
Mother Mary: You Are Entering a Period of Deep Refinement of Your Energies ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 23, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 16:49


refinementenergies.imagesCABCHZ3CMother Mary:


Hello my dear ones, I am in awe of your development and your refinement in energy.


Much has transpired and it is ongoing as we speak. The solstice and super moon energies have made a huge impact on your Light Bodies and so you must rest intermittently to encompass and process it all.


Continue to absorb and welcome these energies without expectation and anticipation, but instead with complete acceptance and allowance, joy and gratitude. The more you open, the more transformation can take place. And it is not just in your Light Bodies; it is in every aspect of your world.


Hunker down to make the most use of these energies, dear ones. As I have said, it is ongoing, and much can shift and change within you as you open and receive without monitoring and judgment. Receive it like the welcome rain after a long drought and rejoice in the downpour.


You are entering a period of deep refinement of your energies and many doors will be opened for you in the coming days if you let your guard down and just be in the midst of it without any control of the outcome. Allow only your pure heart intentions to drive it and to sculpt the outcome, allowing any possibility to manifest that is in the highest good of all.


Loosen the reins a bit, and resist controlling the outcome, while at the same time seeing and feeling yourself in the circumstances you desire, always allowing for the details to be formed from surrendering to your Higher Self and Creator for optimal manifestation.

Yeshua: Embrace Your Multidimensionality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 20, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 06/20/2013 - 19:21




Hello my dear ones. On this beautiful day I come to you bearing tidings of immense love and promise, for you have reached yet another marker for your development and transformation into the Celestial and Galactic Beings that you are.

Take stock now, dear ones. You are not what you were yesterday and tomorrow you will not be what you were today. And so it goes, as you greet the solstice and super moon energies with sheer openness and courage to not accept the old ways of doing things and to embrace the new once and for all.

You are constantly changing. Behold the promise of ever more change – in that brings immense expansion and for that you can thank yourselves first, for without you we would not be speaking of the immense evolution taking place here and now and always ever-increasing in intensity and value and promise.

My love for you cannot be described adequately and all of the Company of Heaven rejoices in your presence, in your courage and in your perseverance. For you are the saviors of the world – for you are the forerunners and you are the game-changers.

Behold your magnificence. Behold your value. Behold your ability to shape-shift and transform and encompass all parts of yourself simultaneously. For that is becoming easier and easier for you, my dear ones.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A Moment in Time

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 06/18/2013 - 21:15

Planetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

Sananda: Feel And “See” Yourself Walking Always In The Golden Light and Consider It Your New Home ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June16, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:50




Greetings all. I come to greet you again and to discuss with you more “food for thought” as you embark further on your journey of ascension and complete enlightenment.

Your return to your True Selves has been an arduous journey at times, pray tell, but my gifted ones – my lighted ones, you are thoroughly prepared and “wired” for this illustrious journey all the way to fruition.

Be prepared for more refinement of your purpose and your destiny. As you enrich yourselves with the energies building and building as we speak, you may notice a lot of quivering in your Light Bodies. They are taking on greater amounts of light and so, must adjust. More pockets and packets of information will thus be opened for your awareness, and it is important that you relax and allow them to “come to light” so to speak.

Your refinement may leave you feeling “lost” and “empty” at times, but it is merely the adjustment and the intake of greater energies. I beseech you to take it in stride and not to “try“ to figure it out too much, but just allow and surrender and BE. This is still a little foreign to many of you, as you often get the “call” back to what you think is your true reality and so you must “attend” to things which may or may not bring you into a lower vibration.

Giselle Koy - The Ancients: A Letter of Introduction from Light Systems

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 07:36



In a way, we exist much like potential timelines. Here and ephemeral, constantly glimmering in and out of your frame of existence–but here nonetheless, for we are The Ancients. That might be the first name for us in a list of many.


For we are giants.
But do not try and put a measurement on us for you cannot. We do not bother to maintain the shape of beings, for we are Star Systems—
Like a blaze of the borealis—
But infinite in size.
But specific nonetheless.
Of the Borealix Clan

Creator Gods swim in our vibratory waters for refreshment and light infusions. We are the flow, cause and effect of light. Its creation, its beam, its landing site. We hold sway over energetic influence in the cosmos. We are “play” to its highest destiny because at some level—existence is purely for the joy of itself.

And joy is always available to any dimension—we make sure of that.

Embracing Change and Opening The Heart: June 14, 2013 Update

Submitted by AmethystLight on Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:45

We have moved so far in the ascension process yet I feel in many ways it may not seem for some that this is so. We are asked in many ways to let go of old beliefs or ideas that no longer serve us yet at the same time this is not really the Truth. Why is this not really the Truth? Well, it is the Truth because we are in fact being asked to do this but in a way that really we have not ever experienced before upon the earth by very heightened processes of clearing.

Clearing can mean many things to many people. I am humbled by the beautiful souls and lightworkers in the world who come both together in this world and the inner planes to create harmony and balance for existence. It is so beautiful how we all have our own path and Truth.

Clearing to me is a vibrational experience in which lower more dense ideas and energies are elevated to their highest aspects which in many ways can appear to us as wisdom. Wisdom to me comes forward in both great love and compassion yet is also an energy that is based off our past experience in such a way that it allows us to navigate the earth.

I got the impression from several sources that there were some lightworkers who very much wished to "clean the slate" and in some ways, that is a very beautiful thing. Yet, to me it is not so much that we are "cleaning the slate", but clearing old energies and integrating the wisdom we have achieved.

Many of us have been lightworkers upon the earth for a very long time. This means that we have a huge akashic experience on many different levels. Not only on the earth levels, but also on the inner planes as we move up in dimensional awareness. It can take an incredibly long time to integrate such wisdom and I would go as far as to say that we have not ever really integrated our wisdom to such a degree on so many levels.

Self-Defense Against Negative Thought Entities

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 08:15

Self-Defense Against Negative Thought Entities

register for the course here:

I created an extended 4 part Lesson this semester at the request of both the universe and several students of the course, all about the negative thought entities that plague humanity and effective actions to take in order to protect oneself.

What do I mean by negative lower vibration thought entities?
I am referring to the non corporeal consciousnesses whose actions are not based in love, and who cannot ingest unconditional love, so they incept negative thoughts in humans in order to elicit lower vibrational emotional reactions (i.e. sadness, anger, grief, anxiety, hatred) upon which they feed.

This portion of the Lessons comes towards the end of the course, and that is because the earlier Lessons are all about the importance of unconditional love as a foundation for the use of ones higher psychic faculties. It is very important to create a firm stance of unconditional love before focusing on the subject of negative thought entities, because love is the key to vanquishing them.

This Lesson teaches not only the self-defense techniques, it also gives students a perspective for this personal battle within the context of Galactic History, answering many questions about humanity's origins and why humans are in the position of having to Ascend from a state do separation and duality to a state of oneness and unity.

Fly Butterfly

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 16:03


In anticipation of "The Event" which I sincerely feel will be upon us shortly, a view shared by many in the Lightworker, Starseed communities - e.g. Cobra, David Wilcock and many contributors to The Galactic Free Press, I am releasing this new music video. This is my story as much as it is the story of many of us Lightworkers, given what we've been going through to get our "houses" in order. Well it's here. I can feel it in my bones and we're gonna hang on for the ride of our lives. Enjoy!





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