Relax, allow Life to flow – you cannot stop It or change Its direction – and enjoy what arises.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 22:42

Love is not giving up on people!  There is only Love, as you all well know even if you choose not to acknowledge It, so to give up on It is to pretend that you are not alive, is to close your eyes and go to sleep thus refusing to acknowledge Reality.  That is what humanity has been doing for eons by loading itself with extremely negative self-judgments while it has been playing its games within the illusion that it constructed to experience separation.  The experience of separation was only meant to be momentary, and in truth it was, that unreal state was terminated but an instant after it was imagined into being.  But humanity, you, were captivated and fascinated by it, by being free to play with it and cause mayhem and confusion which were totally at odds with Reality, totally different from anything you had ever encountered, strange, exciting, and challenging.

But then you got lost in the dream you had made and were unable to find your way Home.  It was a little like entering a Halloween stage or movie set and finding yourselves in almost complete darkness, enveloped in clinging cobwebs as strange flying things brushed across your faces and pulled at your hair.  At first it was fun, but Creepy!  And then it appeared to become increasingly real, and you became terrified, you panicked and started attacking everything within reach.

And it is from that dismal and unhappy dream that you are in the process of waking up.  As you do so remnants of the dream, or more realistically the nightmare, flow through your consciousness as weird and unsettling sounds and images.  Do not dwell on them, they are merely unwanted egoic distractions, distractions from your awakening process, so just let them go.  You could think of them as your core issues – issues of pain and suffering from the past buried deeply within your psyche, unacknowledged or denied because they are so painful – that are breaking into your awareness so that you can release them and yourselves from the negative energies on which they feed.

Everyone is dealing with this ancient and buried stuff as part of the awakening process.  Holding onto the angers, bitterness, hatreds, and the resentments that they represent keeps you in the nightmare attempting to resolve them.  There is no need to resolve them, in fact they cannot be resolved, so just acknowledge them, forgive those you believe caused them, and yourselves, and let them go.  They will only stay with you if you continue to dwell on them – hold onto them while thinking about them and apportioning blame amongst those you believe responsible for your pain – after they have arisen to be released or dissipated.

Letting them go will bring you an enormous sense of relief, rather like when a police car, all lights and sirens blaring, appears behind you on the highway . . . and then passes rapidly by on its way to catch some other miscreant.  And that sense of relief will last because you will no longer be shouldering the burden, the weight of that ancient baggage.  Baggage you never needed but with which you chose to burden yourselves.

You are all the beloved children of God, and you are all in the process of awakening from the nightmare of separation and unreality which presents itself to each of you quite differently and independently because it is attempting to prove to each one of you that you are separate and alone.

If what you are experiencing is different from what everyone else is experiencing, and that certainly seems to be the case – obviously your experience is much more intense and painful than anyone else’s then there remains no doubt in your mind that you are a separate being.  And separate beings have to stand up and take care of themselves – look after # 1 – because no one else will or can, even your most dearly loved partners.  You are alone, and death proves that without a shadow of a doubt, because in the end everyone dies, there is no return from it.  And no one has returned to report about it.  It’s not a wonder that, collectively, you have chosen to awaken.

The good news is that you have unlimited resources to assist you in your awakening process – help on a grand scale – because as well as all of us in the spiritual realms who are watching over you in every moment, and answering your calls for help and guidance, everyone whom you meet and interact with in any way at all in your daily lives is on your path in that moment, and can and will help you if you are open to the Love that surrounds you all constantly.  In human terms it may not seem like help in the moment that it occurs, but when you reflect honestly afterwards you can see there was a lesson to be learnt to move you further along your Homeward path.

In every moment you are being helped if you choose to be open to it.  But frequently you entertain preconceived notions of how help should appear and fail to see the help that is there, because you are attempting to control life instead of accepting what arises.  Life always flows at Its own pace, you just need to accept that instead of trying to change it.  “Going with the flow” is a very wise and enlightened approach for humans to take, and when they do, and accept whatever arises, they find the flow is far less turbulent than when they try to direct it, because then there is less conflict and it is conflict that causes turbulence.

God is with you everywhere, in every moment, and He, the Source, Mother/Father/God, wants only for you be in joy.  When you surrender your will to His – in truth your will is aligned with His because you are One with Him – and accept what arises you will deal far more easily and effectively with whatever issues and problems do arise in your daily human lives.  You are always where you are meant to be because you designed a path to follow, with divine assistance, before you incarnated as a human.  To be apparently off your path or diverging from it are just the results of trying to direct life in the direction that you egoically think it is meant to be moving.

When you stop attempting to direct and control the flow of life and instead just allow it, you will find it far easier to deal with whatever arises for you because you will have far more energy, energy that previously you would have been using to change the unchangeable, and in the process exhausting yourselves both physically and emotionally.  Attempting to control the flow of life, even if you think it is “your,” life can never work because you remain almost completely unaware of the multitude of influences at work on it.  There is only One Life!  And that is God, Source, Mother/Father/God, of which every single conscious entity is an inseparable and essential part.

Relax, allow Life to flow – you cannot stop It or change Its direction – and enjoy what arises.  You can choose to enjoy It or you can choose to find fault with it; it is always your choice, and you have all experienced the vast difference in personal feelings and emotional responses that occur when choosing between finding fault with what arises or accepting and enjoying the moment that arises.

You cannot control the life flow, but you can control your choices and responses to it!  And those choices directly affect how you feel in the moment.  You are all very powerful beings, divine children, so use your power to bring you peace and joy.  When you do you directly affect everyone with whom you interact in that moment.  You have all also been aware at times of how your moods affect others in your vicinity.  So choose joy and watch it engage very positively with those around you!

With so very much love, Saul.


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