Daily Message ~ Friday June 30, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 08:36

It is very common for enlightening human beings to take the high road or the more spiritual response to any situation. This is wonderful and a beautiful sign of growth, if it is done in such a way that does not ignore your human response.

How many times have you ignored how you feel to be “more spiritual”? We love that you are taking a mindful approach! But we also urge you to honour ALL of your feelings. Any parts of you that have missed your attention will continue to rise up in their need for your care and love.

It is never too late to go give yourself what you needed at any given time. For example, if you ignored some very understandable anger over being treated unfairly, go into meditation back to that time and allow that emotion to be labeled, expressed, and ultimately released.

Don’t forget to give your human self love and reassurance that they are still good and evolving even though they had that response. Any emotion you have judged and deemed not spiritual enough still deserves your acknowledgment as a human being, rather than being shunned which will only perpetuate separation within yourself.

The Light Outside The Darkness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 08:00

On occasion dark moments will enter your life.  That darkness will feel and seem all encompassing, never-ending and may engulf everything.  Like a flashlight beam in reverse, you sometimes forget that outside that darkness, the light continues to shine.  If you are in one of those moments, The Universe is there to remind you that the light has, and always will be, there.  It all depends on where you choose to put your focus. ~ Creator


Our Story of Entwinement by Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 22:54

God said:

From My heart arises your heart. To your heart flows Mine.

This is the Whole Story I bequeath to you, yet My children need to hear so many verses, and again and again. You want chapter after chapter. A condensation is not enough. You want the ins and outs and sub-chapters. You want everything tied together, perhaps with little ribbons.

Of course, what you really want is Revelation. You want to learn Our Story by Heart. You want to see the Story laid out before you. You so want to get the Story right, the Story of Our Entwinement.

I tell you directly that you always knew Our Story. You knew it long ago. Our Story has cascaded to you again and again. You never want to miss a word. You fear that the Story of You and of Me will fade. You want to prevent this from happening at all costs. You want to be sure you know all the words. You want to be sure you have it right. You want reassurance daily.

Of course, Beloveds, all Our Stories are written. Do you or do you not have My DNA? We have walked far together again and again.

Knowing Me means that there can be no loss of knowing Me, yet you are not sure that you and I are united forever more. I tell you that We are One Unitedness. I tell you again and again. We are permanent. We are Infinite. You have all of Me, and yet you crave more of Me.

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 29, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 09:21

Your survival brain is always concerned with what might happen with change. It likes to look at worst case scenarios so it can be prepared for any potential dangers. This is not necessarily a bad thing! It is only detrimental to you if you stay in the energies of what may go wrong.

In fact, allowing your brain to play out the potentials and have a plan should such an event happen, can reassure you that you are well prepared. But your focus should not end there. Now that you have weighed potential dangers, you are free to start playing with the energies we would call, “What if wonderful happens?”

It is fine to be cautious before moving forward. But don’t allow that to paralyze you! Once that first phase is taken care of, the fun part begins. Start to imagine all the amazing potentials that can open up to you. Know you are protected and prepared and then start to create in earnest! Allow your imagination to flow to wonderful, positive places. Get as creative in your exploration of the good as you were in the not so good.

In…Or In Your Own Way

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 09:00

You can continue to move along your current path, taking whatever ‘hits’ come your way…or…you can change that path.  You may decide that staying where you are energetically is less challenging.  You can also make the decision to move forward.  Please remember; you are in…. or in your own way.  All it takes is one thought, one decision, one action to change everything! ~ Creator


Love Blooming

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/28/2017 - 22:03

God said:

I am always in Silence, and, at the same time, an echo of Me is always speaking. What I say reverberates. My Silence is complete, yet a chord never finishes. I sing. I have said it before. I sing of thee. I sing to thee. Of the One of you, I sing, and the Universe sings with Me, and you sing with Me. There is one Song, and it is the Song of Myself sung in unending ways, even as there is no beginning or ending ways.

We could say there are no capital letters that say a sentence is beginning, and there are no punctuation marks that say there is an end note that issues from My Throat. I sing I sing I sing. I sing a Song of Sixpence, and I sing a song of you in a million ways in One Note that circles the Universe.

We always have been. We always are. We have never not been. There is no break in Our Presence. My singing is never interrupted. Hear Me sing as I sing of thee.

I communicate with Myself. I am the Singer. I am the Hearer. I hear Myself. I am the Questioner, and I am the Answerer. There is no one to compare Me to, yet you, yourself, seemed to split into many pieces and fill up the world with fragments of Me that can only be complete and unfragmented.

Broken hearts do not exist. My heart is never broken. My heart never wavers. You think your heart does break. Hearts do not break in even two pieces let alone fragments. There are no broken hearts even when you believe you are brokenhearted. You enter a stream of thought that isn’t true.

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