None of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 21:25

Your loving intentions are changing the world – MIGHTILY!  As you visit your favorite on-line news and spiritual web sites you are presented with enormous amounts of information confirming this.  All that is required of each of you is that you relax daily into your holy inner space, where the divine Light of Love burns constantly on your holy altars, and restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that is what is changing the world.

And of course you are not doing it on your own, the full power and might of God’s Will is added to your intent.  You cannot fail because God’s Will is always achieved, so let go of worry and anxiety, both are distractions from living, and you were created to live.  Instead, intend to deal successfully with whatever arises in the moment that it does so, and with the firmly held intent to be loving in every moment you will find you have whatever you need to deal with it.  Life can be very simple if you allow it to flow through you instead of focusing on certain moments and attempting to prolong or resist them.  There is only flow!  To be motionless is impossible.  When you sit quite still meditating all your bodily energy systems continue to function, and the life force – Love – continues to flow through you, and in your meditational state you are more likely to notice this constant and loving flow bringing you to a beautifully relaxed state of inner peace.

As you keep being informed, and I will reiterate it yet again:  “You, every human, every conscious entity that God creates (remember there is only the present moment) is perfect and infinitely loved.”  That state of being can never change, it is permanent, eternal.  Therefore remind yourselves constantly of this, until you accept the truth of it and find that you truly KNOW it!  Deep within you, you do know this, you have just temporarily forgotten it, and that is why we in the spiritual realms need to keep reminding you.  Release all your doubts about being worthy, good enough, or lovable, because you are infinitely and eternally worthy, good enough, and lovable.  In fact you are eternally and infinitely beyond worthy, beyond good enough, and beyond lovable, because you are most magnificent beings of brilliant Light, just as you were created.

Once you make the decision to accept yourselves unconditionally just as God does, and set the intent daily to honor total and unconditional acceptance of yourselves in every moment, you will very quickly find that you feel freer and happier than you have ever felt in your lives before.  You will cease to judge and disparage yourselves, and anxiety and self-doubt will just fall away.  Surely you can see that you owe it to yourselves to trust and believe in yourselves completely when God, in His infinite wisdom, does so for all eternity?

When you accept that you are perfect divine beings, then you automatically allow the divine field of Love to flow through you in every moment without restriction or resistance on your part, and the whole world is healed.  You incarnated to help with humanity’s awakening, and you do this by just being yourselves in every moment, because being yourselves you are Love in action, constantly, and that is precisely what the world needs.

One of the most difficult things for you to deal effectively with as you live as humans is the loss of memory of your true and eternal divine state at One with God living eternally in His loving Presence.  It leaves an enormous hole in your sense of identity, a hole you are constantly attempting to fill by seeking outside yourselves for the Love you no longer feel within.  As children you attempt to please your parents, then your teachers, as well as your peer group, and no matter how much love and acceptance you find, it is never enough.

You become adult, leave the parental home, find employment, enter relationships, set up your own home, and still something very important is missing.  It seems that others are content and you wonder what they have that you do not, but truly others are also feeling this lack, just as you are.  Very few will talk about it or admit their lack because all have come to believe the lack they feel is due to their own inadequacy or deficiency, and they are to a certain extent ashamed of themselves.  In fact the pain of that can be so intense that it is frequently denied, buried, and the underlying anxiety that causes often leads to addictions or even to suicide.

I am spelling this out because I want you to understand absolutely clearly that none of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid.  Everyone experiences them because they are major aspects of the separation scenario that you have been playing out for eons, they are what drive you so powerfully to achieve . . . anything!  You seek desperately without for what can only be found within – Love – and there you will find It in abundance.  Within there is no shortage or scarcity, there is only and always abundance.

Truly you have no needs, because when you were created God gave you everything!  You lack for nothing, but because you have identified so intensely and powerfully with your bodies – form instead of content – which do need your loving and compassionate attention, you have utterly forgotten your true nature, leading to your almost constant fear that something might go wrong.  Nothing can go wrong!  Whatever arises for you was placed on your path for the lessons that you chose to learn as a human before you incarnated.

God did not dump you thoughtlessly somewhere on Earth and leave you to make the best of it.  Nor did He place you in situations as punishment for your sins.  You are perfect beings, utterly sinless who chose to experience separation from Source and collectively built the environment in which you find yourselves for that sole reason.  You did not realize that you would completely forget your true nature, and it is through not knowing who you are that all your suffering arises.

However, the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God is with you in every moment to help you find your way Home, your way within.  Ask for help and you will receive it, but to hear the guidance that is offered it is essential that you quiet your minds that fill so easily with ego-driven thoughts designed to distract you.  Go within daily to that place of peace and beauty that holds your holy altar where the Flame of divine Love in which You and God are One reside, and rest there in quiet stillness until you can hear God’s Voice.  Feeling completely at peace within the depths of your infinite vastness is listening to the Voice for God and hearing It, and in that moment you will understand that you are never alone.

With so very much love, Saul.


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