The divine welcome awaiting you all will instantly dissolve all your fears, anxieties, pain, and suffering.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/18/2019 - 22:21

Enormous changes are occurring worldwide as an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process.  This moment in your spiritual evolution was planned at the same moment that you chose to construct a dream environment in which to engage in the game of separation.  Having been gifted by God with all His Power, Wisdom, and Intelligence at the moment of your creation, in order that you would be One with Him in eternal joy, you chose to build an unreal dream world in which to play with your divine gifts in the way that human children often choose to imagine a world in which they are free from the oversight of their parents, until they need food, or sleep, or reassurance.  At that point they immediately demand their parents’ undivided attention!

That is the state that humanity has now arrived at, and more and more of you are seeking to know and be at One with your heavenly Father.  It is this very large increase in the numbers of you seeking divine reassurance that is propelling you forwards, through the awakening process, towards the moment of awakening into full conscious awareness of the fact that you have never been separated from that, your natural state.

A Valuable Skill

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/18/2019 - 22:20

Regardless of how long you have been walking your path, it is good to stop, look around and give yourself a few moments to take in your Earth plane as it is now. Rest…take some time for yourself and maybe a snapshot or two. When the world is truly at peace, you can use these moments as a teaching tool for future generations. Learning how to let go of the old to move forward will always be a valuable skill. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday August 18, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/18/2019 - 22:20

Dear Ones, not embracing who you really are out of fear of falling into ego is a denial of self. There is a big difference between the bluster of the ego and the authenticity of simply showing up in your beingness and truth, for one seeks to separate while the other honours everyone involved. You, through your awareness, will always have the wisdom to know the difference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Way Of Becoming…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/17/2019 - 15:50

Very soon, you will begin to see yourself with different eyes.  The subtle shift from what you thought you were to who you are will begin to emerge, showing you facets of  yourself you did not know existed.  Nuances of who you will become will start slowly and become stronger as the days of this shift unfold before you.  Embrace this person just as you have embraced the inner child, the wounded self in need of healing, the bright star you are now.  Introductions may be necessary (Smiling); take it as slowly or as quickly as you like.  This is the way of becoming. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday August 17, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/17/2019 - 15:50

If you have wounds or an experience you are having trouble healing beyond, what if you observed it much as you would a past life? Can you take an observational viewpoint that allows you to acknowledge the entirety of the experience, the purpose, and ultimately the gifts of expansion it offered you? Can you honour that past you by embracing it and giving it the love, acknowledgement, and healing guidance it needs to evolve beyond that space once and for all? Can you wrap a blanket of peace over the entire situation from a space of wholeness and allow any limiting beliefs or carry overs to dissolve as you embrace the fullness of who you are today in the Now moment?

Ultimately all past experiences, whether they are from earlier in this incarnation, or from a pastlife, can be treated similarly, as they are not existing in your present moment. It is through your own inner wise one that you can nurture and guide any aspect of self back into the full potential of the present, which is where you access your truth and empowerment. Taking the same observational view as you would a pastlife and applying it any current life issues you are seeking to heal can be very helpful in allowing you to fully explore the experience, be your own loving healer, embrace any gifts it may have offered you, and leave the rest behind as it has served its purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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