Ascension process

Archangel Zadkiel: “You are nearing the end of this clearing, many of you….” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda May 6, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 05/08/2014 - 23:01

Zadkiel.ashtarcommandcrew.netArchangel Zadkiel (Received May 6, 2014):


Hello dear ones of the Light, ever-increasing and ever-growing in illumination. Bravo for all the clearing, dear ones, for it has not been easy.

As you absorb more energies and subsequently download all you need to build and maintain your developing crystalline bodies, you subsequently must clear what is in the way. And so it is an ever- expanding process, but please know dear ones, that you are making much progress.

Mother Mary: Breathe Out The Breath of Creator – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – April 29, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/29/2014 - 21:05

Mother Mary:


Hello, my dear sweet beautiful Beings of Light. And so rightly addressed. For you are all taking on such a beautiful hue and radiance not seen ever. The recent downloads of light and energy, still continuing, have blessed you all with such an increase of radiance and luminance that it is difficult to quantify on any present scale of definition.

Mother Mary: You Are Spreading Your Divine Love Wherever You Are – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 31, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 23:29

Mother Mary (Received March 31, 2014):


Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are Entering a Period of Deep, Deep Transformation – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on March 2, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 03/03/2014 - 22:38


goldenYeshua and the Company of Heaven (Received March 2, 2014):

Greetings, fellow travelers of the Light. You are so magnificent. I just want to tell you that first off. It has been a while since I have greeted you through this channel, but nevertheless, I come in with full force and Light and Love to deliver this important message to you all.

You are entering a period of deep, deep transformation. For this I urge you to prepare yourselves in a very diligent and loving manner, dear ones. You do not want to miss the fragrant and deep and whole enhancement of your Beings as you learn to absorb and integrate more and more Light into your cells and overall Beings.

By now you are most likely becoming acquainted with yourselves as Whole Divine Beings of the Light, of magnificent creatures with so many abilities, albeit still dormant in some. However, these abilities are waiting just below the surface if you are not experiencing them already and they await you to embrace them and practice them.

Although you have heard this many times, these abilities have never been as accessible as they are now. As Light Quotient meets with your willingness to absorb and integrate, you have much in store for you.

Lady Nada and Mother Mary: You Have Arrived at a New Pinnacle of Holding Love and Compassion and Grace Within You and Without You – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – Received February 23, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 21:50

Lady Nada and Mother Mary: 


Greetings, Beloveds. We, Lady Nada and Mother Mary, come together today to express our deep love and abidance to all of Humanity and especially those of you who are ready to tune in and hear our deep message of Love.

Together we join our light signatures to complete a circle of divine Love and Compassion extended out to all of you. We hold it deep in our Hearts and share it willingly and freely with all who wish to accept it and ground it into their very Beings and to enhance their Hearts with pure Divine Love and Compassion.

Master Lanto: You Are Full and Conscious Divine Beings ~ Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ September 19, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 09/19/2013 - 17:25

Master LantoMaster Lanto:


Hello dear ones, It is I again, Master Lanto, bringing you wonderful news on your progress in your ascension process.

As it stands right now, your illumination and the development of your crystalline bodies has increased tenfold, even a thousandfold from just a little bit of time ago.You are growing and expanding in leaps and bounds and your radiance is astounding and magnificent. You are all looking like beautiful stars to us here in the Celestial and Galactic Realm.

Mother Mary: You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars – As Channeled by Fran Zepeda – September 8, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 22:06


Mother Mary:

My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished.

You are learning to love and cherish yourselves on an even greater level and magnitude, dear ones, and for that and from that you will see much expansion. For it indeed does start with yourselves. Oneness begins from there. Peace begins from there. Expansion begins from there, and from there, all else is affected and nourished on out to infinity.

Mother Mary: You Will Never Be The Same ~ As Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ August 26, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 19:59



Mother Mary:

Your progress in this huge undertaking that you have shouldered for humanity is immense, dear ones. Do not let anything or anyone tell you differently. For you may be still processing all that has transpired over these recent days and much is settling into your cells and your hearts as we speak.

You will never be the same. You will never be the same as you were last week, or even yesterday. For you are evolving at breakneck speed, dear ones. Give yourselves time to assimilate and absorb all that has taken place. Spend as much time as you can quietly in your own stillness, in the stillness of your individual hearts, and feel the changes. Feel the subtle changes and feel the immense ones that are forming within you now.

No, you will never be the same, dear ones, my sweet travelers into the 5th Dimension. You are there so much more now; can you tell? Can you feel it in that softness, that sureness, that all-pervading Love that you are feeling more and more each day, not only for yourselves, but for your fellow man, woman and child, as well as everything in your environment?

Can you feel it in the increased gratitude you feel for everything, in every experience and notion you are having, no matter how uncomfortable? Yes, embrace it. Embrace all of it. For in that is built your Wholeness and your link to your Divinity.

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