Stop Squirming And Dig!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/30/2020 - 22:41

As you proceed with your clearing process, you may meet with some very deep reluctance within.

“I don’t need to do this, I’m fine.”

“I’ve gone deep enough, I’ll stop here.”

“What are you talking about?  I’m as clear as I need to be.”

Whether you are working with The Universe on your own or with someone else, the human mind may come up with a myriad of reasons to stop, leave things as they are or refuse the work altogether.  Now is the perfect time to put an end to your squirming! (Smiling) Get down to business and get rid of what is holding you back.  The Universe believes in and wants the best for you! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday March 30, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/30/2020 - 22:40

It is through the stripping away of distractions you become clear on what is working for you or not. There is nothing like a sense of deprivation to give you clarity on what it is you need and enjoy!

That is one of the many gifts of the phase you are in – the opportunity to explore who you are and what matches you today in preparation of re-entering the world in new and empowered ways.

You might think of it as stepping out onto a brand new timeline. In preparation of that, you are currently creating the foundation that supports that platform to launch from. Based on your greater clarity and awareness, what is the prevalent energy of that platform? What do you need to give yourself, right now, to make that new phase fully possible and sustainable?

You don’t need to know all the answers moving forward, just the predominant energies you wish to lead with and explore for the next phase of your incarnation. The unfoldment will take care of the rest when the time is right. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

You Are Blessed

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/29/2020 - 22:01

My dear one, you may sink into fear on occasion.  If you do, let The Universe show you the good things you have in your life, let it be the quiet comfort and solid strength you need.  Know that The Universe knows exactly what you need and gives it without reservation.  Believe that you are one of Creator’s pure/open channels of Divinity…know you are blessed. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 29, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/29/2020 - 22:01

When you are in a sustained space of quiet, your self awareness has an opportunity to expand. This is wonderful for those who have been lost in the cycle of busyness and haven’t been able to connect with those more subtle energies.

For those of you who are already empathic, this can create a feeling of even greater energetic sensitivity. Remember, by connecting with your own light and allowing it to simply shine, you become the bringer of energy, not the catcher of energy. You can thank any energy you do feel that is not yours for showing up for informational purposes, but you do not need to attach to it.

For all of you, heightened sensitivities may take a moment to get used to but we wish for you to know that you are all energetic masters, and you will adjust very quickly, much like those who move into higher and higher altitudes acclimatize to their new surroundings. Your bodies know exactly what to do to anchor into your new energetic states.

Being intuitive begins with being self aware. This is a grand time for self exploration and connecting within, with much fruit to bear from it all. Greater awareness leads to greater sensitivity, which leads to greater mindfulness and empathy, which will serve you all well as the world reemerges from the global reset you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Once And For All

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 23:32

The Universe would like to know how you have been spending your time; has it been used to frantically reach out to others, or have you come face to face with yourself?  You have been given an unprecedented opportunity to truly meet, dig into and release things that have been holding you back for years.  You can spend this time dodging and ignoring them, or you can work on letting them go once and for all.  The choice has always been yours, my dearest child. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 28, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 23:32

Dear Ones, the reactions to the times you are in are vast and varied due to people’s personal histories both past life and current life, conditioning, and level of embodiment.

Telling people to not feel what they are feeling will only exacerbate their discomfort, for it will only add to their resistance. Telling people it is essential to stay out of fear will make them feel even more disempowered and afraid if their current response is fear.

So if you or people you love are having the very normal reaction of fear, acknowledge it. The gift of fear is it is notifying you of something so you can keep yourself safe.

A helpful practice, once you have acknowledged the fear is to look around you in your now moment and assess your safety. The vast majority of the time you are safe in your now moment. What is working in your present moment? What can you be thankful for in your immediate surroundings? What can you be thankful for within your own body?

Next connect with your inner wise one. Within every one of you there is a guiding force, your own divine essence, that always knows how to move you forward. When you drop into your innate wisdom, you will feel calmer and more balanced.

If you are having trouble connecting to your inner wise one, go back to assessing your immediate environment. Breathe. What can you do that makes you feel safest? What can you do that you can be non-resistant to?

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