This Is Our Realm

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:38

by Zen Gardner

This is an important point to remember. This is our current and very real realm of existence on this planet. Our home.  Contrary to what we’re being told, that we’re a curse on this planet, we’re supposed to be here. Many feel helpless, especially in times of confusion and spiritual distress, but they needn’t be. This is rightfully our world to peacefully dwell in, no matter what physical, spiritual or dimensional energies assail us.

This is something to take great comfort in, but it does require awareness and vigilance.

Number one, we need to be as fully awake and aware as possible. This is where true knowledge and education come in. People have usually helplessly relied on religions and belief systems for protection and the forms of so-called redemption they offer up. The giveaway as to the futility of that, unless there is a real faith involved that surpasses the dogma and hierarchy, is the disempowerment it carries for the individual. People cling in desperation to rituals from hail Marys and confessionals to repeated prayers into the unknown for their safety and security in the whirling energetics to which each of us are subjected.

Fundamentally, I’m (not) sorry to say, it is flawed to the bone. The challenge in this life is to come fully alive and activate in our fullest nature, something that isn’t taught and is in fact denied within this matrix of deceit that has been engineered by the very same forces they are inadvertently giving obeisance to and expecting help from.

It may appear to be the ultimate conundrum for a confused inhabitant of this world, but there’s no need for any confusion. The solutions are always simple. The challenge is to wake up fully as to who we are, then everything becomes clear.


The Battle for Our Souls Is Real

There’s no question life is a challenge, a school of learning if you will. Just as your very body is in constant warfare to maintain its health and well being by fighting off viruses and bad bacteria and the like, so our spirits are engaged in constant warfare. Everything in and around us attests to this.

Once we accept this condition and stop trying to escape it into some fantasy world of temporal false peace and seeming security, things become clear and a heck of a lot easier.

But that realization of our personal role in this comes with a price. It requires a change in lifestyle, an alteration of personal goals via a greater understanding of who we are and why we are here.

So If This Is A Battleground, What Is Our Defense?

It’s not outside of us, although there are helpful energies and even entities that do play a big part of this. It depends first and foremost on our personal spiritual state, our decisions and the resultant actions.

Religion plays on this aspect that our subconscious is aware of by channeling fearful, subservient humanity into all sorts of rigamarole designed to keep our full self awareness subdued. Just as they play on our innate knowledge that there is much more to life than meets the eye by claiming they have the portal to spiritual satisfaction, they mimic and subvert on many levels in order to keep our spirits quelled and minds entranced.

Remember, contrary to the religious meme, all of this has nothing to do with pleasing some kind of usurping archontic god figure. That is perhaps the biggest lie of all in the entrapping religious paradigm.

The fact is, you are your own self protection. By fully being who you are you will experience a form of protection that is absolutely wonderful. And if you need help at some point, it will be available to you. You’ll find out more about this as you more fully awaken. There’s much to learn but it won’t be handed to you. Part of your activation is to continually seek and find.


This Is Our Home – Enhance and Defend It By Fully Being You

This brings us straight back to the power of the awakening the planet is now undergoing. It’s the awakening of each individual self, soul and spirit to its true nature, its rightful place in the grand scheme of things. Its natural state is confident, courageous and compassionate, qualities denied by social and spiritual engineers alike.

And that is why it is denied. It flies in the face of everything the “dark” forces that seek to control us through ignorance and denial of truth represent.

This is not confined to just this planet, but being spiritual beings here within these physical bodies has very important significance. This is our current dimensional reality as long as we’re somewhat confined to these magnificent creations we live within. That makes this current world we’re inhabiting ours to nurture and protect in a sense, being so intrinsically connected to Gaia Sophia, our living planet, and part of this glorious play we’re each experiencing.

Ours is to each do our part, fully, which requires detachment from the illusory nature of lower dimensional thinking and perception. Our full nature is an intrinsic connectivity to all of the Universe, but especially this earthly realm which is ours to love, preserve and protect.

Seek and Find

Find your way through the maze, whatever you do. Better yet, transcend it. You will once the awakening stirs in your soul. If you haven’t yet, ask for it with a whole and pure heart.

It’s there for the asking. The thirsty heart will never be unquenched. And each one who awakens contributes to the energetic explosion that helps make it that much easier for others. Then assume your rightful place and take your stance, confidently.

There’s a glorious world waiting to be discovered by anyone willing to do so.

See you there.

Love always, Zen

*See also:

The Rightful Role of the Truth Warrior

Awakening the Conscious Warrior

Step Into the Role – An Esoteric Invitation

Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things


The post This Is Our Realm appeared first on Zen Gardner.


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