A message from the Galactic Federation of Light ~ 10/3/12 We are Here to Help~

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sat, 03/10/2012 - 05:58


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


Photo of Cloud Ships Will Harader


There is nothing new to report at this time, the Dark Cabal are continuing to be rounded up.


Keep an eye on your News programmes to see for yourself that these occurrences are actually taking place.

However, we would just like to make clear something that has recently been brought to our attention. There seems to be quite a bit of dispute between the inhabitants of Earth who have awakened feeling that they are here to undertake their missions by themselves with no outside assistance, and those who are welcoming our offer of help and support.


Yes, you all signed contracts agreeing to come to Earth to assist with the Earths ascension to the 5th dimension, but it was always a role of assisting. We would not send you all to Earth, unawakened and unaware, and expect you all to just fend for yourselves.


We have always been here, watching and waiting, assisting when we have been asked, as we have never been allowed to just intervene without your prior consent. It would have been a violation of the Law of Free Will if we had done so. But we cannot understand why there is now so much contention amongst yourselves, as to accepting our assistance with this astronomical task that is before you all.

Is it a feeling of pride, that prevents you from admitting that you need our assistance? Or perhaps the feeling that you were sent here for a reason, so are meant to undertake this mission on your own?

There was never a question of you undertaking this mission alone - the purpose of sites like the one this channel is posting on is to bring you all together. This mission is based on unity, teamwork and co-operation.


As you ascend into the higher realms you will see how foreign the concept of working alone is to us, as we have group consciousness in the higher dimensions. We can read each others thoughts, and know no different than to assist and give our support wherever and whenever it is needed. This is why we are here.


You all need to rise above the limiting 3rd dimensional mindsets that have enslaved you for so long and remember that you are not in fact 3rd dimensional beings - you are higher dimensional beings who were placed on a 3rd dimensional planet. It is not who you are - merely where you are. And the sooner you all remember this and remember who you are and why you are here, this mission will be completed that so much more rapidly.

We do not feel at all limited with our requirements of assisting each other. It is who we are and why we are here, so we ask you to stop looking at us as entities who are trying to interfere and take your roles away from you, and just accept that we are all one and the same - brothers and sisters - here for the same purpose. Here to see the successful ascension of the Earth and all her inhabitants to the 5th dimension.


So swallow your 3D 'pride', awaken to who you really are, and let us all work together to see this mission through to its completion.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

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