Forgiveness Is a Given. Suffering Is Not.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 23:01

God said:

On one hand, you don't ask enough of life. You settle for too little. On the other hand, you demand too much. You are affronted when life takes a turn you are opposed to. Every now and then, from being placid, you become ferocious and stamp your foot at life and refuse to tolerate it. You can turn on a dime, dear ones, so affected are you by what you perceive as an attack from life.

You are not always at extremes, yet at any moment, you sometimes are.

Would that you could weather storms without so much drama. If only you would.

I am not telling you that you must always placate life. You don't have to be a Yes-Man to life. On the other hand, it behooves you to know when to return to joy and let go of stamping your foot.

It really is for you to move on and to move upwards. You can leave uproar behind you. You can come to peace within yourself. You don't have to drag out emotional pain. You can have loved and lost and still go forward.

Beloveds, in the long run what choice do you have? It’s not better to profess to being long-suffering. You do better to get up from suffering sooner.

If you could cut your suffering and shorten the length of its acuteness by 10%, would this not be in everyone's best interest?

There is a misunderstanding in the world as to need for grieving and the meaning of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a given. Suffering is not. Both suffering and forgiveness are choices.

The Missing Piece

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 11:00

When you are moving through your Earth plane existence and manifesting with every thought in your heart, it may feel as if something is still missing.  You ponder, you wonder and you attempt to figure out what it is.  All the while, the magic is still eluding you!  OH….what could it be?!
I will tell you a small but significant secret, my darling child.  The missing piece of the whole thing is you!  Remember, a magician does not stand in one place while magic happens around him/her, magic is created in movement!  Yes, manifesting is a beautiful thing, however, without movement, nothing has a chance to come to fruition. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 8, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 07:00

When you have taken the time to really listen to who you are and what your preferences are, you are prepared to create in earnest when the energies support forward movement. You have clarity, and can then use your energy towards staying in the flow and having appreciation for each Now moment, adjusting as you go. But you cannot create the perfect matches for yourself if you do not know what brings you joy. That is the gift of the lull. It allows you to get very clear about your preferences in order to be ready for the next action phase. An action phase is about to make itself known to you. Enjoy the ride, Dear Ones, it is what you have been preparing for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Kiss the Concept of Tragedy Goodbye

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 18:00

God said:

Of course, you do not want to pretend your feelings relative to the Existence of Life – your life -- as if it were pie in the sky and there is nothing to it. At the same time, you don't have to take life so seriously as you may presently. You don't have to point out all the flaws. You don't have to take a mistake so seriously and fatefully as you may, whether it is your error or another's, or an error you might attribute to Me.

Life is not always a lark. This is not a secret. At the same time, you are alive. You have the Gift of Life. You are alive! Life is a good thing indeed to be grateful for.

Life is not medicine. Life is not always bitter-tasting. Give life half a chance to be, at the least, pleasant. The Truth is that most of the time life supports you. Life does its best for you all the time, yet you don't always see this.

When something deeply unwanted hits you, it is a blow. It does you in. It hits you hard. Not all the good times in life can possibly seem to compensate you for what has happened that is too terrible to contemplate. You don't know how to take it on the chin.

Do your suffering. Do your cries of "How could this happen?" Life is capable of many things. We can say that Life has a special license.

You may never in your gut get over what has befallen. It is understood that you can't just snap out of it. At the same time, all your protests, all the injustice, all the happenstance do not help anyone, least of all you, the one who is suffering, perhaps, the most.

Daily Message ~ Saturday January 7, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 10:00

There is a pervasive belief that ease is somehow bad, that it makes you lazy or somehow undeserving. This is old conditioning, Dear Ones! When you are willingly harnessing the energies that come from the natural rhythm of ebb and flow by accepting yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, ease must naturally follow.

We ask you to identify one thing you could do today to allow more ease in your life and then love yourself enough to accept that you are worthy and deserving of the receiving of that flow. They days of efforting are done. It is time to master the skill of flow and unfoldment just as a sailor harnesses the energy of the wind to reach the desired destination. ~Archangel Gabriel

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