Collective Pulse Report: The Three Waves of Global Transformation

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 07/15/2018 - 16:16

by April Bender via Integrated Overself

It's been awhile since our last channeled forecast (Embracing Shadow: The Rise of the Collective Unconscious) but today I wish to update you on the current energetics and primary forces at play upon your world in the hopes that this information generates deeper understanding and insight within those consciously participating with the ongoing ascension and/or re-enchantment process here on Earth.

Energetics by and large within the collective, as well as the individual (as above/so below), continue to converge in three major waves of transformation: 1) revelation; 2) reclamation and; 3) healing and integration. . . all leading to greater heights of awareness, wholeness, and upliftment. Ultimately changing the very fabric of reality, the overall experience of Earth, and humanity's place within it.


At times it may seem as if the sheer size, power, and force of any one of these waves may crash over, inundate and carry one away in it's murky depths. However I wish to assure you that with the right perspective, understanding, and guidance, one can learn to harness and ride these waves or work proactively with these processes, instead of feeling that they are purely at the mercy of them. So let us examine these waves more closely:


noun - 

1. a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic wa
2. the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.

As part of Earth's ascension process, a great deal of what has been residing within the collective unconscious has begun to make its way into conscious awareness on a global scale. This is due in large part to those light-workers and spiritual way-showers who have successfully anchored a great deal more light and awareness on this planet through their own spiritual and healing practices, transformative processes, creative endeavors, as well as their ways of being in the world (living as an example). And to be clear, there are many souls from many different traditions as well as forms of consciousness (seen and unseen), that are actively working toward and lending their energies to the ascension/re-enchantment of the world.

Humanity is now at a point where many of its key dysfunctions and critical areas in need of healing are being reflected back to itself in very dramatic and dynamic ways. While many of these areas and issues have already taken root in humanity's awareness such as human rights, earth/sustainability practices, and the need for greater acceptance and inclusion, what is being highlighted at this time are what you would call greater "systemic failures." And this will continue to be a major focus of revelatory experience in the months and years ahead.

If one imagines the neural network of the higher collective mind (that which we aspire to and is waking up and becoming conscious), you would see very small individual points of light representing every illuminated or awakened soul (or consciousness) on earth. You would also see very fine lines of connection, like a web, running to and between these individual points of light. You would also notice that in certain intersections of this neural web of light there would be bright pulsating nodal points, where many points of connection intersect or converge for a moment, before flowing back out in smaller streams or lines along this web.

These bright pulsating nodal points could be considered as "collective centers of exchange and agreement." From these nodal points, patterns of light/information are communicated or pulsated out to the rest of the web or collective higher mind (and those other minds/systems connected to it). This information contains your patterns of collective belief, resonance, and ways of being, responding, and interpreting each other, nature, and the larger world or to put simply, collective "archetypes." These naturally flow into and inform the creation of your outer "systems," among many other collective agreements and manifestations of such. This is why the ancients for example, understood the power of collective myth in shaping societies.

Continue reading at April's Airings

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