Daily Message ~ Monday November 5, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 22:03

Many of you are poised to move into great change in your lives and expect to move directly from where you are to your end result. Depending on how big of a change of circumstance you are intending to create, the vibrational leap may be too large to do all in one step. That is where stepping stones come in.

You may very well start to notice small changes coming into your awareness that aren’t your end goal. These are blessings from the flow of unfoldment, designed to move you forward in a way that is far more comfortable for you. Please see these for what they are! Do not say no to them for they will serve a great purpose along the way.

Dear Ones, please know the unfoldment is designed with your success and comfort in mind. Have faith in the flow. Trust. Know big changes happen one Now moment at a time. Embrace that big transformational change can happen all at once but more often than not your transformation comes in incremental steps. It is all wonderful, and all part of supportive movement that will make perfect sense when you look back on it in retrospect. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The Grace of Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 22:03

God said:

Beloved, someday life will be simpler when you speak more from the depth and height of the speech when you Godwrite without the necessity of the touchstone of surface speech. Speech, as it is known on Earth, is made of many gradations. Let's have simple uncluttered speech deeper than the way the world tosses off speech.

What Is This?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/04/2018 - 09:31

People are going to think what they think, do what they do and keep their dearest and/or most devastating thoughts to themselves until they feel safe enough to express. The most obvious and the most missed key to all of it; there is nothing you, as an individual, can do about it. It is a part of letting those you care for the most walk their own path in their own way. That, dear child, is Unconditional Love. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Sunday November 4, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/04/2018 - 09:31

Too much busyness leads to distraction. Distraction leads to dismissiveness. Dismissiveness is one of the most common causes of emotional wounding.

Have you filled your life with so much that it is difficult to be fully present, both with yourself and with those you love? Your presence allows you to feel connection, empathy, acceptance, and to be a safe person for others to come to with their feelings. The overabundance of busyness has resulted in, and perpetuates, separation.

It is not a race, Dear Ones, to see how much can be done in a day. There is a glorification of busyness that has happened in modern society which has resulted in people losing themselves in all the distractions. It is time to come back Home to yourselves.

We urge you to make time for yourselves, and to rearrange your lives into more balanced creations that are far more manageable. Tend to yourselves. Create space that allows for connection, both with Source and your loved ones. Give yourself permission to slow down, for your presence is your beauty and your greatest gift, for it allows the love that you are to shine and that is what the entire world craves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/04/2018 - 09:30

God said:

Beloved, kindly turn the tide of your attention to what gives you joy and also gives joy to the world. Keep in mind what gives you joy. Pull the shades up this morning. Lift up the world. Arise.

All the wrongs in the world are for you to let go of. All of them. The sun rises, and so do you. What is that old song about what is the use of worrying and keeping that old kit bag? Today is the day to let go of the past. No kit bags for you, for there is no use in carrying them whatsoever. Be a good news bear!

Every day the sun rises. Rise with the sun. Something glorious is going on in the world. And just so are you to rise. Have a clarion call for joy.

Unlike Any Other

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/03/2018 - 17:56

In your world some have been attempting to feed fear and use vulnerability as a ‘weapon’.  The Universe is here to tell you, this is not how things works. (Smiling)  It is imperative to remember you have the power to change it if you so choose because you possess two of the most powerful gifts ever; your honesty and integrity!  Honesty helps you see through/past fear into what will be and integrity will assist you in staying your path. You are unlike anyone that has ever existed before, you have a purpose and you are loved beyond measure. ~ Creator


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