Note #3-BUSHIDO-The Way of the Galactic Warrior - Uncle Joe

Submitted by grailheart magi on Sun, 03/11/2012 - 17:32


Dearest Earth Friends,


Glad to be back with you... 

Now, this may be a little dry as it is said, but vastly important to know and to practice daily... 

First I want to honor the Japanese for allowing me their Code... which for a long time has been respected bythem  as - unuttered and unwritten... When something is so sacred words hardly touch the value of the cause.  


Bushido is not an ancient term, yet most identifies with that of chivalry and the Knights of the Round Table.


Simply put, it is a total way of living life... and one we are always striving for in community living among the stars.


Can you imagine a way of life so sacred not to be spoken?  


I want to quickly cover what "sacred" means. Seems like the word for today on the internet is "vibration".  Sacredness is a vibration. A freqeuency... nothing hairy fairy that is nebulous.  It is very specific and has nothing to do with religion. Sacred is the frequency of immortality. What I mean by that is YOU  can vibrate (and be tested on a monitor) at an immortal rate.  This is VERY important to understand.  Now,the question is what makes you vibrate in sacredness??  (Your scientists who enjoy and love the universe say the vibration is between 0 and 20 Hz.)  


So now I ask Star to present the Codes of Bushido:



Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people (and star beings!) Believe in justice. Not from others, but from yourself. To the true Galactic Warrior there are no shades of gray in the question of honesty and justice. There is only right and wrong.



A Galactic Warrior has no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their strength. A Galactic Warrior is courteous even to his enemies. Without this show of respect we are nothing more than animals.



Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A Galactic Warrior must have heroic courage.  It is absolutely risky. It is dangerous. It is living life completely, fully, wonderrfully. Heroic courage is not blind.  It is intelligent and strong.



A true Galactic Warrior has only one judge of honor and that is Himself. Decisions you make and how these decisions are carriet out are a reflection of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.



Through intense training the Galactic Warrior becomes quick and strong. He is not like other men. He develops a power that must be used for the good of All. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, he goes out of his way to find one.



When a Galactic Warrior has said he will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop him from completing what he has said he will do. He does not have to "give his word". He does not have to promise.  Speaking and doing are the same action. He never gives excuses.



To the Galactic Warrior havinbg done some "thing" or said some "thing" he knows he owns that "thing".  He is responsible for it and all the consequences that follow.  A Galactic Warrior is immensely loyal to those in his care. To those he is responsible for he remains fiercely true.



Make your life sacred now and as we welcome you with opened arms....


I think I should explain a little more why sacredness is so important to ascension... it is a misunderstanding that once one ascends (living as light) he would not be pulled back to the lower frequencies.  My friends, we want you to stay with us in the higher realms. We honor your choice, first and always.    AND, you can do this work.... you can.... it is who you originally were... all you have to do is remember.


Enjoy your practice... create harmony and truthfulness as you rehearse... then laugh at it all!

I feel you have questions about situations in life and how to bring forth the Code... I will be happy to convey how we handle "problems" on our craft.


Much love, Uncle Joe above the Winds of Change


Quicky Note #3: BUSHIDO


Honored to be of Service,

grailheart (Star)



Mon, 03/12/2012 - 15:31

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Dearest Grailheart ~


Thank you for your encouraging words ~ I truly hope in my heart that I have in fact made a positive difference.  It gets so difficult and at times I feel inadequate.  But I know for sure that I have an infinite supply of Love in my Heart to give! 


Of course, I would love to share here, but I'm not sure where to start.  What did you have in mind?



With Love,


Dear Brave Heart Jinjugai,


Your dance is already beautiful!  You may start with your blog pages... FatherMotherGod will take care of the rest.  


Simply share your experience and whatever is important to you... or just?  


Thank you so much for your love, trust and willingness!  Your loving ways are delightful to feel!


Honored to be of Service,



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