
Sifting Through the Debris

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/20/2016 - 15:44

by Zen Gardner

I’m asking “where to now” in many contexts as this all transpires. Not just my own life that has been seriously derailed from its previous direction and that of my children now being put through this renewed societal abuse syndrome, but of the so-called truth community in general. That such vicious and unconscious reactive outbursts could be triggered by anyone telling their personal awakening story, no matter how sordid their past may appear and all the innuendo and assumptions that transpire, is remarkable to behold.

Yet the irony continues. People are examining the rubble of my past and insisting I’m still a part of that. Better yet, I’m a rocket ship that attained escape velocity out of the abusive matrix and jettisoned my earlier stages of my propelling device that crashed back down to earth. And people are fixated on that and totally forget about the rocket that used that as fuel, and all from a comfortable armchair of viewership.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/18/2016 - 18:50

by Iam Saums
Contributor, ZenGardner.com

“The greatest challenge in life isn’t that we survive, it is our choice to thrive.”

Who We Are:
We are eternal beings existing in infinite experiences beyond the perception of our imagination.  Our body, mind and heart are connected to our spirit and the universe through the multi-dimensional conduit of our intuition.  We are related with all possibility all the time with everyone and everything that was, is and will ever be.  We are an expansive illustration of all creation.  Our potential and resiliency is emulated and sustained by the nature that embodies us.  The power of our consciousness, inspiration, listening and presence is our common birthright.  Our personal transformation is the essential expression of our creativity.

Read more... (zengardner.com)

Being Our Experience

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/15/2016 - 04:00

Iam Saums
Contributor, ZenGardner.com

“Until we choose our own experience of life, we will never truly live.”

Common Thread:

There are over six billion unique interpretations of life in the three-dimensional construct we experience as reality.  Although human beings have the popular inclination to gravitate toward a common one to which we are bound, our true vision and nature is remarkably multiplicit.  We inevitably subject ourselves to inner and peripheral conditioning to toe the line of reality.  We become social echoes for an engineered existence that is distorted, elusive, obscure and unconscious.  Our desire for social amusement, comfort, identity, purpose and security significantly outweighs our quest to fulfill our being, creativity, destiny, love and truth.

Foundation of Illusion:

Grasping At Straws

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/22/2016 - 10:43

by Zen Gardner

It’s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calculated societal breakdown. Americans have historically had such guts and strength, while albeit pitiful little is left, as they direct their vestigial frustration in such futile directions in the throes of their certain demise.

So many have attached their grievances and hence hopes for change to this new set of puppet false promises it’s absolutely not just alarming, but seriously disturbing. The very nature of looking to others to change their circumstances, never mind via such obvious psychopathic, self-serving, self-appointed dupes and character actors, is just overwhelming.

The fundamental full-frontal reality that they seem hypnotically destined to participate in such an obviously manipulated environment truly boggles the mind.

The same can be said for the sleeping and compliant European population, but I don’t think it’s quite as vast as the American phenomenon we’re witnessing – but it’s getting closer. Either example, it’s clearly a pathetic display of uninformed ignorance and subservient compliance on a massive, disheartening scale.

When will people wake up to the obvious truth of what’s transpiring around them and realize their innate power of personal manifestation and all it would entail?

All 0f this is an ongoing and ever present challenge, but apparently part of the learning process we’re undergoing here.

Immaculate Conception – A Dark Side Deception

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/11/2016 - 08:42

by Julian Rose

Contributor, ZenGardner.com

…leading to the rise of the Crypto Male

One of the things that might have given sex a bad name here on planet Earth, was the supposed arrival of highly realized beings whose conception (we are informed) did not come about via an act of conjugation between a man and a woman. Nor, one presumes, via an act of in-vitro fertilization.

But by some other means. Something which, as in the case of The Virgin Mary, the bible calls ‘Immaculate Conception’.

Now the word ‘immaculate’ suggests something without a flaw; something pure and perfect. And if the pure and the perfect are directly associated with being ‘sex free’ then – right from the outset – the sexual act is somehow denigrated. Denigrated as being less than pure.

So, does this mean that making progress in spiritual development has been linked, directly or indirectly, with the notion of somehow needing to rise above and beyond the act of sexual union? Beyond the expression of the duality inherent in male and female? In Yin and Yang? And in the process, has duality, as the source of sexual attraction, itself been reduced to that which needs to be ‘overcome’ rather than celebrated?

These are big questions indeed, but vital one’s to get a handle on. Not to turn away from lest they should reveal the existence of some long lost truths capable of turning our accepted views up side down.

Israeli Security and False Flag Terror – A Remarkable Love Story

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 11:03

by Juan Matus

Guest Contributor, ZenGardner.com

If your elected officials were really serious in solving the so-called terror problem, they would not take away more of your freedoms and rights. No, the first and most logical action they would take is the immediate firing of the Israeli-owned company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) and take away their legal permits to do any more activity in the security branch.

ICTS has a unique record of consistent failure of managing the security, exactly the core element of their activities. In a normal world and during a real criminal investigation all current and past ICTS officials and employees would be obligated to cooperate in an in depth investigation into their work methods, especially during the numerous acts of “muslim terror” that are succeeding cum laude mainly due to the apparently NON security work methods of ICTS. Due to the miserable, shameful and suspicious performance of this shady enterprise run by security experts (failures), we were able to witness yet another astounding successful “terrorist attack” on the airport of Zaventem, Brussels. And as is usual during terror attacks, ICTS handles the security operations at Brussels airport, the scene of the latest bomb attack.

Awakening in Dystopia

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 20:27

by Zen Gardner

An awakening of consciousness causing huge paradigm shifts personally and in all aspects of society is clearly taking place. Whether it’s caused by the galactic alignment or the completion of epochal cycles or interplanetary intervention, or just the evolution of our species, it’s important for all of us to not fight this wonderful, empowering change.

We need to embrace it and grow with it and let our previous notions continue to fade away.

As so often is the case, personal awakenings come through changes–changes in our understanding, circumstances or personal experience that in turn affect our perception of the world around us and hence our interaction with it. And they will continue, in new and surprising ways.

I know for myself the economic downturn last decade, coupled with other forces of course, was one of the best turning points in my life, as I moved to where I wanted to be, got off the treadmill, did what I was meant to do, and stopped putting off my life and intended purpose by chasing the carrot of future security.

And everything has radically changed for the better in every aspect of my life since, as my consciousness and awareness grew exponentially.

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