We wish to reiterate part of yesterday’s transmission (Feb 7, 2018) as we feel it deserves greater focus. We stated, “We want you to understand your level of monetary abundance is an alignment that you have created. It is not dependant upon any job or circumstance, it is your level of energetic allowing. It goes with you everywhere you go.”
Trying, forcing, efforting, or any other means of control, is not going to create alignment, Dear Ones, as all those tactics are often driven by feelings of separation, fear, and disempowerment. Moving into alignment and allowing is being willing to flow and accept.
Trying so hard is unlikely to get you where you wish to go, because trying hard indicates struggle. Ease is a necessary part of creation for it confidently moves with the natural flow of the universe. It may be helpful to ask yourself if you are trying or if you are flowing.
You have never needed to anything to prove your worthiness. You are part of the whole, and as such, have access to everything within the whole. The old system of having to work hard before you deserve anything is a faulty belief system and is ready for release.
So if you are struggling with your own abundance, we ask you to explore how well you accept and allow. If someone compliments you, do you gracefully receive that compliment or do you downplay it? If someone offers to help you, do you gratefully receive the help or do you tell them you’re ok on your own?