Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With This Situation
The situation that’s concerning you can improve with Archangel Michael’s help. This card serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to get the angels involved, and their assistance will improve everything immediately . . . including giving you inner peace, new ideas, and insights. Michael will help you in ingenious and unexpected ways, so be open to miracles that take on surprising forms.
Possible specific meanings:
- Know that you’re powerful—you’re not a victim
- Release any blame for yourself or others
- Focus upon solutions, not problems
- Allow other people to help you
- Keep an open mind to alternative solutions
Dear Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times.
A Special Message From Archangel Michael to You:
The situation I would like to assist you with today involves helping you to increase financial flow. The best way to achieving financial flow is to relieve yourself of the burdens of the egoic mind. The worry and stress which the ego creates in its uncertainty and lack of trust in the divine intervention which is already on its way for you, serves naught except to cause you distress. In order for you to receive effortlessly all the abundance which is already flowing towards you, allow me to help clear the way for you to receiving it by staying centered in your heart. Thereby you will receive financial flow a lot sooner than you think, and you will enjoy inner peace at the time.
~ I AM Archangel Michael
Thank you Michael!
From our ONE Heart to yours,
~ Deborah Faith
Note: You may share this message with our blessing. We ask only that you include a link back to our website :
Thank you!