Daily Message ~ Saturday December 2, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/02/2017 - 15:19

Dear Ones, as you continue along your enlightenment journey and understand that the process is about stepping into your authentic power and coming home to your own divine mastery, the way you help people will change.

Rather than repeatedly rescuing others, or telling them what to do, you will begin encouraging others to step into their own power and mastery by connecting with their own truth and wisdom. You will honour their decisions and choices as completely capable souls that are experts on their own path. You will know when to step forward to help if they ask for assistance and need an extra hand, but as soon as they can find their own balance you will release them to their own capable care. You will encourage them to make decisions based on what feels right and empowered for them.

This will profoundly shift the way you interact with others, as well as how you parent, teach, and inspire others. This will help create healthier connection because you will be a safe person to connect with due to your unconditional love, encouragement, and acceptance. This will support healthier boundaries and growth for all. Because you are no longer interfering or enabling, resentments will heal. What is accepted as love will shift into much healthier expressions of caring and support.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/02/2017 - 10:00

During the next few weeks and months, there will be outside sources (some very close to you) attempting to tell you how you should feel, act, behave and respond to the changes coming in now.  Some will attempt to minimize your feelings or tell you ‘it’s no big deal”.  Some will say your physical appearance is not what it should be, the decisions you make are wrong or that you need things you have no use for.  This commentary is an effort to make you question and second-guess yourself and your life.
Remember, darling one, you know what is best for you!  If you become overwhelmed with the constant input of negativity directed at you, take some time and listen to your heart.  Find that quiet voice within and hear what it has to say!  The Universe has a very distinct signature…you will know it when you hear/feel it.  There, in that voice, you will find your direction and the path you need to be on in this moment.  It is possible, and it can be done.  Have faith in The Universe, it has faith in you. ~ Creator


The Beloveds of My Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 18:00

God said:

In Life, upon what do you depend? Everyone and everything? Or, worse, nothing at all? A pittance? Loneliness? Regret? Sense of Isolation? Abandonment? Fear?

What is this Peace and Balance in the world you seek? From where and whence do you manifest the Desirable? How is it that you attract the fearsome to you? How is it that you consider fear and let it enter your Life? Let fear be in a shambles, not you, not My Child Whom I hold in Innermost Love.

No longer attach yourself dependently here, there, and everywhere. You gulp, for you may see yourself as a fragile leaf blown about in the wind, seemingly without solidity -- hapless, rootless. How reckless-seeming is the surface of Life when, all the while, you are deeply rooted in the Blessedness of the Universe. Know your Blessedness. It is yours.

Daily Message ~ Friday December 1, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 10:08

Dear Ones, do you give yourself permission to be honest with yourself about what your true preferences are? What is working in your life for you? What is not?

Allowing yourself to be aware of something you do not care for is not being ungrateful or spoiled. Did you parents insist you not be true to your own feelings for just this reason? Were you conditioned not to acknowledge your true likes and dislikes in order to not displease others?

You are the expert on you. You are on the planet to create and add to the mosaic of the whole through your own unique interests and preferences. In order to do so, you must get in touch with how you really feel!

If something is not your match you are not bad or ungrateful. It is just not for you. You can simply take forward what is working for you and leave the rest behind. It is simply about energetic sorting. Your focus and gratitude indicates what you would like to continue. The rest you can simply say, “It’s not for me” and move on without making it, or yourself, be bad or wrong.

Your experiences always have a starting point and you get to adjust them along the way. If you understand that what wasn’t working for you gave you the clarity on how to proceed, you can allow yourself to move forward without guilt into the creation of an even better match, knowing that to do so is both your divine right and your contribution to the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Waves Of Change

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 07:00

The waves of change are now upon you!  They have been gathering and gaining speed like swells in the ocean.  What started out as a ripple has grown, become larger and more powerful the closer it moves towards your shore.  However, rather than crashing onto your ‘beach’, you can control how this new experience arrives.  It can be gentle and soft, fast and furious or it can feel as if just appears to fill your inner space with tremendous light.  Just as it has always been with free will, you choose…you choose…you choose! ~ Creator


Come to the Sanctity of Green Pastures

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/30/2017 - 23:04

God said:

Once upon a time, a world was born. So far as you have been aware, you are a passing fancy, currently active. No one knows your deadline. You must know this isn’t the story I tell. I know you firsthand. I know firsthand that you always existed. There is no day you were not. You are as Eternal as I am. You and I have ever been living in Infinity as One. Never were you not. Furthermore, you are far greater than you ever conceived yourself to be. You’re definitely not a new kid on the block.

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