
Michael's Legions "How To Pull Your Sword (of Light)" + Project: Eagle Triad + Ascension Lessons = Your Mission Now

Submitted by JTariah on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 14:52

Michael's Legions "How To Pull Your Sword (of Light)" +  Project: Eagle Triad + Ascension Lessons

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working

your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)





Submitted by Naedrazu Gestuvok on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 07:33

Be free my brothers and sisters! Free in your thoughts, actions and voice! It is not about how many times a day you meditate, or how many people you are able to awaken from moment to moment. It is the ability to know the truth and find your true Divine joy in that truth! Your freedom can never be taken away from you. Your freedom can never be restricted. Each and every one of us has an inner flame that burns brighter than any star in the universe. Simply allow it to be recognized by you and it will shine for all! Who cares when the the mass arrests occur. Who cares when first contact is made. There is one Divine truth and that is this, we are the Divine light and no matter what happens that can never be taken away or extinguished! Let that thought, that truth be your inspiration and strength! Shine every single moment of your existence on this beautiful sentient being! You will have a much more profound effect than any protest or movement imagined. The smile in your heart will do more for humanity than any voice or idea! Make that your strength and share it with all. Embrace yourself at all times no matter how many moments you get caught up in worry. Embrace yourself no matter how many moments you spend crying or depressed. When you do this you are embracing all of humanity with Divine love and acceptance!
I love you all and I send my Divine light to each and every one of you! No matter the illusion of physical separation it is felt by all!

We've been in war for a long, long time!

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 19:48
Okay messege of the day: Jesse Loya

As far as we can see since the Annunaki (Reptilians) invated Earth,
They have been ruling this planet for about 300 thousand years,
And a secret of their agenda is that hey have been maipulating humanity,
... By bringing emotional trama to merge and destroy themselves,
Since Anunnakis also fight eachtother because of disagreement,
They use Humanity as a game plan to play some kind of a war game,
They control our goveremnts and our powers by bloodlines, our world leaders!

Lets take a look at us,
We been fighting each other for senseless and pointless reasons,
Since our middle ages we fought large wars, like Romans, Greeks, 300 wars,
Look at today, territorrial invasions, revolutions, world wars, operations and terroroism all since the 1900's,

Since the 1900's we've been in war for 209 years!!!!
Since the middle ages,
We've been in war for over 2209 years!!!!!!
Or We can call it Human Civil Wars on planet Earth in the Sol Star System!!!!!!!!

To be honest, the world has to Wake Up!!!!!

-Pleiadian Agenda

We've been in war for a long, long time!

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 19:48
Okay messege of the day: Jesse Loya

As far as we can see since the Annunaki (Reptilians) invated Earth,
They have been ruling this planet for about 300 thousand years,
And a secret of their agenda is that hey have been maipulating humanity,
... By bringing emotional trama to merge and destroy themselves,
Since Anunnakis also fight eachtother because of disagreement,
They use Humanity as a game plan to play some kind of a war game,
They control our goveremnts and our powers by bloodlines, our world leaders!

Lets take a look at us,
We been fighting each other for senseless and pointless reasons,
Since our middle ages we fought large wars, like Romans, Greeks, 300 wars,
Look at today, territorrial invasions, revolutions, world wars, operations and terroroism all since the 1900's,

Since the 1900's we've been in war for 209 years!!!!
Since the middle ages,
We've been in war for over 2209 years!!!!!!
Or We can call it Human Civil Wars on planet Earth in the Sol Star System!!!!!!!!

To be honest, the world has to Wake Up!!!!!

-Pleiadian Agenda

How to Live a Positive Life like Love Beings should.

Submitted by Dan on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 15:07

Everyone sad, mad, angry, depressed... CHEER UP !!! Love is what you must seek more than anything. Why avoid such a wonderful feeling? Clean yourself and put on the clothes of Love and take off the dirty clothes of negativity. WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! Its time to get up and eat the breakfast of Kindness, And drink the drink of Joy, and after you eat Kindness and drink Joy, wash your hands to get the grudges that you hold off. Then open the door to Enlightnment. Now go to you vehicle of Oneness, open the garage of negativity, and get away from it. Now get on the road to Peace. When you come back from where you went, turn on the sprinkles of Love, And Spread it all over, so others can do the same. Next, Come Together and eat the dinner of Oneness. Then go to your room of Peace, close your eyes and sleep to Meditation. =From your Spiritual Love Being=- Dan


Submitted by Dan on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 17:18

Be amazed of the knowledge i pour out to you, for i am 16 years old, but enlightened~ Cars, Phones, Planes, are all unnecessary, believe it or not. Everyone is capable of acheiving transportation by levitation, or talking across the world with your conciousness. Or by going to other countries by flight. Believe it or not, anything is possible. We just need to go back to our higher selves and stop living with low frequencies. Oh how great it would be to see the days when people realize that its not about whats on the outside, but what you have in the inside. This has been hidden from us, but the pleidians have been here to be our alarm clocks for waking us up 1 by one. I dont mean 1 person, i mean a 1 as in each nation on earth for we all are 1. How to discover these abilities you ask? Simply believe. Its been there all along.

The hidden Seed noone knows about.

Submitted by Dan on Fri, 05/11/2012 - 17:50

People are changing before our eyes. Being nicer, more bright, more caring and compassionate. This is the year of change. A year that must carry on a new generation. A generation that will gather every being on earth, every being from higher dimensions like the pleidians together. A time when people will realize that there is more than just life, ... there is light. Where people will realize that there is more than just caring.... There is love. |Caring requires Love| Where people realize that there is more than theyreselves, there are being around them. connection is the outlet to enlightnment. There is a seed that will be sprouting this year, and soon... This may , in a unknown location , a seed will sprout, and will be a flower, spreading the most magnificant light that radiates love, joy, and hapiness. Its happening right Now, look around you. On may 20, 2012 , expect the flower to sprout.

We Are Indeed Oneness in Love and Awareness in Light....When We Awaken. (^_^)

Submitted by Dianna Lomeli on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 23:32

Our Oneness Within is the Love and Light Center of our ascension.


This is the place where we feel Love, in our heart center. The world is aglow with the rays of awareness spreading like wildfires around the globe. We are gathering and beginning the new change that has been heralded, and Our Brothers and Sisters from afar are here helping with so very much. I only hope that our Songs of Joy and Celebration will fill their hearts as much as we will feel filled to overflowing from our own. Indeed, in the Oneness all will share this in Abundance.


Love is the beginning of our lives, where we feel it from the one who cradles us in the security of their arms and gentle whispers. Love is the embrace of a special pet , each time multiplied and repeated throughout their presence with us. So many times Love is gifted and given and shared in so many ways, as to express each difference and variety. Sometimes Love is stolen, or taken, or unregistered, or controlled in this 3D place.


However, Within... Love is concentrated in a wonderful Light, shimmering, brilliant, warm, and incredibly, incredibly immense. It is inside of You, shared and One with Everyone and Everything else the imagination can attempt and beyond. It is Home and Transport, and School. Love by its very definition Loves...

Love Loves....

Love Loves...

New Earth Meditation - Terra Nova Now - Co-Create Heaven Now with Intent - Sananda, Jesus the Christ Ascended

Submitted by JTariah on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 10:42

Join Project: Eagle Triad today by contacting janisel(at)
===   ---   ***   ===   ~~~   ***   ^^^
~~~   ***  NEW EARTH MEDITATION  ***   ~~~
by Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ, Ascended)
Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles


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