Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 08/01/2017 - 14:30
by April Bender via integrated Overself

Many times the things I speak of may seem complex, layered, paradoxical and perhaps even daunting in nature. For instance, I know our last exchange on the Re-unification of Worlds was full of this sort of multi-faceted, layered complexity. Many of you may have felt that it was a very tall order to fill and wondered where to even begin. Connect with my three aspects of self and align and integrate them, walk the three worlds, and learn to commune with all forms of life seen and unseen? 

However, I wish to assure you today that the first and most important step to actualizing any of the above goals, is to first revisit some of the most basic, foundational and inherent capacities or "powers" one has. For you see, they are so crucial that one should not stop at cultivation but continually sustain or employ their use as much as possible. Especially in regard to the collective movements/shifts waiting ahead. These capacities will serve one well in any situation and will assist one in achieving deeper states of connection with Self, Spirit, Soul and other forms of conscious life.

They are one's core superpowers so to speak, that everything else one does or practices is built upon. They are not new to most spiritual initiates but they do need to be regularly honed, attended to, and cultivated to be of the greatest service to oneself and the upliftment of the overall planetary experience. These are not things one simply learns once and then later on dismisses or becomes lazy with - somehow thinking they have moved passed them. Even if one is quite good at some of the following, it does not mean one should stop deepening into them - for they are the gifts that keep on giving and have EVERYTHING to do with how one manifests and perceives their experience on Earth and elsewhere. It's also important to note that these "powers'" are even more potent and effective when utilized together.

These superpowers include:


Intention is the shaper of worlds, perception and experience. In one's everyday experience they should ask themselves what are they intending/expecting will happen in any given situation or encounter? What is their intent in making the choice they are about to make or recently made? Be honest with oneself. What does that choice or situation symbolically represent? Love, unworthiness, joy, fear, etc.?

One's world, one's reality, reflects back to one what they intend and/or expect to see from the deepest parts of Self. This includes one's thoughts, feelings, beliefs and therefore intentions around everything - objects, people/relationships, ideas, environments, creativity, etc...for it all plays into how one shapes, experiences, and interacts with reality. (See "Is Life but a Dream?" post.) If one is unhappy with their current state of reality consider the following quote:

“if we focus on what's ugly, we attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions, and ultimately into our lives”

             -Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way

When one becomes disciplined in being more intentional in their thoughts, everything else (emotions, actions, etc.) including their outer experience then follows. People, other forms of consciousness, and morphogenic fields feel and respond to that intent as well, as it is carried around in one's energy field, pulling all those things around one's intent toward one. If one wants to form deeper relationships with other forms of life or aspects of Self, one should start by intending it. And then be prepared to follow the inner promptings/intuition, opportunities, and synchronicities that arrive to support and guide one. This is one heck of a superpower or capacity to have at one's disposal!

Unfortunately however, this super power does not work well on its own, it needs attention, awareness, heart, belief and imagination to go with it so that one doesn't miss out on those very opportunities, inner messages, synchronicities, or stepping stones the Universe lays out before one to lead them to the fulfillment of their intent, expectation, creation, or temporary destination.


To give something attention is to give it power and life. What are you focusing your attention on in any given moment? What one focuses on, one becomes increasingly aware of and begins to think and create an intent about. Therefore, the more one focuses on something, the more apt they are to pull it into their experience in some way, whether consciously or unconsciously. 

For example if one's attention is constantly fixed on the future and one's worries/concerns residing there, one will increasingly think more and more about the future, they'll then become emotive about it, and form intentions, expectations or judgments around it which will soon begin to manifest within their experience as a feeling of anxiety, worry, and powerlessness. Likewise if their attention is constantly trained in the past..their thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions will then follow suit and will eventually manifest into their reality, causing many to relive pain and suffering that is no longer necessary to their experience.

It is best to train one's attention upon the present moment. For All That Is , exists within any given present moment. Not in the past and not in the future, for one is gone and the other yet to come. So one should be attentive or "tend to" what is happening in any given moment. The more one practices and deepens into this capacity the more sensitive they will become to the more subtle movements and workings of life both within and all around oneself (seen and unseen). This is the moment when attention begins to shift into awareness, as many of you know.

Once honed, this superpower is much like hyper hearing, seeing, knowing and feeling all at once. For it develops into a super sense of sorts. Eventually, one can become aware of all things around them, all at once, at multiple levels and then begin to play with extending that out to non-local destinations.

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