Who you are is constant and unchanging.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/11/2017 - 15:43

Here in the spiritual we realms we continue to be in great joy as humanity’s awakening process accelerates and more and more humans start to become aware that something of major significance is happening in their individual lives and on Earth.  The energies enveloping the planet are strengthening and intensifying moment by moment, and you truly can have no idea of the affect that they are having everywhere – on nations, governments, religious organizations, multi-national corporations, political organizations, charitable organizations, indigenous peoples, military, police, intelligence agencies, and of course work places, families, and personal relationships – ENORMOUS changes are in progress right now!

AND, nearly everyone is feeling these amazing energies of change.  Most are confused, they think that there is something wrong with them and are afraid to mention it to anyone.  Therefore there are millions and millions of humans feeling these energies and who remain afraid to talk about them because they are sure they will be thought “weird” or “woo-woo.”  Consequently it is absolutely essential that you, the Light workers, the Light bearers, the Way-showers, and all who are aware that they are beginning to awaken, daily make and strengthen your intent to be only loving, and to be so in every moment.  Humanity and the planet needs the energy that you allow to flow through you, suffusing you utterly and completely as it goes on its way out into the wide world beyond you embracing and comforting all on Earth.

This is the time for which you incarnated, this is the time for awakening, and this is the time when it is going to happen.  REJOICE!!!

God so Loved the World that he gave His only begotten Son.” (John 3.16)  Well He/She is YOU!  This is your time of resurrection, your time of awakening, of ascension.  It was foretold in the Bible – old and new testaments – so do not bury your heads in the sand and say “this can’t be happening” or “I must be imagining this.”  What you are “imagining” is the illusory world, the one that will fade from your memories as you awaken into the Light of God’s eternal Presence and know yourselves at last as who you truly are, One forever with Source.  REJOICE!

God’s Love for all His progeny is limitless, and humanity has finally collectively chosen to open its collective Heart to allow that Love to pour in abundantly, and that is what It is doing.  You are all feeling It.  It is impossible not to feel It, nevertheless, you can choose not to recognize It for what It is and decide that you need medication or a psychotherapist to “cure” you of these weird and strange sensations.

They are strange because you have for so long been closed to them, choosing to engage only with the world outside yourselves, the unreal world that you rebuild in every moment to prevent its collapse.  As you open your individual hearts to align with your collective Heart and allow Love to flow through you freely and abundantly, as is It’s intent when you permit It to do so, you will experience the knowing that Love is everything and all doubts about It will dissolve.

Love is your nature, you are One with It, and when you allow yourselves to accept and honor this divine Truth your lives will change, the sensations of strangeness will become sensations of pure Love filling your hearts, and you will know yourselves once more.  Doubt and anxiety will fall away because they cannot be present in those who know their Truth as you will do if you will allow yourselves to do so.  Who you are is constant and unchanging, unlike within the illusion where you have different personas or masks for different situations and relationships, and to be fully aware of who you are is a divine gift from God to you, given you at the moment of your creation and forever unalterable.  How could what is One, what is God, ever change?

All that changes is the illusion, and it changes because it is illusory, which is a state of constant change, constant in the sense that is changing and being rebuilt in every moment by your collective intent to maintain it.  When the collective chooses no longer to support it it will be gone.

Those who choose to no longer be part of the collective will go with it to a new illusory arena where they can continue to play their painful games of unreality for as long as they wish, harming only themselves, and inserting into it themselves as a new and much smaller collective.  Those who make that choice, which is a choice to remain asleep, will be unaware of the enormous changes that are taking place, and will continue to experience conflict, pain, suffering, and fear until they too finally make the choice to awaken.

All will make that choice quite freely and easily when they decide that they are ready, because they have, like all conscious beings, free will and the inalienable right to sleep indefinitely or to wake up.  However indefinitely is not forever.  The illusion is completely dependent on your support to maintain it, and when the numbers in the new collective diminish sufficiently that illusory environment will also collapse.  The last few will just sleep on quietly until they finally feel the nudge to awaken, when they too will return Home.

No one is ever abandoned, lost, or discarded, every divine creation is eternal and will return into the joy of God’s divine embrace. There is no need whatsoever to concern yourselves about the fate of loved ones who appear to be completely unaware of Reality, no harm can befall them because, like all of you, they are eternally supported by God’s Love for them, and it is This that will lead them safely Home.  Remember there is nowhere else!

With so very much love, Saul.



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