Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/16/12 ‘New Banking and Financial System’
Everlasting changes are changes that are made carefully and meticulously, based on well conceived plans that are made and that have the ability to develop systems and governance that can withstand many long years and many changes that may test the integrity and strength of these systems. Here in your world today are many examples of systems that have not survived tests of their integrity, their strength and their design. Here you have systems that have in many cases completely collapsed under just their own weight and not any outside force or influence. You have here systems of banking, of finance, of politics, of government, of education, of medicine and hospitalization that had never any chance to survive the long run, as they were weak and flawed in their original conception. They had no chance, none of them, to serve the people for any great length of time, and most of these systems were not even well enough designed to serve the people beneficially, adequately, efficiently or fairly for even a short length of time.