
Ten Minutes In The Fifth Dimension

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Fri, 12/06/2013 - 21:12

I have been called to be a witness to a lawsuit of a colleague. Many doctors are expert witnesses. My other friend Doctor Jane once actually sued a company that her medical office had a bad business thing with (I'm not clear on the specifics).

She says this is an opportunity for me to learn some new skills.

And for about ten to fifteen minutes, she 'coached' me on what to expect, how to present myself, and the basic strategy of the entire legal process going on.

She is a healer.

A healer who out of concern for me, shared her experience and time, from her heart.

And the most amazing thing happened!

With my third eye, Doctor Jane began to 'transform'. I saw her energy core predominate and her 3D body looked like a projection coming off of it. 

The LIGHT of Doctor Jane was 'real' to my third eye, and I was seeing it clearly, because her energy/heart/mind were connected for my good.

Her 3D body, which I had thought was 'real', was actually not, according to what I saw.

What does the divine masculine rising mean to us?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 10:16

Greetings lovebots,

Nerdalicious here. I been pondering a few things this week and it has come to my attention/consciousness that the divine masculine is finally rising. I can confirm that it is in progress with me anyways. But what does it mean? I had a reading with Lisa Gawlas this week that confirmed what I had been hoping for at some point in my future. I have been meditating on balancing out my masculine and feminine aspects of my energetic systems.

We all have both aspects of our being here. Each has its function. Masculine energies are the structures into which we place our feminine creations. Jim Self goes into this in his new book that I am still reading (almost done).  As we work out our inner issues and rise in consciousness, our ascension requires a balanced approach in order for us to properly enter into the kingdom of God and the Golden Age now upon us. To be out of balance means that some aspects of ourselves is not being addressed and requires release or healing.

TV Sucks!

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 14:08

The following Rant started out as a comment on a recent article related to TV Viewing and Mind Control. I got so carried away I decided it might make a good Blog Post.  You tell me.


Except for good quality Documentaries on topics that matter and the odd older movie, most TV sucks - period. How many stupid reality shows do we need? How many Big Brother programs or The Bachelor or Wipe Out or any of that crap do we actually need? Zero! Zip! Nadda!

I've noticed lately my television watching has decreased dramatically. Not only that but I now reach a point where I'm ready to vomit after a couple of hours of mindless viewing.

I spend more time online researching subjects I care about, reviewing my favorite Newsletters and checking out videos that have way more interest for me than any of the mindless crap TV producers are dishing out these days.

I don't think many Lightworkers spend a lot of time watching mainstream TV, especially mainstream news. Take the recent "Terror Alerts" for example. What a piece of mindless Bullshit that was. Oh my, aren't we all relieved now that those overseas Consulates can reopen. I know I feel better. Don't You? Ha!!!

It's like watching another world out there, this 3D world filled with little ants scurrying around doing what the big ants want them to do. "Buy this product" "Buy that product" "This car is better than all the other cars because it has 4 wheels and steering wheel so you can go around corners - and the girls will love you" Yeah, that's a special car!!! Zombieland - Welcome to the World of the Undead. The Undead - numb from the neck down but still walking around.

Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye bye.

Submitted by nerdalicious on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 17:27

What if life were like one giant MMORPG? What would it look like? Wouldn’t it be cool if our true reality were very similar to this model, which of course would fit the fractal model of the universe. Here you have two options: living the human avatar in the game of life in either the first person or the third. You start out in the first person, all new and ready to explore the world. You set out to gain experiences and upgrades and you have lots of “victories” and “defeats” in this game. It ironically does seem that way in our evolving understanding of the universe as time goes on.

Then you realize something: there is a whole new level to playing this game that you heard about from others in chat rooms. It’s called the third person and you get to do things that you couldn’t otherwise get to do in first person mode. In order to play a game in the third person, you are no longer experiencing the game by viewing it through the avatar’s eyes, but a higher set. You can control more options in the game, you can do things such as pause it, perform repairs or upgrades, warp between screens or even worlds, and lo and behold even chat to others that are not even near your little guy down there. How kewl is that?!

How many times have I been rescued?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 07/14/2013 - 17:06

You ever wonder just how much divine intervention we are in fact receiving?  Down here in physicality-land we need evidence in lieu of 5D knowing. We have thoughts and impressions as to what is happening on a quantum chanelling paradigm, but do we really know? I have yet to have what I would call a conscious higher dimensional conversation. I know many of you out there in cyber land have the same situation. Quantum chanelling is not a new concept but it does warrant some  ‘splainin.

By now most folks acknowledge that we pick up others’ thoughts. We have these etheral antennae that pick up whatever. Granted, the tuner has been basically stuck in a very narrow frequency band for at least 13,000 years, but that is not the point. Most golden-agers (as I call them) have read what is commonly called “chanelled” information. Those people that write these “channeled messages” are what I call the lucky ones. Religions call them prophets. For reasons I can only attribute to pre-birth planning, these folks have lived some or most of their lives with either a wider frequency band tuner or at least one that is more compatible with contact to other entities. They are able to get their info with varying degrees of clarity. I am not one of these, but I digress.

Where do we go from here?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Wed, 06/26/2013 - 17:30

million bucks

Greetings lovebots,

One thing we can all agree on is that we are in interesting times. All around us it seems that the world we knew is collapsing: scandal after scandal are finally reaching the surface and the 100th monkey syndrome has finally reached the threshold. We are at the beginning of the beginning of our new golden age. How does it feel for you dear reader? I can only speak to myself and those immediately surrounding me. My wife certainly feels exhausted all the time, sleeps more than usual and is suffering from some ascension symptoms. Too bad she thinks I’m nuts. She married me!

As far as my feeling, I can definitely feel achy all over my joints and have had tons of energy depletion episodes multiple times a day for the most recent few weeks. I’m not worried about the NSA in particular. Heck, if they are up to no good, then I can only imagine how painful ascension symptoms feel for those lurking in the darkness! My biggest complaint would be intestinal and joints if I had to pick. I’ll live. Love is flowing all over the place: I just need it in a salve to negate those aches!

There have been a couple posts recently (I can’t remember where, I think here) that have gotten me thinking: “Where do we go from here?” There will always be those among us who look at the calendar and scoff at delays and shoot the messengers. It doesn’t dilute the message, just the timing. Our ascension is event-based, not calendar -based and this continues to befuddle many people. Nonetheless, the thoughts in the link above still apply: “What would you do if you were free?”

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