Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 19, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 11:38

Dear Ones, sometimes you will experience an obstacle that was unexpected. We understand this can be very frustrating for you! What we want you to know is that if you come upon a blockage it is because the energy is being rerouted for you for your highest good.

Sometimes it is simply about timing. The timing is not right or fully supportive of that energetic path, so you experience delays. It may be that more things need to come together, behind the scenes if you will, for the highest result, which will always be worth waiting for. It may be that there is a completely different road that is much better for you, that will lead you to much more satisfying experiences. It may be that staying put for the moment gives you an opportunity to develop skills and traits that will serve you in the future.

You may know why things unfolded the way they did in time, or you may never know. But what we want to impress upon you is that you are being lovingly guided, always. The universe is always leading you to your next soul desired experience and seeking to bring you your best energetic matches that allow your growth and expansion. It is acceptance and surrendering into the unfoldment of the flow with faith and trust that will allow you to redirect with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible into your next highest experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Back To Center

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 10:00

When things are at their most challenging, your faith may be swayed.  The Universe realizes that you may not always feel supported, loved or particularly cared for and that is okay!  A part of being human is learning that no matter how far you drift from your center, you can always get back there.  It may be tough to stay positive when it feels like the world is falling down around your ears, but it is possible!  Trust in your connection; it is always there and ready for you to use at any time! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday December 18, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 23:37

A reminder for you, Dear Ones. If the energies are making you uncomfortable – if you are feeling overwhelmed, raw, exhausted, confused, or any other discomfort, you can ask for our assistance.

A simple request such as, “Please adjust my energy so I can feel more comfortable.” “Please help me shift and integrate these energies with grace and ease.” “Please wrap me up in your love and support”, or any other wording that feels right to you, is all that is required.

By asking for help two very important things happen. The first is you give us permission to help you. The second is you surrender into receiving the help that is available to you. It is never bothering us as it is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you.

You do not need to do it all on your own! Clear and simple communication, to both your loved ones and your unseen helpers, is key to staying in your truth and authenticity and honouring what your needs are. We are all in this remarkable shift together – you as the amazing ground crew and us as your forever willing and loving supports. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

What Do You Think You Must Atone For?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 23:03

God said:

Sometimes you seek the ultimate of yourself. No matter how fine you are, tomorrow you want more of yourself. In this way, you are never satisfied.

The cry of More! More! may be asking too much of yourself. You may whip yourself to a frenzy. You may not let up on yourself. You may ask too much of yourself. You may not love yourself enough -- or why would you keep berating yourself? What do you think it is that you must atone for?

I teach forgiveness, yes? No, I don’t even teach you forgiveness, for what do you think you have to be forgiven for? If you have been a scoundrel in a previous Life, so you have been a scoundrel. That was then, and this is now.

Be good to yourself. How can you be beautiful to others when you frown so at yourself? Love yourself first, and then others will be drawn to your Love.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 14:00

This a time of inward reflection, to look at what you are choosing to release and a resting before the activity of Spring. In honor of this wondrous time, you are invited to participate in a ‘deep cleaning’ in preparation for the New Year!


If you are interested in changing the things you haven’t been able to change, in need of help with your relationship, assistance in releasing self-sabotage/destructive patterns or guidance in choosing the most productive path for your life, it is time for a ThetaHealing session!


From now until December 31st, it is a pleasure to offer all sessions at a reduced rate!


$60 for an hour

$35 for a half hour

$25 for a two question e-mail reading

You can book now, book now and schedule for a later date or gift a session to a friend. Printable gift certificates are available upon request.

Space will fill quickly so book early!

Please contact me here or at jenniferfarley1@hotmail.com.



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 12:00

There will be times when your very presence will trigger some of those around you.  It is very, very important for you to release the need to take any of it personally.  People on your Earth plane will deal with things in their own time and own ways.  Rather than responding with a ‘knee jerk reaction; step back, look at the situation and imagine yourself as the other person.  How are they viewing the moment at hand?  Are they being what you perceive as reasonable?  Is a reaction to their action really important?  Empathy is the key!
It has been said before and needs to be said again; each of you carries a spark of The Divine within you.  If you are unable to see eye to eye with a person, find that spark and send Unconditional Love.  Remember, you are all in this shift together. (Smiling) ~ Creator


Why Am I Here?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 11:12

God said:

Because time does not exist, there is no hurry. Therefore, there is no urgency, no emergency, no rush. There is nothing depending upon anything. In terms of Life in the World, there is no depending upon a whole lot anyway. So where does your sense of urgency and breathlessness come from? It comes from your attention on depending upon certain conditions.

You intend your rented sense of urgency as a condition to bring you what you want. I too want Life to bring you what you want. At the same non-time, I don’t desire you to insist upon Life the way you exhort it, for it is the have-to that entraps you. Free yourself from your attachments, and you free your Life. Sometimes you want to tie Life hand and foot. You want to make Life your slave. No, you are not to entrap Life, do you see what I mean? Do you get it now?

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