The vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/29/2017 - 19:27

All humans on Earth at this time of enormous change are here to help with the awakening, yes ALL humans.  There is not just a special group of Light workers and Light holders who are horribly overworked as they assist in the awakening process.  No, ALL of humanity is involved, and no one is special, because ALL are special simply because they are ALL the beloved and absolutely perfect children of God, even though their attitudes and behaviors while in human form may well seem totally at odds with Love, with Mother/Father/God.

As we have so often pointed out, the vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose, the purpose with which they incarnated.  Nevertheless, like those of you reading this and similar messages, they too are here to assist in the awakening process.  EVERYONE is involved, because EVERYONE is ONE!

One of the main reasons that you need to release all judgment of others is because you cannot possibly know their circumstances, their chosen life paths, and therefore you are in no position to pass judgment.  Only God and the soul involved has that knowledge, the soul has forgotten it, and God never judges!

What you ALL incarnated to do was to love one another, and even those of you who hold that intent most of the time are still unable to completely let go of that judgmental aspect when some one’s words, behaviors, or activities horrifies you because they are so obviously in complete misalignment with Love.  But that is the human condition.  You have ALL denied Love and engaged in bitterness and hatred.  As Jesus said so long ago – or, in truth, but a moment ago – “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

As humans you mostly are unworthy, except that unworthiness is an utterly unreal aspect of the illusion.  All are the beloved children of God, and therefore to be unworthy is impossible!  Unfortunately some consider themselves to be sinless when they live in seeming righteousness, and use that belief in their own sinlessness to justify their righteous judgment of those who they see as unworthy.

Within the game you are playing there is much behavior that truly is despicable, BUT you are all just actors in a drama that you invented, and when the play ends you will revert to your true selves, beings of infinite Love, just like your heavenly Father.

Focus on this divine truth: “I am a being of infinite Love, like unto my heavenly Father.”  With that thought in mind allow yourselves to know it.  Then reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises.  Whenever doubt or fear arises, no matter what appears to cause it, immediately reset that intent, and, of course, make sure to reset it at least once daily, preferably when you go within to your holy inner sanctuary where the flame of divine Love, the Love that is YOU, burns constantly.

When you do you receive enormous help from those in the spiritual realms – your guides, mentors, and loved ones – those with whom you made agreements, before you incarnated, to mutually support each other.  You have, as it were, one foot in the illusion playing the game, while the rest of You resides eternally in God’s Presence, therefore You are never alone!  When in doubt, in need, or in fear, call immediately on us for support, we are always there for you.

As there is only One, and as each of you is an aspect of that One, and as that One is Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, then you are always and eternally connected to the infinite Power that is All That Is.  That Power is yours, open your hearts to It, accept It, and then create with It in your own lives as humans the Truth, the Good, and the Beauty that you all are as you hold your Light on high for all to see.  You do that by consciously choosing to be loving in every moment no matter what arises.  In doing that you are You, the beloved child of God, instead of an actor in the ongoing drama that is the illusion.

By doing this you complete the task you set yourselves before incarnating: To be a brilliant Light shining on Earth to assist all to awaken into the Truth that they are indeed One with God.

With so very much love, Saul.


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