You are always completely supported by your divine Source.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/05/2016 - 09:06

The breakthrough leading to humanity’s awakening has occurred! The tipping point has been reached and the balance has now moved irreversibly in favor of your awakening. You have been waiting eons for this moment, the moment when the collective realizes that dissension, confrontation, and conflict will never resolve the issues that appear to divide you. You are all one, with differences in race, culture, creed, and skin color that are reason for celebration, not judgment. All sentient life forms, including humanity, are divine beings, children of God, created perfect, created in Love, and whom God honors as He honors Himself.

The animosity that has grown up over the eons between the various human races and creeds must end. It is insane to oppose and fight with your divine brothers and sisters. You only do this because you cannot see that you are all one. The illusion has spread a veil or a cloak of concealment between Reality, where you know you are One, and your seemingly separated human selves, where it appears that you are not. That veil or cloak is now dissolving as the Tsunami of Love bathes all those in conflict in Its irresistibly soothing balm.

Awareness of the futility of maintaining animosities between groups who are different in any way is growing exponentially, partially as a result of the vastly improved methods of communications that modern technology has made available to you all wherever you may be situated on the planet. You are seeing that differences of race, creed, color, or culture, in fact differences of any kind that you perceive are no reason for defining others as enemies as you mix and mingle with one another worldwide and discover that your desires and needs are almost identical. The Tsunami is bringing into your awareness the knowing that Love’s purpose is to unite you, and demonstrating, as races and creeds intermix and intermarry, that it truly works. By cooperating harmoniously together all of humanity’s needs, anywhere in the world, can easily be quickly and abundantly fulfilled.

Love is your nature, Love is infinitely abundant, and It is never in short supply. When you are not experiencing Love – peace, contentment, self-acceptance, and acceptance of what arises – it is because you have chosen to block or deny It. God is Love, in which all of creation is lovingly enfolded, but you are free, because Love never binds or demands, to close down your awareness of It. Why would you do this you may ask yourselves? Well, the illusion, which appears to be totally real to you as a human, and into which you were born, constantly provides experiences of separation, an unreal state, which are terrifying. Experiences that threaten your wellbeing and even your life.

So, over the eons, you have learnt that trust can be betrayed, and that when it is the results are frequently extremely painful. And, within the illusion, you have all at times had your trust betrayed, causing you extreme pain. Therefore you built defenses against one another, the masks you wear in public, in order to hide the gentleness and tenderness of your hearts, where your true nature dwells, and which seem so vulnerable.

But your vulnerability can only be used against you when you shut out Love. That must seem like a paradox, but many have, even in the most extreme circumstances, refused to be unloving and have discovered that their very vulnerability is an immense source of strength and through it have found peace within regardless of the circumstances without.

You are always completely supported by your divine Source in which you have your constant and eternal existence. You only have to take the first step toward being loving in every situation, toward opening your hearts in Love, for the strength you need to be true to your divine nature, even as a human within the illusion, to sweep through you, inspiring and uplifting you so that you know that you are Love, One with your Source, and that you can therefore deal with anything that arises. All you need do is trust in God, truly trust in the certain knowledge that all that befalls you is always in your own best interests.

If you resist what arises, and humans frequently do, if you fight the circumstances that appear to be against your best interests, any suffering you are undergoing will intensify. As humans you have been taught that it is essential to fight for your rights, but doing so is to continue to take part in the games within the illusion that have brought you so much suffering throughout the eons. This is a very difficult concept for you to accept, however, in desperation, because nothing else is working, many are now surrendering in the moment to what occurs and finding peace arising within them. It appears to be an extremely counterintuitive path to take, but it does work.

Just remember that you have only to take that first step and then the power of Heaven will uplift and empower you. Those who who take that first step, and do not then step back, are amazed at the transformation as they find themselves able to carry on against what, to others, appear to be insuperable odds. Truly God is with you in the most intimate and personal fashion in every moment of your eternal existence if you will only open your hearts to receive Him.

And how do you do that? By going daily to your holy inner sanctuary with the firm intent to open your hearts and allow God’s Love to refresh, strengthen, and inspire you.

With so very much love, Saul.


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