Humanity is waking up!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/17/2016 - 19:40

Here in the spiritual realms, which truly reside within each one of you, the excitement mounts as the Love enveloping all on the planet permeates each and every heart. Love is. There is nowhere that Love is not. The truth of that, the Reality of that, can no longer be denied because the veil which separates you from Reality is disintegrating allowing Love to shine brightly upon you all. Do not resist It or turn away, because It is what each and every one of you has spent lifetimes seeking.

If you are tempted to turn away from or resist the brilliant Light of Love that is enveloping you, it is due to your false or invalid sense that you are not good enough, that you are too great a sinner, and that you are therefore unwelcome in the Presence of God. Nothing could be further from the Truth. God’s divine children, all the life forms, all forms of conscious awareness that He has created – however seemingly insignificant they may appear to be to your human intelligence that is lost and confused within the illusion – are infinitely and eternally loved, unconditionally. There are no exceptions because Love is All That Exists and, is therefore, constantly and lovingly embracing Itself in every moment, and that is You. Love unceasingly loves all of God’s divine Creation unconditionally, if It ever even paused, life would cease. It never could or would and so your eternal existence is divinely assured, and this is no “limited manufacturer’s warranty” that expires just when you need it most!

Within You Lies Innate Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/17/2016 - 19:39

God said:

We are One. You relegate yourself to the concept that I carry you inside Me or to the concept that somehow you have Me within you as a secret place you cannot quite reach or touch. Of course, you cannot touch Me. Right now you are focused on your senses. It is a far deeper level than touch that will come into play.

What you can do is KNOW Me, and know Me as One with you. It seems to be a hard stretch for you to make sense of Our Sacred Oneness.

Even as One means One, you have noticed that pronouns referring to Me in Heavenletters are capitalized and pronouns referring to you are in small case. This is how you want it right now – to distinguish Who is who. You want to be able to tell us apart.

For practical purposes then, start seeing you and Me coming closer and closer. There is merit for you to conceive that We are somehow swimming together in any format that you can picture Our Union in. Right now, the best you can do may be to think of yourself as a satellite sun smaller than the Great Sun. Obviously, in your present state, as you see it, it cannot be that the one who is carried and the One Who is carrying can be equal. You are not quite able to fathom otherwise.

You are aware that I do not suffer. You are very aware of your suffering and the suffering of every human being you know and every human being you do not know. Let's put it another way:

The Wheat Or Chaff?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/17/2016 - 10:05

Things are changing VERY quickly in your Earth-plane existence. More than a few sources are pushing you to choose where you will put your efforts and energy; this will show you who is willing to continue thinking on their own as opposed to following the mass consciousness of fear. The challenge has been issued…..are you the wheat or the chaff? ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 17, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/17/2016 - 07:20

Everything you have learned has been in preparation for this right Now moment in time. You have the skills, the knowledge, the ability, the inner knowingness, to guide yourselves brilliantly through the tides of change you are going through. Remember what you know, Dear Ones, both on a human and on a soul level.

The driving force of the Shift you are part of is the wave of human beings moving from the initiate stage (the learning stage) into the actuate stage (the stage where you apply what you know). It is much like graduating from university – you have put in the time, you have studied hard, and now it is time to have faith in the work you have done and offer those skills to the world.

Still yourself. Listen to your feelings and your inner guidance system. They will not steer you wrong if your intention is to have your actions match who you really are. If there is something you are unsure of, ask for guidance and we will help you, for we are in this monumental time of creation together. ~Archangel Gabriel

Love Yourself, Love Yourself, Love Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/16/2016 - 18:47

God said:

Yes, yes, I hear you, My children. Sometimes you say that you feel like Heaven has forgotten you. You say you feel like your life is going nowhere. You haven't found true love, and you struggle financially. You feel that no one really knows you, well, except Me, though you may doubt Me. Nevertheless, you are a good-hearted caring person ready to help others, and then you feel like you don't receive all the help you require in return.

I understand "feel like."

Because you have not yet found true love, does not mean you won't. Nor does it mean that you have to. And, of course, you know that you are not the first one to ever feel forgotten, left out, overlooked, ignored, undervalued.

I respect your feelings. Your feelings are true enough, yet I have to ask you, do you really believe this? Would you sign your name to a confession and have it sealed by a notary and forward it to Me? Would you send Me such a document? Don't attest to being forlorn. There are better adjectives to apply to yourself.

Do you think that I skip around loving some of My children while casting some others aside? This is a trap you set for yourself. What if the bottom line is that I love everyone? I do love everyone without exception. What pitfall of thinking have you fallen into?

What if you spent your heart and mind in thinking how loved you are rather than affirming a picture of abandonment?

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