s nothing to fear or seriously deter us. Sure we get waylaid and we’re fallible beings subject to many influences, but ultimately we have a very sure knowledge set in our hearts as to where we are going and in what mode we should be operating.

Trust that. Take the coming challenges with grace and patience, despite your reflexive nature. It’s not all that hard when we rise in conscious awareness. As we all find out, that’s not some ethereal catch all but a learned attitude of a true, sincere heart.

It comes with practice and sound determination.

Trust your heart and operate in simplicity. Let the static fall away as best you can. That’s all it is, distracting static.

You can do it. And know you’re not alone.

We’re all in this together – and overcoming!

See you on the front.

Love always,


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