Come, Fly Away with Me

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/06/2016 - 21:30

God said:

You, whosoever's eyes alight on this Heavenletter, it is to you I speak. It is your Heart I break into with the full intent of carrying you away with Me.

You wouldn't prefer that a pirate carry you off with him on the High Seas, would you? Or that an FBI agent steal you away to a Witness Protection Hide Away? Or a multi-millionaire to write you a check to take care of you for the rest of your life? Can you possibly prefer someone or something over Me? Say not so.

I am happy to take you with Me, so you can know, once and for all, that you are with Me. Yes, I will abscond with you gladly. Destination known before We take off.

Oh, yes, We could run off to Heaven as in a dream.

You might like to run off to the Grand Ball with Me, and We dance and dance, revolve around the world and whirl around planets and take off for the Moon and alight lightly upon the Stars.

Beloveds, I am not haphazard. I do not run off with you only once in a lifetime. I escort you any day of the week. I invite you at every moment. The past doesn't matter. I desire to be with you and have you be with Me. There are no exceptions. I am here for you. I do not change My mind. I don't delay. I show up every day in a beautiful carriage and say:

"Come with Me."

Do you imagine it could be easier for you to elope with a vagabond or a romantic character in a novel when all the while, you could put your hand in Mine, and off We go.

Daily Message ~ Friday May 6, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/06/2016 - 06:15

When you truly understand that the universe is always, always conspiring to help you because the universe runs on love, you can let go of the idea that things are ever wrong or that you have to be on high alert for what is unwanted. From that new state of faith and trust you will be able to have a sense of acceptance and appreciation for everything. You will naturally start to see the blessings that abound, and finally settle down into a space of far greater comfort in each Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel


Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 05/05/2016 - 22:55

 AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This Taurus New Moon….is asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  New Moons bring new beginnings.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  This Taurus New Moon is the 3rd Super Moon in a row.  A Super Moon is when the Moon is in its nearest approach to the Earth…the gravitational pull is stronger and it also affects the tectonic plates….along with our psyche.  This New Moon could intensify your feelings…..bringing to the surface of your consciousness, your true feelings in many areas.   This Taurus New Moon is also sitting with Mercury (your mind and your communication) and Venus (which rules Taurus, is about love, creativity and beauty)….which makes the energies of this New Moon even stronger. It is time to honor the truth of your feelings and communicate them to yourself and to those whom your feelings are about.  This New Taurus Moon beckons us to be seduced by Nature and the Earth energies……to become one with our deeper self…..take in the beauty….take in the Love.  It is a wonderful time to celebrate Beauty, Love, and Nature!

 It is a powerful time to manifest, meditate and create!  

Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. These electromagnetic wavelengths activate our Pineal Gland or 3rd eye, which is sensitive to frequencies beyond our five senses. The Pineal Gland/3rd eye, is kind of like a spiritual antenna!  All New Moons are about creating the “new”.   Starting something “new”…..manifesting and creating the “new”……and we are all in the process of Co-Creating the “New” world and Co-Creating our newly evolved selves!  

The Chariot of Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/05/2016 - 21:52

God said:

Life appears in instants like the shutter of a camera. Click, click. The light of life has the appearance of movement. Light seems to flicker. Because of light, the same hillside changes according to the cycle of the Sun.

According to the world, there are accurate measurements of a hillside that are made. Regardless of accurate measurements touted, life itself is not exactly like a hillside that you can survey. The angles you look from in life do not carry such precision. Life is more free-form.

As the Sun moves, so does life. You can peek; you can surmise; you can reflect, yet the surface of life does not stay still, not even for one moment. There are no still-life paintings in life. There is movement. Sunlight and shadows move. The stillness stays hidden. Candlelight shimmers. At its basis, life itself is stillness.

It has been said that no man can step into the same river twice. So is the world of Earth that you move and live in.

And, so, life on Earth is mobile whereas Truth is that which stays still. Truth is immobile. Truth is everlasting. Truth is Stillness captured, as it were.

There is no life without Love Beyond Measure. Love in the world jumps around. Love in the world too often appears like jello. It shimmies, and it shakes. It travels round and round.

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