Revelations & Workshop Feedback

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 02/24/2019 - 03:56

The World is Your Oyster!

Dear Readers,

Where to begin? It’s taken me an entire week to finally sit down and record this feedback on our last workshop held together, which was on Monday the 18th. One of our attendees said for her it was the most powerful so far! And so it has been. The energetic shifts can’t all happen within the allotted time of the live workshop, and therefore are felt over a period of time as integration takes place within our morphogenic field.

Our morphogenic field is a basically a field of resonance that we are in the process of co-creating in every moment. What we put into it, is what we get out of it. It creates our reality, our living experience. It is impersonal, meaning it gives us the reality of our choosing. The Point of Power attunement which we received during the worskhop, helps to establish a field of higher resonance, and Daniela’s inner journey exercise helps to uncover and clear all that we no longer wished to continue to (auto) create.

It is the nature of humanity to exist outside of the parameters of their Point of Power and are subjecting themselves to the power of their limited sub-conscious mind rather than the higher limitless mind of their inner divinity – the super-consciousness or supra-consciousness. This shift is not an easy one to make, but I believe it is achievable when we apply ourselves to making this change. Change is something the sub-conscious mind is afraid of, and its tendency is to sometimes re-establish the very programs we are wanting to erase, in order to protect us. But however subtle the shifts we allow ourselves to make, each tiny step makes a huge difference in our reality. Added to that our persistence and dedication to the making the shift eventually brings about greater and greater rewards.  So, as I’m always hearing my guides telling me, persistence pays! Eventually the sub-conscious mind will “get the message”, when it understands we don’t need its protection any longer because we are comfortable making the shift into a much more exciting and rewarding co-creative experience.

The gift of the group sessions is to bring about a powerful energetic shift not only for ourselves, but for the greater good. As a group consciousness we affect everything around us and this can be likened to the domino effect. This energy remains encoded into the recordings and so when you listen to them, you will receive the full benefit, whether you attended the live workshop or not. We encourage you to listen to them as much as possible until you feel the shift taking place in your outer reality. To purchase the recordings, please click here.

The so called ‘multi-layered onion peeling’ effect isn’t always true for certain behavior patterns experienced, because it is more of a rewiring of the neural pathways in our brain and sub-conscious mind that has to take place rather than a releasing.

Like when I trained to become a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner 25 years ago, we used the rewiring technique to change my behavior from being a smoker to being a non-smoker. This shift took place within the space of 15 mins, and I have never had the desire to smoke another cigarette ever again. Another interesting fact is I’ve never had the cravings most people report having when giving up this habit.

If this is testimony to the power of the sub-conscious mind, imagine then the power of the supra-conscious mind!

We are so very grateful to continue doing these workshops with you each month! We look forward to greater and greater shifts taking place.

What else is possible? The world is your oyster beloveds!

We love you and leave you with our absolute blessing!

Deborah Faith

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Purchase the AUDIO RECORDINGS of this Workshop - 17 EURO'S


Deborah Faith

USUI Diamond Light Reiki Healer & Master Teacher, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist and Intuitive, Messenger for the Realms of Spirit., Teacher, Mentor and so much more...

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