Aisha North

The manuscript of survival – part 300 - April 18, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Thu, 04/18/2013 - 07:15




The manuscript of survival – part 301. April 18, 2013

As you have already ascertained, the waves come and go, and sometimes, it is as if your feet are being knocked out under you. But at other times, you will feel yourself as lifted aloft, and you will feel how the power of the waves surges underneath you, carrying you higher and longer than ever before. For such is the nature of these waves. They are not here to drown you, but to lift you even closer to that oh so elusive goal that you have searched for for such a long time. And what is this goal, we may ask, and we think you have all started to find your true answer to just that. For what on the outset started out for many as a quest for that perfect world, has now turned inwards. For you have all started to see the truth that paradise is not something that comes from the outside, it is indeed something that comes from within. And as soon as you discover this, much will start to fall into place. For then, you can finally start to build your future on the most solid base of them all, namely the one that you always carry with you.

The manuscript of survival – part 300 - April 16, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 02:50




The manuscript of survival – part 300 . 16:04:2013


As you see the light approaching on the horizon, you will hear the clarion call from all of those souls starting to wake up to this new dawn. For now, it is not only you who will be singing the praise of this dawn. As we have said earlier, this heavenly choir you have been putting together on this little blue planet will start to amass so many new voices. And so day by day, the volume and the complexity of your song will increase in so many ways. For you were the first ones, and in the beginning, your voices where few and far between, and they were easily lost in the ongoing drone of noise being emitted from all sorts of sources around you. For if you were not listening intently, this heavenly song was easy to overlook amongst all of the clamoring of fear, voices of discontent and the hubbub of downright deafening proportions. For you were not easy to spot in this veritable mass of wall to wall noise, and as such, you yourselves felt how your sound was drowning in a sea of emotional turmoil.


A beutiful message to us all -- 14:04:2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Sun, 04/14/2013 - 04:36


A beautiful message to us all


Dear friends! I just had to share this with you, it is a message my sister channeled this morning. As I have told you earlier, she recently came to the conclusion that it was time for her to “reopen her channel”, and I promised I would share her messages with you whenever I was guided to do so. I think you will all feel the beautiful energy in it, I had to reread it several times myself, there are so many levels of information contained in it.


My sister wanted me to tell you that even if she herself is not “visible”  in this space, she feels very connected to everybody who shares their light and energy here, and she sends you all her love. Here is the message she channeled:


The dna sequencing is revealing the ancient decoding. The hu-man from base is nothing but stardust. The reemerging of this will upgrade the hu-man dna to what it once were. You know that from the beginning your origins was not from this galaxy. The remoteness of your disturbance was hence needed for this earthly experiment, the Gaia, the starship were mankind could evolve and solve the age old riddle. What happens with free will? The re-emergence of your ancenstral dna will put a spanner in the endless cycles of misgivings and tribulations. The corner stone of all this is the intergalactic fleet howering on the horizon. We, the crew, are seeing your magnitude as you see not. The ancestral dna is flowing in your human veins, and are starting to fire up the engines anew.


The manuscript of survival – part 299 - April 12, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 06:11






The manuscript of survival –part 299 – 12:04:2013


The days are getting longer and longer in your part of the world, and your physical bodies are once again starting to settle somewhat less uncomfortably into their role as conductors of energy. For remember, not only are you receiving vast amounts of energy, you are also transmitting the same substance out again, into the world around you. For you are indeed anchors dear ones, in more ways than one, and now, you are constantly pulling down the building blocks of your new world through your physical bodies. We know that this is not news to any of you, but what may be of interest, is the amount of energy you are all transmuting and sending out now on a daily basis. Or rather, on a daily and nightly basis, as this is indeed a process that is going on 24/7. For what started out as a mere trickle, has now increased to a steady flow of energetic particles, constantly bombarding not only you, but through you, the whole structure that you see around you on all sides.


The manuscript of survival – part 296 • April 6, 2013

Submitted by luisa vasconcellos on Sat, 04/06/2013 - 03:49





The manuscript of survival – part 296 • April 6, 2013



As you have already ascertained, these last few days have been nothing if not intense, and even if they in many ways may have left you feeling weaker in the flesh, you will also sense that your spirit has lifted in more ways than one. For you are made of sturdy stuff indeed, but as yet, your physical body has a hard time coming to the same conclusion. And rightly so, for within is where the changes occur, and as such, your flesh and bones may still feel as if they are at times being torn apart. But they are not, and neither are you, as what is occuring, is such a monumental rewiring and rearranging it will leave you all feel more than a little bit worn and torn and the end of it. But contrary to assumption, you are not being torn down, you are only being fortified in every way, and as such, once again the symptoms will mask the true purpose behind all of these goings on.


The manuscript of survival – part 295 – 04:04:2013

Submitted by luisa vasconcellos on Thu, 04/04/2013 - 03:14




The manuscript of survival – part 295
 – 04:04:2013



As many of you have already ascertained, the veils are lifting one by one, and this denouement can in some cases cause even more bewilderment amongst you. For what is this that you have taken for granted all of your life, if not just a puff of smoke, a mirage masquerading as reality? It can be almost overpowering at times when you find yourself standing in this full glare of the truth, as you have to reassess so much that you have build not only this, but also all of your previous lives upon. So yes, the light is merciful indeed, but also merciless, for it leaves nothing to the imagination any more, and you are forced to take everything up for review as you know you must. For you cannot continue on this journey with your eyes and your heart closed to this truth, and even if may be painful in some aspects, it is also the final catharsis that will effectively cauterize any last vestiges of old suppurating wounds, and leave you all to finally heal and become whole again.



The manuscript of survival – part 294 - April 02, 2013

Submitted by luisa vasconcellos on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 02:00



The manuscript of survival – part 294 – 02 April, 2013



Time is flying by, and the days keep getting longer and longer in the northern part of your hemisphere as the sun’s rays are prolonging their stay on the surface. And as such, much light will continue to pour onto this little sphere floating out in space. And with this light, comes so much you have hoped for, but mayhaps also some things that you would rather be left forgotten. For the light is throwing doors open within you all and whatever the light seeks out, cannot hide anymore. And as such, this spring cleaning can be more than a little taxing at times for some of you. But again, we say, all is well and indeed just as it is meant to be. For this shake up is a thourough one, and as we told you earlier, this is indeed the last in a very long line of such shake ups, but this time, we intend to finish the job if we may put it as bluntly as this. Or rather, we intend for you to finish this job, as all we can do, is to assist you in any way we can. And so we will contiune to do that, even at those intervals when you feel bereft of any support at all, and you feel like the loneliest person alive in the universe, nay, in All of creation, you must still know that we are here, by your side, every step of the way.



The manuscript of survival – part 292 . Mars 29, 2013

Submitted by luisa vasconcellos on Fri, 03/29/2013 - 03:46



The manuscript of survival – part 292 . Mars 29, 2013


So here we are dear friends, ready to begin another day in paradise. For that is truly what it is, is it not? We do not say this in order to offend anyone still in the throes of the last birth pangs, we just say it as a little reminder that you are not left out, any one of you. For you are already in paradise, and even if you for some reason have yet to come to the same conclusion yourself, let us just say that deep within yourself, you have, and soon, the rest of your awareness will follow suit.


Let us explain. As we have stated on so many an occasion, if you venture to look for paradise outside the confines of your own self, you might find quite a lot of traces of it, in the beauty of nature, and in the loving look from another soul’s gaze. But if you focus on what is still abundant around you of sorrow, misery and mismanagement, you will come to no other conclusion than that you are still living in something that for many can only be described as a nightmare. But again, it is a nightmare, for it is truly an illusion, and as such, the moment you yourself fully awaken, you will see it for the shimmering haze of make believe it really is. For that is not permanent, not in any way, and all of that will start to dissipate as soon as you start to emerge from this cocoon of transformation. For when you do, you will see that you are permanent, as you are in all ways and manner immortal. And so everything else are just undulations of energies, ebbing and flowing around you, but no more than a chimera.


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