You will be enraptured and enchanted to recognize yourselves just as you truly are.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/11/2017 - 09:51

Humanity is most definitely awakening, there are powerful signs of this everywhere, “for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear!”  Allow your intuition to guide your web searches for evidence and you may well be greatly surprised by what you find.  The collective intent to awaken – your individual intentions joined together and greatly amplified – will be achieved because that is the divine plan, your plan.

Yes, you have been hearing and reading messages like this for what seems a very long time indeed, and the reason for this is because we, here in the spiritual realms, are being constantly called on for uplifting and inspiring messages about the awakening from so many of you.  We are your holy support team, and we are always fully awake to hear and respond to your calls.  We agreed to this before you incarnated so that you would know that you would never be left alone to work things out on your own, for as individual humans, seemingly disconnected from Source, that just would not be possible.  You need constant guidance and mentoring, and we provide it 24/7.  Of course frequently you choose not to listen because the distractions of the illusion are so alluring and demanding, capturing your full attention as you lead your daily lives, often fearfully and in great anxiety.

If you would listen to us those fears and anxieties would diminish as our peace and love flowed through you and out through your energy fields to meld with and influence those of all the other people with whom you interact.  When you are peaceful and loving those with whom you are interacting – physically in person, or by thought or emotionally – do feel the love that you are sharing and extending, even if they remain unaware of its source.  As we have told you so often, your individual energy fields affect the whole of God’s divine creation, spreading peace, joy, love, and harmony, or – while you are in human form and choose otherwise – anxiety, anger, resentment, and fear.  So make sure to engage with your Real nature so that you are sharing and extending only Love.

You are always extending and sharing Love, but when you engage with fear, and all its varied manifestations, it causes a mist or fog to arise that dims your true nature, and the Love that it is, so that you and others are hardly cognisant of it.  Remember, the illusion is where you are playing a game of separation, and fear and its various aspects and manifestations are promoters and intensifiers of that sense of aloneness, or even complete abandonment.

Now, because the collective decision to awaken has been made, it is essential that you focus very powerfully on engaging with your true nature, your divine nature, Love.  It has lain hidden and forgotten within you as you have played out the game of separation.  But, by constantly holding the intention to be loving in every moment, you will allow and encourage the brilliant Light of your Love to shine forth clearly, bathing all in Its loving embrace.  This is why you incarnated, and now is the moment for you to become fully aware of the amazing task you have set yourselves, and in that awareness, to fulfill it.

You are all one, and your natural state is one of harmonious cooperation with yourself in all of your individual human forms which, when you are cooperating lovingly and harmoniously, create Heaven on Earth.  To come together as one within the illusion, which is what the collective now intends, will transform it into the most beautiful, uplifting, and inspiring dream, where all your wants and desires can instantly be made manifest for each individual human, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, color, race, or creed.  You are one, and when you acknowledge that and live it, then there is no poverty, conflict, jealousy, resentment, bitterness, or sense of being a victim, because all, through the one, are utterly and most joyfully satisfied.

Your brilliant creative abilities then come fully on line, allowing you – as someone so aptly put it – “to follow your bliss.”  And you will, while experiencing the most amazing sense of joyous fulfillment.  You are enormously, in fact infinitely creative, just like your heavenly Father, because He created you to delight and wonder in the creative talents and abilities that He breathed into you at the moment of your creation, which are in every way as brilliant as His.

Discover your Real Self.  Do so by going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides permanently, and open your hearts to receive the magnificent gifts It has to offer you.  Then you will find yourselves “walking on air” as you feel Love embracing and supporting you in every moment as is Its sole intent.  You were created from Love, for Love, and when that realization dawns on you, as it will, you will be enraptured and enchanted to recognize yourselves just as you truly are.  You will finally understand and experience what it means to be a perfect child of God.

With so very much love, Saul.


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