It Was An Accident!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/24/2018 - 09:18

There is an interesting side effect to this most recent wave of the shift and you may have noticed it…’accidental manifestation’. (Smiling) Wonderful things you may have thought about years ago are suddenly coming to fruition in very unexpected ways.  You have finally worked on and cleared enough to leave room for these things to arrive in ways that surprise and amaze you!

This is also The Universe’s way of reminding you of your true power. (Winking) If ‘accidental’ manifestation can happen, imagine what will now occur if you truly set your intention on conscious manifestation?!  Dear ones, have some fun with this…give thanks for the gifts that are arriving now and look forward with a joyful heart to the ones that have yet to come. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday May 24, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/24/2018 - 07:59

Many of you start moving along quite nicely into your next grand adventure but the second you get into those new energies, start to doubt the choices you have made and whether you have arrived in the right place.

The first thing we wish to tell you is if you have made choices based on what felt right to you, you are in the right place. You are simply in a space of energetic adjustment.

Arriving in a new place and then immediately doubting it is much like taking a flight to a new location, landing, and then deciding not to bother exploring what it has to offer and judging the entire experience on the airport itself.

Trust that if you are making decisions by listening to your heart you will never make a mistake. You will land in a new energetic space that will support you in your next beautiful expression of self. Be willing to be open to where you are and allow the unfoldment to lead you to all the wonder it has in store for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

What Is the Meaning of This Life You Seemingly Live Anyway?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/24/2018 - 07:58

God said:

Beloved, your current life may seem like a roller coaster ride to you, riding at break-neck speed with bright lights flashing, ya know, like somewhere you might go to on a Saturday night for entertainment. Nor does your life have to seem straight-laced either.

Take life in your stride, not make too much of life nor slough life off as if it were only entertainment either. Life is here to stay – the one and only you have at this moment, so to speak.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/23/2018 - 13:18

Dear ones, along with this current wave of receiving energy, clarity will also be coming your way.  This is the time to ask for whatever you have been needing to see more intricately.  Whether it be about relationships, work, personal issues or your place in the world…all you have to do is ask and you will receive whatever you need.  Oh, there it is again!  The receiving! (Smiling) Do not be dismayed at what may pass from your existence.  Sometimes, a releasing is needed for clarity and growth. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 23, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/23/2018 - 08:33

There will be times when your creations come together with great grace and ease. There will be other times when they will not seem as effortless, and will readjust often as they take on form. One is not better than the other. You can embrace the less smooth experience if you understand that the adjustments are simply the manifestation process playing out in a way you can see rather than behind the scenes. It is tangible unfoldment. Both are the universe lovingly serving you and your desires. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Did you know for the month of May if you make a donation of any amount you will be entered in a draw on June 1 to win a free hour long private channeled reading valued at $140? Your donations help us be able to continue to provide daily channeled content for free. If you love Gabriel’s messages and feel guided to, you can click the donate button at the top of the page to donate to via PayPal or if you are in Canada you can interac e-transfer to and make the answer to the secret question gabriel. Good luck! :) no purchase necessary

The Courtyard of Heaven from Which You Arise

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/23/2018 - 08:31

God said:

Beloved, I summon you. Each day I summon you to the Courtyard of Heaven from which you arose. Too often, you think of yourself as on your way to Heaven. This is true. Remember also, that from Heaven you have come. From Heaven, yes, and to Heaven you return. It is a pitfall to believe you were ever thrown out of Heaven.

Never, not in one heartbeat, were you ever thrown out. Now it is time for you to see differently. May I remind you that where I come from, there is always and forever room for you – for you who are the Light of My Heart. Inn is a metaphor, anyway. Heaven goes beyond any inn. In truth, no one rents a room in Heaven by the night or week. Heaven is your birthplace and your permanent Home – Our permanent Home of Oneness. You are definitely not an interloper in Heaven. You are a native of Heaven, for you and I are One. In Heaven I abide, and you abide in Heaven with Me as One. With Me is where you belong – nowhere else.

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