There Is Something Good Here

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 19:16

God said:

Everything changes, and yet nothing changes. Oh, yes, momentarily, every moment Life and change proceed. There is constant change that changes nothing. There are the seasons. The seasons do their thing, yet, inevitably, another season pops up, and here you are again.

Leaves on trees change all over the place. A leaf buds and grows green. A flower blossoms. The leaves change color. The leaves are covered with snow. The leaves are dormant. The leaves start all over again. These are no surprises, and yet there are anticipations.

Changing colors and buddings of flowers take your breath away. You have an idea of the miracle you are witnessing. It has happened a thousand times, and it will happen another thousand times and more. Nature is battened down, and Nature is freed. You can only look on in awe at a glance of Infinity in your observation and in your Heart, your Infinite Heart thrown out to the world as it may.

Change -- here today, and change -- gone tomorrow. Change seems to be unchanging. What is new under the Sun is unchanging change which comes out as no change at all even as it happens again and again.

Even as Nature is repetitive, Nature is ever new. Life will not be cold-shouldered. There is something good here even as Life on Earth is the same again and again and yet ever new as it blossoms and as Life folds its tents or spruces itself up.

The world makes you gasp in Joy. This is just right. Your heart bursts, and every moment penetrates your heart with enchantment and a certain disarray.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 11, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 19:15

Dear Ones, you have no idea how incredibly important you are. The grand shift that is occurring on your planet would simply not happen without you. You are the ground crew, the intrepid, loving souls who came to your planet to make a difference. Take a moment today to feel that truth, to acknowledge and thank yourself, and wrap yourself up in love for who you are, all you have done, and all you will continue to do. Bask in the knowledge that you are loved and honoured beyond measure, and that the entire universe is grateful for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Division or Inclusion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 07:00

Today I will talk about lines of division.  Most have been created and perpetuated by those that seek power and control over others.  Division between religions, countries and people are all meant to keep you in your place.
Your ‘homework’ today is to examine how your own division lines serve you.  As The Universe moves toward Oneness, it is important to know that these lines are no longer necessary and can even be detrimental to peace, both within and without.  Instead of creating isolation…it is time, my beautiful child, to create inclusion and you are a necessary part of this process! ~ Creator

The Electrical Sparks Called Thoughts

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/10/2017 - 23:23

God said:

What is disturbance but a thought? What is Joy but a thought?

Every day My Children set out on a Journey of Thoughts. It is as though the sentiments of thoughts take you on a journey near and far, as though your own thoughts may kidnap you.

You abscond with your thoughts. You run off with your ragtail thoughts. Of all the thoughts you can run off with, these are the ones you take with you, as if you have no choice, as if you are not a Free Being, as if you are a captive of your thoughts, as if you are railroaded by them. Yes, indeed, you are taken by your thoughts, or you run off with them. You run off with your chosen thought pals, or they take off with you. You’re not sure how it works.

Sometimes your thoughts rally you, and sometimes your thoughts invade you. Sometimes you are ravaged by your thoughts, as if they have all say over you, and you have no say over them.

And, yet, whose thoughts are yours except yours, even when you feel that your thoughts carry you in tow, that you are indentured to them, as if they take you captive and you have no choice at all.

Are your thoughts, even your deepest thoughts, vagabonds? Your thoughts race through your mind, and will not let you be. Some you cannot forget. Are your thoughts your consciousness? You have wondered. Are your thoughts the sum total of you? This thought may make you tremble.

Where do these so-called thoughts of yours come from? They slip in and attach to you, and, yet, your thoughts can change at any time. They do, or they don’t.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 10, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/10/2017 - 14:04

Dear Ones, what if you consciously released the fear of success, and the fear of failure, and decided instead to create for yourselves the exact experiences you wish to have that would unfold perfectly for your comfort and satisfaction? So many of you are so focused on what could go wrong, that you forget to choose what can go right.

Trust in your own divine capability to create and the universe’s desire to serve and delight you. Flow. Give feedback through your gratitude. Sort the energies by your focus, understanding that where you place your attention is what you are offering your energetic blessing of continuation to.

Replace the fear-based, constricting question, “What could go wrong?” with the potential-filled expanding question, “What could go right?” Know without a doubt that you are all more than ready, with your deep sensitivities and tender hearts, to create beautifully, mindfully, and purposefully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Clearing and Cleansing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/10/2017 - 09:00

Many of you carry around loads of things from your past, both emotional and physical.  In this joyous time of clearing, you are invited to look at what you really need.  Take a moment, look at each item and ask yourself these questions:
It was important to me.  Is it important to me now?
Do I have an attachment to this?  Why?  Do I need this attachment now?
Why have I kept this?  Is it a reminder, a sentiment or a burden?
This clearing and cleansing, my dear one, will be necessary to move you to your next level.  Are you up to the challenge? ~ Creator

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