Aisha North

The manuscript of survival - part 311 . May 18, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Sat, 05/18/2013 - 08:13




The manuscript of survival – part 311 . May 18, 2013



As you have mayhaps noticed, these energetic intermissions seems to be popping up again, as in giving you all a little time to breathe and survey the surroundings before the call to go within and focus once again arrives in the form of some friendly fire, if we may use such a word. For these blasts of energetic balancing tools will feel almost like a fire within for many of you, as they will churn and burn away at anything that needs your attention. Yes, this is not easy going for anyone, but it is indeed a very, very effective way of ensuring your total liberation from anything that could be standing in your way. For you are indeed approaching the moment when you will feel lighter than the light, when the last capstone falls into place, and you stand there complete, ready to take on the task of helping the rest of humanity follow in your wake.


The manuscript of survival – part 308 • May 11, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Sat, 05/11/2013 - 06:34







The manuscript of survival – part 308 . May 11, 2013



As the days and nights pass by, the magnitude of what you have become part of will start to seep in in so many ways. Yes, this does entail some rather intense personal clearings, but at the same time, it also signals the start of a brand new era. Not just for each and every one of you, but also for this planet. You see, as we have mentioned in an earlier missive, this connecting and gathering that you have been focusing in on, is not just something that you have been partaking in. For this is indeed a global event, or rather events, in more ways than one, as there are other groups just like yours in the middle of going through this same deepening of relations. And when we say relations, we refer to both the personal one, the one where each and every individual get a chance to delve deeper into their own core than ever before, but we also mean this process of connecting, or rather, reconnecting, both with their own aspects ”behind the veil” as it were, and indeed with all the rest of Creation. But this is also a process of connecting and weaving together so many individual people scattered across your globe into a myriad of these webs of light, just like the one you now feel yourself so deeply attached to.



The Healing Waters by Aisha North

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 07:03





The Healing Waters



Beloved family of the light!



These last few days after the Gathering have been special for us all.  I have spent many hours reading through your comments, and I do not think I have ever shed so many tears of joy before. For so many, the Gathering in itself was such a profound experience, but it also ignited something deep within us all. In the following days, we have all felt the reverberations from this energetic connection, and the effects from this deeply and, for many, life-altering experience will continue. I am not the only one who have felt the need to step back and just try to come to terms with everything that has happened, and I know I still need more time to do so. Nohmad, you put it so beautifully when you call it ”integrating your blessings”. For yes, we have all been blessed, but for some, it can seem to be a blessing in disguise. As the CCs said it in A message about the Gathering, the doors to our hearts have not just been opened, they have been literally flung off the hinges, for they will never be able to close again.


The manuscript of survival – part 307 • May 8, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Wed, 05/08/2013 - 03:17









The manuscript of survival – part 307. May 8, 2013


Dear friends, dear family! Yes, we would like to extend our warmest welcome home to you all, for you have truly passed the border and returned back to your former glory in so many ways. We know that for some of you, this will leave many a question mark within your mind, for you fail to see anything different in your life, or even in your physical body, and so you will think ”what on earth are they talking about?” So let us explain a little bit about what has happened in these last few days.


For as you consciously opened that last door into the very core of your heart, whether that was before, during or even after the Gathering many of you took part in, you also removed the last obstacle standing in your way. For know that this is how this has always been decided, the choice must be yours, and yours only. No one or nothing can force you to surrender to yourself, that is only your decision, and yours alone. But when you do make that decision, no one and nothing can stand in your way either. So as you say YES to yourself, All of creation will listen, and the doors will all open as if by magic. For then, and only then, can you step into your true self.


Welcome to the first Gathering around the Pond!

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 02:46





Welcome to the first Gathering around the Pond!



Dear, shining family!


My heart is overflowing today, the joy is just pouring out of me! What a transformation we are witness to! This Pond, this cauldron of love as the CCs called it in a message to me this morning, this space has become something so powerful and beautiful and important, and the reason it has grown into this beautiful flower of light, is the love and nourishment you have all added to it. For now, it is literally a place of vibrating love, and the ripples from this Pond is flowing outwards and into the web that is encircling our whole globe. People from all over the world have visited this Pond, and today, many of you will be taking part in this Gathering that will bring us even closer together. I have made a screensave from the statistics map showing all of the countries that have been linked to this page at one time or another by a visitor, and as you can see, this is truly a world wide endeavor.



The manuscript of survival - Part 306

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 07:39



 The manuscript of survival – part 306 - May 3, 2013




As you have mayhaps noticed, the energies coming in can be categorized in different modules, and the reason for this is a very simple one. One of the layers of this huge energetic web is a part of the all-encompassing one that surrounds and connects everything that exists. Not only on this planet, but everywhere. And this infinity grid, if we may call it that, is the energetic part of this weaving together that many of you have experienced already as a river of light. It is in so many ways a very peaceful and golden hued energy, one that will ease you and release much of the energetic stress you have all experienced lately. These weaving strands of this golden bliss is something that will become even more prominent as the day of the Gathering approaches, and we invite you all to take a small sip from it whenever you feel like it.



The manuscript of survival – part 303 - April 25, 2013

Submitted by luisavasconcel… on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 07:38








The manuscript of survival – part 303 . April 25, 2013


The tide has turned a long time ago, but still, there are those under the influence of thinking that nothing is happening at all. They kick up the dust, and complain that everything is at a standstill. But is it truly that? We challenge you all to take a good look around you, and we think you will all see traces of this rush of incoming energies on all sides of you. Not only in the heart of those likeminded souls you are gathered together with here in this space, but also further afield. For your world is already starting to move beyond the level of awareness you might have thought was the limit for everyone not as ”open” as you to these new energetic messages. For they are all moving in some way, and even if some of you have a hard time seeing it, still it is happening, each and every day.


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