You can even live in a war zone and be at peace.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/22/2017 - 22:30

Humanity is on a roll!  You already know that because I have told you before, but I very much want to reemphasize this point.  Enormous changes are happening right now, as you read or listen to this, all across the planet.  And I am not talking about the political, seismic, or weather events that are well reported on by most of the media, but about spiritual events that are having a very powerful effect on all of humanity in preparation for the awakening.

You must trust in the divine plan and hold your Light on high, as you have been doing, but please further intensify your intent to be only loving in every situation.  As you well know, “Love changes everything,” just as the song says, but you have to engage with It, walk your talk, and be the Love that is your true nature.

Decide now to bypass your egos and your emotional reactions, and approach every interaction with another, no matter who it may be, with Love, and only Love.  You can do it, easily, if you choose to do so, but many are so accustomed to operating from or through their egos that when they come out of their inner space where they have been meditating, relaxing in the field of divine Love, or praying, they simply fall back into their normal ego-driven mode of living.

Make the attitudes and behaviors that you embrace and engage with when you go within, to your holy inner altar or sanctuary, the ones from which you operate in daily life.  Be aware!  Then you will be able to hold your emotional or egoic reactions to people or situations in check before they express themselves through you, allowing you instead to respond lovingly in every now moment.  Your egos may well suggest that you are being weak, ineffectual, and impractical, but deep within yourselves you know that this is not the case.  And you will see that what you are doing is extremely effective.

You have all been following your spiritual paths, reading and listening to spiritual messages, and attending webinars and workshops in order to develop spiritually.  Now you need to put what you have learned into practice every day in your daily lives.  Treat everyone lovingly, there is no room here to make exceptions.  This does not mean discarding your own intuitive knowing in order to maintain the peace.  It means that you operate lovingly from who you truly are – Love – letting go of judgment or the need to defend yourselves, and being at peace no matter how others may behave.  You cease to react!

Conflict arises from judgment and reactions to it, and it never resolves the issue that has been judged or the reaction to that judgment.  If you want to live in peace you can only do so by being peaceful.  There is no other option.  Peacefulness is part of your true nature, but when you collectively chose to experience separation from Source you also chose to accept conflict into your lives.  You make choices about conflict in every moment of your human existence – either to engage in conflict or to refrain from conflict.  You can even live in a war zone and be at peace, while lovingly assisting those who are injured and in pain.  It is always your choice.

There appears to be an enormous amount of ongoing conflict on your beautiful planet at present, and there is.  You can ignore it, engage with it – physically by being present and taking part, or emotionally by judging the sides involved as right or wrong and choosing which one to support in arguments and discussions – or lovingly understand that those involved in any way whatever are themselves in great pain and are crying out for Love.  Conflict is always a cry for Love coupled with a refusal to accept It when It is offered.  Those engaged in conflict have an intense need to be right, and to judge their enemies as evil and undeserving of any rights or mercy, because what they perceive in those enemies are merely reflections of their own denied and intense self-hatred.

As you well know, from your spiritual readings and practices, those who refuse to withdraw from conflict or to offer their enemies a chance to withdraw, are themselves in great fear – expressed violently as justified anger.  They want only Love, but are unable to trust that It will be given them if they open their hearts to receive It, believing themselves unworthy of It.  What one believes is what one experiences, so if someone is unable to trust, that someone will not find trust, and this will only confirm his or her belief that people are untrustworthy.

Humanity has endured eons of conflict, with all the pain and suffering it causes, while trying to prove that the various nations, ethnicities, cultures, and political and religious creeds that they support and believe in are right, while those of the ones with whom they are in conflict are wrong.  What is now happening in many places on Earth is that many are deciding to trust in order to try to establish a state of peace, whether in personal relationships or in international ones, because they can finally see very clearly that nothing else works.

This is a major turning point in your history.  Collectively you are choosing to reject conflict and find peace through open and nonjudgmental discussion.  This is occurring at the grass roots level of society in many nations across the planet.  Your so called leaders and the media have yet to catch up with this ongoing sea change in attitudes and behaviors.  Soon they will realize that their conflict rhetoric is completely unappealing to those they would rule and control, and their influence and power will dissipate as new leaders appear to replace the rhetoric of fear and violence with meaningful and powerful ideas that will enable serene and harmonious discussion to take place.  Discussion that will honor all involved without judging or disparaging anyone.

Everyone should and will be heard, and should have their opinions respected whether or not they are agreed with.  In these new types of discussion it is essential that while people’s personal beliefs are not disparaged they should also not be allowed to derail the discussions due to a person’s inflexibility and refusal to see the bigger picture.  As I have remarked before, fixed beliefs lead to conflict, however, everybody has some inflexible beliefs, often so deeply ingrained that they are unaware of them until they are called on them.  This arises either from unawareness or from the unthinking “we have always done it this way” attitude, and it does make bringing essential changes about very difficult.

If all would acknowledge that they do indeed have some inflexible or deeply held beliefs and then agree to look at them creatively without any need to defend them or be ashamed of them, discussions of issues and problems that need resolution would be far more productive.  All want peace, but until now peace has been sought “on my terms,” whatever those may be, and that can never work because it dishonors and disrespects the other.

As you well know, you, humanity, are all One.  Therefore to engage in any kind of conflict, either verbal or physical with anyone, is an attack on oneself, and that is clearly insane.  This is what is beginning to be recognized in many areas of the world, and that is why these spiritual events are occurring.  Be part of them by choosing to be only loving wherever you are and in whatever situations you find yourselves, and by so doing help enormously in humanity’s awakening process.  That is why you chose to be on Earth in human form at this moment.  Go within, ask for spiritual guidance from whomever in the spiritual realms you feel most comfortable calling upon, and then act upon it, knowing, as you most certainly do deep within yourselves, that this is the task for which you so lovingly and willingly volunteered when you chose to incarnate.  Then feel the deep inner peace that envelops you as you do just this.

With so very much love, Saul.


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