Love is all powerful, nothing can defeat It.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 09:11

With the illusory world apparently in chaos it is very unsettling for you all to be constantly made aware of the enormous suffering that is occurring and which it seems you cannot personally ease in any way at all.  You can pray for those suffering, you can send charitable donations to appropriate organizations that offer assistance, you can call on your politicians to address the situation with ultimate compassion, yet despite all of this the suffering continues seemingly with no solution anywhere to be seen.

The illusion, being intended to separate you from God, cannot but cause suffering.  You all, without exception, desperately want to be unconditionally loved.  To be unconditionally loved by God is your natural and eternal state of existence, and to be separated from that state is terrifying, humiliating, and very painful.  Of course you have never been separated from God as you well know because God is All That Exists.  But your choice eons ago – but in Reality only a moment ago – to separate yourself from God could only cause you pain even though it is an unreal state, because your immense power enabled you to build something imaginary that seems utterly real to you.

20 Signs You’re Caught up In the Matrix

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 09:07

Morpheus: “You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” –The Matrix

Whether you are aware of it or not, many in the West are born, grow, and die a slave to the Matrix. The 1999 movie of the same name starring Keanu Reeves questions what is real and what is simulated reality. While purely a fictitious work by the Wachowskis brothers, the movie touches on themes which challenge the current model of society and points to the problem of indoctrination and a lack of awareness amongst the populace. In search of answers, the mild-mannered Neo, a computer programmer, meets Morpheus, who tries to explain the Matrix. On entering the room Morpheus asks Neo, “Do you want to know what it is?” He explains…

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work. or you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. – The Matrix

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Superbrain Yoga: 3 Minutes That Maximize Brain Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:58

A baby is born into the world with around 100 billion brain cells (neurons), give or take a few million. The brain is so important to the human species that four weeks after conception, an embryo produces half a million neurons every minute. In fully developed humans, a complex system of 300 million neurons connects the brain’s right and left sides, but they are so minuscule that 30,000 of them can fit on a pinhead.

To make the most of one’s brain, it needs to be exercised and nurtured, just like every other muscle of the human body. Synapses – points of the brain connections – have to be created and conserved for the brain to stay alert and healthy throughout adulthood. How can a parent ensure their child’s development is constantly improving during school? What could a parent of a learning disabled child do to help them develop?

One option is Superbrain Yoga. This simple squat exercise offers benefits not just for young students, but also adults seeking brain wellness into their senior years and patients with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Down Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, or other development challenges and cognitive delays seeking normalcy and cures.

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How to Live in the Flow of Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:45

by Frank M. Wanderer| On the ordinary days of our life, you work, educate your children, have some fun, build and sustain connections with others, that is, you live an ordinary life. The question is, whether you are mindful during all these things, or you just perform these activities mechanically, automatically.

What is the evidence for me that you are not mindful? First, that you are not present. To be present means that you are fully alert, attentive, and conscious in the present moment. Whatever you do, you do that fully consciously, you focus your entire attention on that particular activity. Or, do you feel free to declare that you are present in every moment of your life?

You are careless most of the time, as a large segment of your attention is bound by dealing with events of your thoughts, events of past and plans for future and your own self. Psychological time therefore displaces the moment of the present, or subordinates it to past or future.

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How to Start Eating Mindfully

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:41

“Whenever we eat or drink, we can engage all our senses in the eating and drinking experience. Eating and drinking like this, we not only feed our bodies and safeguard our physical health but also nurture our feelings, our mind, and our consciousness.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Imagine this: you are about to eat your favorite dish – pasta in spinach sauce for me – and you take the first bite. Now try doing this – after the first bite, place the fork back down and begin to savor the different flavors in the pasta. Chew slowly, don’t talk and tune in to the flavor of the spinach, for example, the aroma of the different herbs present in your pasta.

Repeat this for the course of the meal and you will experience a deeper connection with your body and the food you eat. This practice is known as ‘Mindful Eating,’ a concept with its roots in Buddhist teachings, helps us become conscious of what you consume and when to consume and not just eating mindlessly to beat stress.

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Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:32

By Dane Wigington
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

While the mainstream science community is still pretending climate engineering is only a proposal, the total decimation being inflicted on what is left of our environment from the ongoing geoengineering programs is mounting at blinding speed. Mainstream media also parrots the official narrative of climate engineering denial and the majority of the population is all too willing to accept the lies, in spite of the expanding mountain of data to the contrary.

Geoengineering is among the most destructive activities ever unleashed by the human race against the natural world. Though the list of horrific consequences directly related to climate engineering is long and growing rapidly, the total disruption of the hydrological cycle is one of the most visible effects. As reservoirs empty out and drought sets in, in many regions around the globe, record forest fires are close behind.

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Embodying Our True Authentic Self in The Love Hologram

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:27

By Melissa Joy Jonsson

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

To be seen (and to see ourselves) exactly as we are, Perfectly Imperfect; limitless beings experiencing apparent limitation, is what enables all of us to realize we are not broken. We are wholly and fully already com- plete.

To be seen as we are, by self, or through the lens of another, lets light in and lets light out. To be seen as we truly are, Perfectly Imperfect, is to experience an abiding connection with our True Authentic Self — a connection that transforms all that we are in relation to, that which is … everything.

Meet Field 108. Perfectly Imperfect. True Authentic Self. Wholeness. Completion. Authenticity.

Field 108 is you in relation to the heart field, universal consciousness, and its infinite potential, in relation to that which is already whole, perfect, complete, and limitless, despite having experiences that may appear otherwise. Field 108 is Authenticity.

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The Problem with Having a Spiritual Teacher (It Might Not be What You Think!)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 08:24

By Lynn Newman
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Twenty years ago I set myself on a spiritual path. I needed guidance. I wanted someone to help me to heal. After all, I didn’t know how to do it for myself.

Powerful teachers and healers appeared in my life because I was ready to finally stop the patterns I repeated that held me prisoner. Those teachers who showed up were magic. They manifested to meet me exactly where I was. They offered me wisdom. They challenged me. They blew my mind figuratively and spiritually.

I decided I also wanted some education. I was a good therapist, but I felt something was missing. So, I got two Masters Degrees; one in spiritual psychology and one in counseling psychology and became a therapist.

After ten years of devoting myself to teachings, school, workshops and journeys, I felt an urge to find my own spiritual or healing experiences not dependent on someone else. There was something empowering about this. I went (among other things) to sit on a mountain. I meditated with the intention to create my own spiritual experience.

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