Daily Message ~ Saturday March 16, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/16/2019 - 23:22

If you see your discomfort as being punished or forsaken by the universe, you will always be in resistance to it, which will only create more discomfort. The more you see things from the viewpoint of victim consciousness, the more you will continue to stay in the discomfort of that illusion.

The more you can embrace the idea that you are in a process of evolution, one that your soul not only chooses every single day but is beyond excited to experience, the more you can stay in the energies of acceptance, which is exactly what allows you to shift and move forward with the most comfort and ease possible.

As with all great births, some discomfort comes with your emergence into a new, expanded expression of physical form. Your acceptance (deciding to go with the waves rather than fight against them) is the soothing balm that assists those rebirths and celebrates the miraculous shifts that are occurring.

Dear Ones, these are glorious times. You are shifting and evolving at a faster, more efficient rate than ever before. These are the times your soul has been waiting with bated breath to experience. The new energies flooding your planet will open many doors of discovery, both individually and collectively. Your evolution, along with the presence of higher vibrating energies, is what will allow you to explore your own sovereignty, and embrace it, like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

It Is Time…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/15/2019 - 22:55

Children of change…you are being given an opportunity to participate in the greatest shift humankind has ever experienced.  It may appear as if the ‘darkness’ is gathering strength when, in fact, you are witnessing it’s death throes.  When something has had control for as long as it has, it will struggle and squirm, fight and claw to stay alive.  There is no need to wish, manifest or rage it gone because it is already dying.  Now is the time to use your tremendous power, light and Unconditional Love to further this change.  That is why you are here, dearest one! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday March 15, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/15/2019 - 22:55

One of the most common questions we get asked is, “Do I have a blockage?” We would like to explore this today.

The most common ways you participate in creating blockages (which really is just constricting or slowing your own flow) is through the following: Fear. Doubt. Not including yourself in your own love and care. Micro-managing. Negative self talk. Focusing on what you do not want. Lack of trust. Not being willing to receive.

So if you feel you may be experiencing some kind of blockage, it would be wise to examine this list and ask if you are actively participating in any of those activities. How do you move forward if you have been engaging in any of the above?  The first step is becoming aware of any old habits that do not serve you. Next, forgive yourself! Now that you are looking at it from a much more empowered space, change can occur.

Using the tool of surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust allows you to enter into forward movement without second-guessing yourself because if there is something you need to address it will naturally come into your awareness. You will be able to deal with it quickly because you are actively using the support of your team and then move above it and beyond it once and for all.

Picking Your Battles

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/14/2019 - 22:37

When you say you have had enough and The Universe responses with, “Oh, this is just the beginning!”, you may want to sit down, face in hands and cry.  That, my love, is a perfectly acceptable response to the recent ‘goings on”.  The one thing you must remember through all of it is this – expression of emotion (whatever it is) is a good thing.  Getting stuck in that emotion and letting it control your existence is counter-productive.  You have the power, skill and knowledge to change anything in your life.  It may be a matter of picking your battles, however, that ability is there.  When are you going to allow yourself to put it to good use? ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday March 14, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/14/2019 - 22:37

Dear Ones, you cannot micro-manage and create at the same time for the simple reason that control is constraint, while creation is expansion.  So how do you have a feeling of having some semblance of control while embracing creation? By understanding that gratitude is the steering wheel of the flow and your most powerful feedback tool for the universe, and your focus is your blessing of continuation. That, coupled with surrendering into your highest intentions, is how you move into empowered co-creation, the system that can actually lead you where you wish to go and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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