Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 11:07



I am Jesus of Nazareth. It is with great love that I deliver this message to my beloved. This is such a wonderful and beautiful time on earth today. All who are incarnate in the physical dimension are greatly honored at this time by us here in the Spirit Realm. We wish for you to know the great honor and respect we have for you and it is with this great honor and respect that I deliver this message to you today.

First we in the Spirit Realm wish for you to know that we are ever so close to you now and we are offering our help in any way you choose to ask for it. There will be so many wonderful and beautiful creations coming about. We wish for you to know that we are here to help you create these beautiful and wonderful creations and it is with the greatest love we offer this help. The days and months ahead will be filled with much hope and much love. There is a change in consciousness on earth today and this is the consciousness of Mother and Father God. Through this change in consciousness of Mother and Father God many will reawaken to their Soul and there will be a feeling amongst human beings on earth to have more compassion for each other.

~THE STORMS OF ASCENSION~ ~ Love Reporter and Channeler: Christina~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 08:10
~ Love Reporter and Channeler: 



~I AM walking on my highest and easiest path, allowing the light to freely flow through me to all.~

We all know about the stormy weather that has been affecting the world. Some people say this happens every so many years. Some say it is the end of the world. And some believe it is the catalyst that begins a new period of life on Earth through the Ascension.

~All Will Be Righted for Mother Earth~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 07:21
 ~Love Reporter Channeler: 

~All Will Be Righted for Mother Earth~

Things are not as they seem at this time.  It is tragic and devastating that humanity is only seeing current happenings and taking them at face value.  This is not a “true” face you see so why would anyone be satisfied with taking it at face value.  

The death of any human, loss of any life before their time is tragic.  We understand that in you, human mind, have a division of “good” and “bad” guys when in reality all are from the exact same source energy of light and love.  The human shell that one puts upon their spirit body when an incarnation is chosen is only for the karmic lessons and path that must be experienced, recognized and then moved forward from.  No good or bad here.  Only chosen karmic lessons and opportunity for spiritual growth and development.  

~Where is Refuge at a Time Like This?~ ~By Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 07:08

~Where is Refuge at a Time Like This?~

~By  Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

In light of what the Galactic Federation said through Blossom yesterday and in light of events around us showing us that things are heating up and moving faster, what can we rely on to see ourselves through this time of heightened … well, heightened everything, really?

When events move faster, when everything seems in motion and up for grabs, when things get more complicated and seeing to the bottom of things becomes more difficult, what can we turn to?  Where is our refuge when all else seems sped up and chaotic?

We cannot turn to more information because information itself has multiplied, Moreover everyone shouts their information at us in a manner designed to win our attention among many competing voices. The usual markers that we can rely on to judge a situation in “normal” times seem to be absent and we may not know how to steer in this environment.

When we can’t turn to information to help us know how to act, what can we fall back on?

~LOVE REPORTER JEWEL~ Incoming signals New Earth ahead~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 06:58


~Incoming signals New Earth ahead~


I write about what I am seeing in the meditation state and I understand it misses most peoples radar screen.

However, occasionally others do tune into what I am posting so I continue the humble effort to make it known, what the higher Intelligence is showing me.  Something entirely new is on the Horizon, "The Greatest Show on Earth"  is about to commence.


I am astounded by what I am seeing inside  and beyond what must be what  hindu's refer to as  the Anandamaya Kosha sheath or  Veil, the innermost level or aspect, Higher dimension of the human condition. 



Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 06:38

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,
Let us return to an issue about which you might have a concern. You fear that you are not moving fast enough – that others are able to tap into these new energies and you are not.

You are all unique individuals with unique time frames for opening up to the new energies. We have discussed this issue before – this is not new information. The piece we wish to highlight today is that all of you agreed to play a specific role in this New Age transition.

We discussed that you were trailblazers, pioneers, scout masters - all words that indicate you will be in the forefront of this transition. And so you are. But this transition is not about fireworks and instant gratification.

~SaLuSa: We are Waiting for the Final Acts to be Played Out~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 06:23


~SaLuSa: We are Waiting for the Final Acts to be Played Out~


~SaLuSa  6-May-2011~

It is becoming very obvious that the Human Race is at a key point in its evolution. The collapse of the old ways confirms that they are no longer suitable for the new Human that is emerging. However many only see an uncertain future offering more chaos and catastrophes. It is therefore important for our mission to commence upon Earth without delay.

Our acknowledged presence will allay many fears and give hope, whereas often at present only despair and desperation exist. You do have a wonderful future waiting to unfold that is only held back by the last gasp antics of the dark Ones. We shall therefore [encourage] our allies to forge ahead and start a sequence of events that will end in Ascension. If we do not get the response we desire, we shall be allowed to force the issue in the interests of all of you. 

~Why Prosperity funds? Why Now? Why Not earlier? ....~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/05/2011 - 11:04


~Why Prosperity funds? Why Now? Why Not earlier? ....~


Dear Todd,


I thought that you decided to leave our circles, as you indicated in our last correspondence.... but, I am so happy that you are still with US....


Of course, it is not all true that has been channeled or televised or aired, or better said, it is not fully accurate at the moment you read the post.... Situations change, dark's resist bit more than initially agreed, dark's lie as they get too attached in to power or money, or simply new probability came in the light, and you see that even these 'negative' changelings, or 'lies' gave you direction where to go from there.....


It is like this CNN special show about Bin Laden dead; it is not lie as he is dead, but if they played a little with dates or years, this is for us to discern....

~Official Government Disclosure Has Begun by Love Reporter David Wilcock~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/05/2011 - 10:23



Official Government Disclosure Has Begun





According to insiders, official 'government' Disclosure is now underway -- and the real story behind the alleged Bin Laden incident was shockingly different than what I expected to hear. The overall news is extremely positive, though we may have to endure further disruptive events to get there.


In the last week of March, insiders from two different groups -- the European Rothschild faction and others affiliated with the Obama administration -- independently told me that major new developments towards a formal, official "government" Disclosure were imminent.

I was not told exactly what these developments would be -- only that it would be a significant step forward.

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