5D consciousness

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? Part 2

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Sun, 04/05/2015 - 18:33

~~Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?

Part 2


This is Part 2 of information shared from Teutilarhon of Atlantis, a Scientific Spiritual Technology Research Analyst and Expert, in charge of the Dimensional Time-Travel Research Program for the 11th Dimension Atlantian Reality System, as it pertains to expanded knowledge of the “Story of Atlantis” relating to our current collective projected Earth time-frame reality.

In Part 1 of this article, which was entitled… 

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac

I asked you… What if I told you the “story” we believe to be the “Legend of Atlantis” is incomplete? What would you say?

What if I told you the story of the “Legend of Atlantis” that we believe to be what happened, is not really what happened at all? What would you say?

If you have not read Part 1, or would like to refresh your memory of that information you may find it at the link provided above.


Continuing from Part 1

Teutilarhon of Atlantis: “(At the time of the “Fall”), The vast majority of the population of the 11th dimensional Atlantian Civilization Reality moved to other/higher frequency Atlantian Civilization Realties. Most moved into Atlantian Realties existing within the 18th thru the 22nd veil frequencies of the 11th Dimension.

I will attempt to explain in a bit more detail…

Some moved to the 7th veil region of the 7th dimension. The 7th veil region of the 7th dimension is where Atlantis “fell” to as a result of its destruction. Here is where the 1st physical (concrete) evidence of the existence of Atlantis will be found.  Some stayed and/or returned to the 11th veil region of the 11th dimension (this is where the “Fall” began), and a select few moved into the 4th thru the 7th veil region of the 4th dimension (Old Earth). 

Dream log night of 12/21/13

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 12/22/2013 - 06:34

Last night was an unusual one in the sense that I can recall roughly three separate ones. I think it is relevant to what a lot of us are going through right now. I will refrain from analyzing it very much but I think it will make more sense in the future but right now it seems as if we will soon be inhabiting a higher vibrational existence that others in a lower dimensional awareness will not be able to perceive yet.

There has been assistance given to us that will come in handy in the days ahead, or maybe just for me. Maybe I have been in the fight for so long that my ego has trouble letting go and surrendering. So without further delay, here is snapshot into my chunk of the universe last night. Dream Log night of 12-12-13



Our message is getting out there

Submitted by nerdalicious on Thu, 07/18/2013 - 19:21

Greetings lovebots,
Just a quickie post here. I just had a very odd and very deep experience. I don't know of an elegant or even great way to put this out, but I will just put it out here. I was having my usual datenight with my wife and we dedcided to watch an on demand movie. I had heard about it and had seen trailers for it. Plus earlier today I was lamenting at work at how I miss tv and movies. Old 3d habbits die hard, right?

Well sort of, we get to pick which experiences we want with more clarity than before from a 4d perspective at least. Tonight was such a night. I decided to take the plunge and rent one.

I have quite the sensitive funny bone and have a tendency to blast too much cheese/love/5d all over the place. I also have a B movie fetish that I sadly haven't much time nor taste for anymore. I nailed all of it in one shot: Warm Bodies

This movie to put it simply won't win any awards but I listened to spirit and was rewarded. It is deep!!! Holy cow they must have lost bladder control while filming this film. How often do you see a zombie movie with a romeo and juliette scene? My wife is a very picky movie goer and its not for everyone, but if you look past the blood and guts, the commentary of "R" the main guy, is hilarious and deep on a metaphorical level.

I asked my wife near the middle some questions like this and whether she was processing it on this level. The answer was not really but by the end she was as into it as I was! So if you're in the mood for a very different perspective on how movies should go, you're not totally turned off at zombie guts and such I think the movie is worth the price for at least the self- introspection of a dead guy coming back to life.

"Now Is the Time" - The Peoples Voice

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 09:01

Now Is the Time is a wake up call for humanity to join with The Peoples Voice broadcast network and have their Voices heard. No more BS. No more top down directives. Just straight up truth right from the heart, from the Divine Center of Humanity. David Icke and team are setting up The Peoples Voice TV and Radio network and I salute them with this tribute.

Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 7 - Conscious Evolution

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 15:58



What are those deep dark secrets that we keep to ourselves?  Are they the soundings of some distant past trying to break through to a new reality?  The voice of reason perhaps, wanting to cut across the chatter that is our brain feverishly at work?  Or, is it something else altogether, so remote and bizarre that we can’t even fathom it with the best of detailed roadmaps?


     Is this our heritage knocking at the door?  Is it a source of pride perhaps, or a bit of whimsy?  All these possibilities exist in one form or another.  They are real to those who attend to them.  But to us who are waking up to something meaningful and deep, is it not possible that the Creator is knocking at the door and we are about to receive a very important message?


     “Remember when I sent you here. Remember our agreement.  I provide the resources and you provide the commitment.  We work together to elevate your life to a new plateau, so that others can see what is possible.”


Let Your Feelings be Your Guide

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 08:14

"Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide"


A Prayer for Your Soul



The light of all eternity shines with me now

My feelings light up my life

How I find my way is determined by them

They illumine my path and show me who I am


When I was young, I felt so many things

Then came the day when I could not stand the pain

My world was chaos then, filled with sorrow and grief

So I closed up to protect that fragile Self within


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