
Weekly Tarot Reading ~ April 1 - April 7

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Wed, 04/03/2013 - 18:41


This week, I got some guidance toward the colors of the energies that we’ll be immersed in this coming week. This is the first time that this has happened and I’m still trying to integrate it into the readings, so if you have any questions just let me know.

Some days have a rather short reading, but I get the feeling that a lot of this week’s energy has to do with the decisions we make on a daily basis. Nothing is “set in stone” so to speak until we actually take the first steps on the path we choose to make. Make a conscious effort to set aside time each day to be still and get in touch with your heart center. The information and knowing that comes through this center is very valuable at this moment.

Along those lines, energy is fluid, so the specific influences of the cards may be felt prior to and in the days after the card is pulled for. This is especially true for Major Arcana cards, signified by a capital M in parenthesis. Reversed cards are signified with an R in parentheses. If a card is reversed, it means that its energy has not fully manifested yet. This week, we seem to be building to a crescendo of energies which arrive on Saturday.

The theme for this week seems to be balance.

Weekly Tarot Reading ~ March 25 - 31

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 16:50

It was interesting that this week all cards were in the reversed position. I have never had that before. I got the sense that this mean these energies would be difficult for many to sense, so it’s important not to forget that they are there for you to utilize. Keep in mind too, that energy is static so some energies may carry over from day to day. This is especially true with Friday’s energy of the World. This energy will stay with us for a while.

It was also interesting that each suit came in pairs. That is, it was 2 days in a row of the same suit. This seemed to indicate that the first day we’d be integrating the energies of the suit, and then the next day we would be mastering the energies. Things certainly are moving quickly.

Disclosure: We are Stardust

Submitted by lemme howdt on Sun, 03/17/2013 - 09:04

   The current 3D whirled exists as an early fractal of a former reality. As another star date has passed, we come to the next interface of 3D vs 5D. Tuesday demonstrated to me that complete faith based on love allows the 'impossible' to happen without a doubt. The van got there by will power alone, the designated timeline providing a deja-vu moment set in last fall.

    Since the van issues was not the first time dealing with the same bad wheel bearing, I feel that perhaps the watchers panicked and are attempting to pull old tricks out of their hat - grasping at straws. There is a possibility that the resources are evaporating, such that operations directed at the worrisome must be bagged in the short term. Just because i am paranoid, does not mean that they're not after me. If I didn't take notice on some other non-viable timelines, then i am now more concentrated in my being here, now and can advance forward into the next fractal.

    The ability to function without external constraint is a learned function. Animals can sense the change - they work with me when i need them. They also tease me mercilessly when I don't quite grok their language. Dogs need to have a regular schedule, whereas cats wish to eat and sleep with comfort. The dogs tend to anticipate our thinking, while cats can sense how we feel. It seems as though the dogs only chase the cats for show effect, especially when they live together. Cats have a wider field of perception which seems to see our energetics - perhaps by the light emitting from our chakras.

Weekly Tarot Reading ~ Monday, March 4 – Sunday, March 10

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Mon, 03/04/2013 - 08:07

Keep in mind that energy is not static. The descriptions of the day could flow from one day, to the next. Themes could even continue throughout the week, especially when there are opposing or reinforcing cards. I’ve done my best to note these.



We start out the week with the energies of the suit of pentacles, which governs practicality, security and material concerns.


Monday March 04.

Nine of Pentacles

We begin the week with a reminder our hard work will pay off soon. This is a “time-out” card. We’ve been working hard lately, tending our garden. As was mentioned a week ago the seeds are sprouting. We may need to stop and assess what we are doing, but we can clearly see the fruits of our labor paying off. This reminder is important to carry with us into Tuesday.

Tuesday March 05.

Five of Pentacles

Tuesday may feel the complete opposite of Monday. We may fall on hard times, or feel lacking in some area today – knowledge, experience, material items, health – anything really. What we felt assured of yesterday, may not be clear at all today. The figures on the card seem to be outside of a church – a gentle reminder that our spiritual work and practice is important to remember and stick with throughout troubled times.

For the end of the week, we are in the energies of the suit of swords – for the most part. Swords govern intellect, thought and reason.

Wednesday March 06.

King of Swords

5th Dimension Consciousness - Trish le Sage

Submitted by Kohanim Emor on Sun, 02/03/2013 - 04:41

A very clean explanation, it is here and ready for you. Love and thanks to Trish


By: Trish LeSage, Contributing Writer for riseearth.com

We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond:

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they may experience existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy. No effort is required on their part to remain in this state. This takes place naturally and automatically. All dissonant energy is automatically filtered out.

In addition to automatically existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy, people who have reached 5thdimension consciousness may begin to automatically see themselves in everyone whether it be humans or animals. They may also begin to automatically feel love for everyone.


I don't want to, but I have to.

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 12:58

I don't know what I'm writing when I start this. It has something to do with my heart feeling cold, though.


There's a positive and negative to everything. I haven't been meditating daily, like I know I should. I'm recogizing the differences now. Postive and negative. Dark and light.


When I don't meditate, I'm cold. I know I'm cold. My heart is cold and mine and that's it. I recogize others, but I don't really seeeeee them.


When I do meditate I am warm. I am kind. I am compassionate. I am miserable.




You heard me, I am miserable.


That doesn't make sense.


When I do meditate, I am giggly and I am nice and I am warm, I am so warm. My heart is warm and soft. I wake up in the mornings and cry and cry and cry. I don't want to keep living in this 3D world. The thought of getting out of bed, and going out in 3D rattles me.


So when I don't meditate. I still smile. I'm still kind, but I am hard and cold.


It's not something I think that others notice the way I do. They still see the smile, they still get treated kindly. But not as kindly as they could.


I don't want to venture into that 3D world, but I have to.


When I don't meditate, I can get by. I don't have an aching feeling in my heart, a longing for something better.


What's worse? I'll tell you.

When I don't meditate, there's nothing pushing me. I'm "content", for lack of a better word. I don't realize that aching and longing, it's hidden inside of me. Buried in the layers of density from 3D living to keep it hiding from me, so it's not there to give me that motivation.


I don't want to go out in the 3D world, but I have to. I have to because someday, I won't have to.


Does that make sense?



Letting go of perceptions

Submitted by Justagirltm on Mon, 01/07/2013 - 08:52

The arrival to the fifth dimension is an inner journey.  Our perceptions of what ascension is, what is entails, involves, and means limits our experience to what ascension beholds; limitless creative power of your world.  Any expectation bestowed on our physical world that is let down immediately creates the experience we are not creating our world, when in fact we are. 


The date of Dec 21, 2012 signified an important date around the wolrd, on a collective level, the death of the world or the birth of a new one, and if you take duality out of the picture, it was simply a unifying date of to take gaia out of duality, and the collective into unity. 


As part of the old collective, we were either waiting for some sort of radical change to produce proof to us that there was a re-birth or to others the end of time.  They both did happen, we just need to wake up to what has occured.  Also, there are others that remained unconsious to any occurence but are slowly being forced to wake up to some other sense other than their ordinary senses which percieves the world around them. 


Constantly we are bombarded with everyday occurences from society, friends, and loved ones that attempt to instill their reality to ours.  It can be difficult to let go of 3-dimensional dynamics that effect your flow of source between you and your world.  We are given a choice here, remain in 3-d or transcend into 5-d when needed and transmute the energetic dynamic of 3-d into creative force of source. 


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