
Tao Of Domestication

Submitted by Huertal on Sat, 01/28/2012 - 09:25



We as a human race have evolved from primordial era to the beings that we are today. Not fully understanding our roots or who we really are as a species. We re always asking who am I? We search outside ourselves for the answers deeply looking to identify with something that we can see, hear, touch, and smell for proof.



What if the proof has always been apart of u? What if we have always had it within us all along? What then? If it were to stare us in the face and say here I am. Would you accept it for what it truly is? Or would you chop it up to nothing more than a coincidence and keep searching franticly.


I found myself asking the same questions over and over again who am I? why am I here? What is my purpose? Do I have one? Until one day I decided to listen for the answer. To stop listening to what everyone else had to say about who I am.

To my delightful surprise there it was coming in loud and clear.


Ok so I think I need to back up a bit here because it didn’t just happen that way. A lot led into this moment not everything I understood at the time either. Some things were very confusing to me and I struggled to understand it all.


What I am speaking of here is that voice inside your head guiding you in every moment. Not the one that feels yucky in your belly however the one that fills your heart with love and you just feel it in every cell. Until the other voice chimes in sometimes saying things like (what? Are you crazy? Do you really think this is real? Don’t be so stupid).



Submitted by Omni on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 08:24

This article is based on the book “The Divine Plan: Beyond 2012” by Caroline Cory


Each created planet holds a grid system that serves to distribute the energy flow from the core of the universe throughout its plane. The grid system is designed according to a configuration similar to that of its own universe. The vibrational coherence between the planet's grid and its universe allows a seamless flow of information from the core as well as from any part of the universe into the planet's environment.


The Earth's grid system consists of 3 intricately intertwined matrices: a transport system, a communication system and a time-and-dimensional-space system. These 3 grid systems appear as a stupendous matrix of light beams and axes and occupy the space between the surface of the Earth and its boundary located at 5,000 miles above the planet.


On an individual level, the entire grid system of the Earth, which includes myriad axes, zero points and manifold vortexes, correlates perfectly with the organization of the human brain. As such, each section of the human brain is actively supported by an equivalent grid line, axis or vortex within the grid system, allowing the individual to have the experience of “earthly reality.” However, in the event a grid line, axis or vortex becomes tampered with or dismantled, its corresponding match in the human brain also becomes inactive – limiting the human experience to a mere 3-dimensions and alienating it entirely from the universal flow emanating from Source.


2012-01-15 Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension Update by Caroline Cory

Submitted by Omni on Sun, 01/22/2012 - 12:50

Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.

In this webcast, Caroline Cory shares insight on the year 2012 and some tools to continue expanding our consciousness and creative ability into the future. This talk is followed by a global experiential meditation "Aligning your brain channels with the New Paradigm".

This webcast is the continuation of the series on 'Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension' started in January 2011.  You can go back and listen to the previous webcasts to understand the bigger picture of the Divine plan that is currently at work.

Caroline's extraordinary master vision of the great transformational times that we are experiencing today helps each one to attune to the higher frequencies that are now available on Earth and to navigate safely through this period of changes and turbulences.

Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.

Caroline conducts monthly Healing Circles, Healing Sessions and Webcasts on the Internet. To participate, consult our calendar by visiting:

Also check the blog 'DARE TO BE YOU!' at


Submitted by Omni on Sun, 01/22/2012 - 10:31

Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.


In this webcast, Caroline talks about the significance of November 3/4 and its impact on the physical body. She also shares insight on creating our new reality using the new implanted frequencies.


This webcast is the continuation of the series on 'Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension' started in January 2011.  You can go back and listen to the previous webcasts to understand the bigger picture of the Divine plan that is currently at work.


Caroline's extraordinary master vision of the great transformational times that we are experiencing today helps each one to attune to the higher frequencies that are now available on Earth and to navigate safely through this period of changes and turbulences.


Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.


Caroline conducts monthly Healing Circles, Healing Sessions and Webcasts on the Internet. To participate, consult our calendar by visiting:


Also check our blog 'DARE TO BE YOU!' at

I Am the Sleeping Giant

Submitted by Wayne on Thu, 09/08/2011 - 22:02

I AM the Providence Of Silence.......

I AM the ancient Stone

Tossed into the the Water of My Memories.....

I AM the Cool Blue Ripples

That enter me Warmly

And  Shimmer In My Minds Eye....


I AM the Providence of Silence....

As it Travels Far Below The Wind....

Igniting the Ancient Void.....As the

Impact...Without sound Translates within,

As I nearly Understand.....


I AM the Providence Of Silence...

Sitting Atop a Pillar of Sapphire

And Raging With  the Violet Flame

That Provokes my Soul...

Gentle Softness Lingers....As My

Mind Knows So Little....


I AM The Providence OF Silence....

As Only The Absence of Sound

Can Reach The Depths of Quiet

Screaming To Be Heard....




Wayne Matthew Clarke  September 8th  2011

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