angel card readings


Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 11/05/2017 - 09:33

Special Message from Archangel Michael:

Dear One, all of Life is God’s creation. All are borne of Innocence and have in Essence, the Spirit of Innocence within. Always see everything and everyone around you, including yourself, as Innocence. Innocence may become lost a little along the way, or disguise itself within its chosen outer shell, but it can never be truly ever be covered or disguised completely, because it is always there in the very core, the very center of your Being, waiting to be rediscovered. Always strive to see through the outward appearances of others, including yourself, so you can see Innocence. Look at others, and yourself, through the eyes of the Soul and your Diamond Heart, and you will see Innocence. Stay focused in your Diamond Heart, and the rest, as they say, is history [their story, their human fable], for Innocence shall reveal itself, and when it does, you shall weep tears of joy!

~ I AM Archangel Michael

Thank you Michael!

From our ONE Heart to yours!

~Deborah Faith
Archangels and Devas

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 05:53

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

You are a luminary, a sage, a wise one, a high priestess/high priest, a wizard, and a supreme co-creator! You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved!

Your material needs are taken care of as you step into your power and begin to utilize the energy of Source of ALL Creation. Plug into the Source of All creation, the Source that feeds you and your material needs. It is LOVE Dear Ones! The Source of All is LOVE. Just use the power of IMAGINATION to bring this energy into your energy field daily, hourly if necessary! This infinite Source of energy exists all around you and also within you. You are walking within this energy field daily! This is the power that animates you.

As your spiritual sight awakens you are beginning to ‘see’ through new eyes, the eyes of your Creator. You are gifted with further understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ and the Power that exists behind it, back-stage so to speak.

Energy Reading for this week from Archangel Michael and Raziel

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 06/22/2017 - 01:39

Energy Reading for this week from Archangel Michael and Raziel : Let go of fear and stand in your Power Now!

This morning Archangel Michael is stepping forward with his message to “Let go of fear Now!” And then Archangel Raziel also steps forward with his message, “Stand in your Power Now!”

What does this all mean and why now are we receiving these messages?

The mind is always reeling with thoughts, most of which are useless and serve only to take us out of our spiritual center, our heart. This morning I joked with the angels to please give me a lobotomy so I could have a clear mind. They answered back and said, “Use your mind constructively.”

But how do I do that when my mind never stops?

“Make it stop. Your mind awaits your command. Your mind is your most powerful creative tool and it gets bored easily if not used! Therefore use it. The more you use your mind, the less it will be inclined to listen to the ego.”

“The ego feeds off useless information that perpetuates a fear-based reality. The heart, which is where your innate power lies, feeds off love. Therefore choose to live in your heart for this is where your power lies.”

I know this, and I am choosing to live in my heart!

“The ego is persistent, and ironically it is through its relentlessness and persistence that you’re given the opportunity in learning to take back your power! Remain steadfast and do not give up!”

Don’t give up on the magic of Life, the magic of Creation! Don’t give up on your Self either and your innate power to create your reality!

Learn How To Communicate with your Angels

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 03:34

Online Workshop 10th June ~
Learn How to Communicate with your Angels

The Angels and I are super excited to offer this Workshop to you!
Please join us on Saturday, the 10th June at 16h00 Cape Town, South Africa; 07h00 Los Angeles (PDT); 10h00 New York (EST); 15h00 London (GMT) – Please check for the time in your time zone.

Angel Card reading for this week

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 01/18/2016 - 06:42

Angel Card reading for this week:

"Sensitivity ~ You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings." ~ AA Haniel

Keep an open mind and heart this week as we head towards the Full Moon on Sunday. The energies are potent and can either bring you calm within the stormy seas of emotions or can further serve to rock your boat. Do not make any hasty decisions. Anything can happen and things can change within a very short space of time. Find time to be silent and listen to your inner voice. Trust your intuitive knowing. You're perfectly guided as always.

One card readings via Email ~ $5.55
Live readings via Skype - $35.55

Mini Reading for Today: Archangel Ariel ~ “Prosperity”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 07:16

Prosperity “Your material needs are provided for as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”

“Open your arms to receive the prosperity being poured upon you” ~ This is what Ariel’s message is to you today. Some of these treasures coming your way will be in the form of new opportunities. She will work with you to realize your highest dreams. She asks that you give any worries you may have over to her. She loves you very much and she is happy to help you in this way. She knows that with the prosperity you receive you will help others.

The Universe is abundant in every way and manifestation is effortless. A blade of grass growing between a tiny crack in a concrete sidewalk does not struggle towards the light. It allows the universe to do what it does best, and it knows that when the time is right, it will burst through the concrete into the sunlight.

So too should we exercise patience and know that everything happens with Divine timing. Our work is to stay in the Light and to focus on the positive.  Let go of any perceived outcome because the Universe will always provide you with something better. Stay in a state of gratitude also, because gratitude attracts more to be grateful for. Now I am hearing the words “It’s a kind of magic…” and the Queen song being played in my head. My angels love to speak to me this way. Lighten up also! Prosperity shines as do the coins in Ariel’s basket. Following your intuition is key. Like I mentioned a couple days ago, you are always being guided by your highest consciousness, and the guidance may come to you in many forms. Learn to trust your intuition and to let go of doubts. Remember, the Universe is your co-creator! Together you are the Creator of your reality. You are Divine Alchemy in action!


My Conversation with my Twin Flame 8/5/2013 ~ “Be Gentle with yourself”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 08:23

“I have never loved you more” ~ these are the words I heard my Beloved tell me this morning soon after I awoke. I asked him “Why? I was weak! I didn’t even have the courage to jump off the edge of the abyss I found myself on last night..” He answered “That is because you had the strength to walk away. You see only your weakness, I see your strength.”

I told him I felt terrible for allowing myself to fall into such despair again, and he told me to be gentle on myself, because by allowing myself to experience despair I had unlocked further negative emotions that were waiting to be released.

Then he said “Be gentle with yourself and stop judging yourself. Stop trying to be perfect. You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already ARE perfect, so set yourself FREE from the straight-jacket of perfection you’re inclined to wear, and just BE yourself. You are BEAUTIFUL! ”

I have my whole life been hard on myself, so much so that I forget to be gentle. I have judged myself so often that it’s become second nature; a norm. As women we are by nature loving, gentle and compassionate creatures. So WHY do we have such high expectations of ourselves? WHY can we not just BE gentle and forgiving on ourselves.

Thank God for my Soul, my Beloved Twin Flame, for he knows me better now than I know myself. He has pulled me back from the edge of my self-created abyss time and time again over the past year.  This he does with his ABSOLUTE love for me.

This card came to mind today ~ Archangel Sandalphon ~ Gentleness

“Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations and environments.”

Channeled Angel Card Reading for today ~ Archangel Michael “Overcoming Difficulties”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 07/27/2013 - 09:43

When I asked for a card for today, I got “Overcoming Difficulties” without even pulling the actual card.  I  received a channeled message from Archangel Michael for our readers:

Dear Ones, I chose this card for you today because many of you are experiencing a challenging time now. With the incoming Lion’s Gate energies, you may be feeling that you are ‘losing it’, as my Beloved Faith is fond of saying. At this time I wish to stress that you will be best served by taking things slow and easy. These energies are powerful, the strongest yet to be received by you since the opening of the Ascension portals on 12.12.12. Going with the flow will best serve you now as you allow yourself time to relax and integrate this energy.

Any difficulties should be handed over to your Guides and Higher Self to help you resolve them with as little disruption to your daily life as possible. Do not try to resolve them yourselves Dear Ones, as we have the capabilities and the wherewithall to assist you. Ask us to give you extra strength and courage to go forward in this challenging time, and to strengthen your faith and belief that all will be well.

You are already all so courageous and we are so proud of you! Do not let a little setback keep you from going forward and reaching your goal. Be gentle with yourselves and forgive yourselves for any minor setbacks you may be experiencing. We are with you and we love and support you, as always.

I AM Michael

~ Thank you Michael

During the Lion’s Gate period up to 12th August, we are offering 50% off all our readings. Please inbox me for details on our Facebook page ~ Thank You.



Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 07/25/2013 - 09:39

With the opening of Lions Gate on 26th July a new influx of high vibrational energy will start to flood our Earth and all of Humanity. This period promises to be an “intense” period for most. The words of Archangel Michael:

“What can expect at this time? We think that the Key word will be “intensity”. Everything will seem very intense to the point of being surreal. In your personal lives, whatever is still remaining of your old third-dimensional consciousness will need to be removed and replaced by something at a higher vibration. This may be difficult if you have an emotional attachment to the old energies. However, if you simply release and allow the changes, then they can be achieved with the minimum of disruption and hardship. The idea is simply to TRUST the PROCESS and allow whatever needs to happen.” ~ Archangel Michael

If you feel you need guidance from Archangel Michael through this period, please visit our page for more information of which readings we offer here.

Blessings & much love


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