creating new earth

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 05:53

Energy Reading from the Archangels for this Week 28th August to 3rd September 2017

You are a luminary, a sage, a wise one, a high priestess/high priest, a wizard, and a supreme co-creator! You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved!

Your material needs are taken care of as you step into your power and begin to utilize the energy of Source of ALL Creation. Plug into the Source of All creation, the Source that feeds you and your material needs. It is LOVE Dear Ones! The Source of All is LOVE. Just use the power of IMAGINATION to bring this energy into your energy field daily, hourly if necessary! This infinite Source of energy exists all around you and also within you. You are walking within this energy field daily! This is the power that animates you.

As your spiritual sight awakens you are beginning to ‘see’ through new eyes, the eyes of your Creator. You are gifted with further understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ and the Power that exists behind it, back-stage so to speak.

Sunday Musings ~ 5D consciousness is all about ABUNDANCE which is fueled by LOVE.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 05/17/2015 - 08:00

Beautiful Artwork – “Hearts full * Sunsets * Sweet life” by Lori Portka

The Abundance gene exists within each and every one of us, but how do we activate this magical gene? Does it have an on/off switch and if so how can I set mine to stay ON??

Abundance is not just about having a never ending flow of money, as we are all aware by now, but money is necessary if we are to continue living and surviving in this human existence. For now, at least.

The Key (capital K) is to focus not on money, but on abundance. Whilst we lived in the 3rd dimension we focused on money and what money could buy. But now that we’ve raised our frequency somewhat, we are being asked to change our focal point away from money to love.

Love Consciousness = An Abundant Life

But what does this mean and just how do we do that?

It means changing your focus from ‘need’ to that of ‘abundance’. It means developing an ABUNDANCE CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is extremely difficult for some, especially those of us who are self-employed and forgotten what its like to have the security of a monthly pay check.

The 3D consciousness was/is all about NEED fueled by fear. 5D consciousness is all about ABUNDANCE fueled (given power ) by LOVE.

So how exactly do we get our abundance (money) issues resolved now once and for all?

By shifting your awareness and consciousness to BE-ing ABUNDANT.



Archeia Lady Faith and Archangel Michael ~ “Be of One mind and One Heart”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 07/24/2013 - 09:42

Beloveds we bring you a joint message through our grounded One. Lady Faith and I, Michael, wish to congratulate you on your progress so far. It will only get better and more exciting from here onwards. The forthcoming Lions Gate energies will lift your vibrations and that of the collective sufficiently for you to notice the difference in each other and in the collective as a whole. If only we could show you what is awaiting you Beloveds, you would be astounded!

Let go of any unwanted negative energies and keep yourselves focused on that which brings you the utmost happiness and Joy. Let go of negative thoughts and words and concentrate on the positive from here onwards. There awaits a magical world for you.   Soon you will see the changes you have so long waited for. Your dreams are important now. Decide what it is you wish to experience in your new world Dear Ones, and make it your intention to see your dreams come into fruition. You have so much power already, if only you would use it to manifest your greatest desires right now. There is nothing you cannot do, if only you would BELIEVE. Belief creates FAITH! Trust in us and trust in yourselves Beloveds. Remember you undertook this journey with full knowing that it would not be easy. Only the strongest of you were chosen to be here at this time. Gaia depends on you and we have the utmost Faith that you will succeed. You have far succeeded our expectations already!

Know that where there is darkness, you can bring your Light. Cast your ever brightening Light into the shadows Beloveds, and stand together to be of One mind and One Heart. We are ever near you and we await your call for help should you need us.

We are Lady Faith and Archangel Michael.


A Message from Archeia Lady Amethyst and Archangel Zadkiel 7/24/2013

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 07/24/2013 - 09:40

Beloved children of Gaia! I feel like a mother who sees her beloved children in the twinkling expectation just before receiving their Christmas gift. Not a year has passed, but 13,000 years pending the gifts you deserve, my beloved. I am so incredibly proud of you and so happy that you now will return to the light forever. You will now with the help of your neighbors inside Gaia and in the Universe, help each other to get our planet to the greenery of well-being. Deserts will soon prosper and the Arctic has many hidden treasures that are now emerging, so do not worry when it melts. Everything is in order and poles are straightened at the same time as the sunny and bright days are getting more. The days can now be counted until you can sleep with the door unlocked and go out on the streets and in the woods without fear.  What I am trying to describe a little of, is your future. All information will be given to you gradually so that you will be able to digest this. Distrust only delays everything that the future has to offer, my loved ones.

Open your heart to all that is being offered. If you are wondering at some point if it’s too good to be true, listen to what your heart says. Your heart knows EVERYTHING and please, feel free to use the Purple Flame daily.

Call on me whenever you need, my child. Now I give will give you to the words of my beloved Twin Flame Zadkiel. Love and Light, I give you.

Lady Amethyst.

Dear children of Gaia.

A Message from Zadkiel 7/7/2013 ~”The Power of your Thoughts” as channeled through Rositha Bohlin

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/08/2013 - 09:08

My beloved child of Gaia!
I, Zadkiel and my beloved twin flame Lady Amethyst welcome you to the new world NOW. Everything you see exists only in your mind. The person standing next to you is experiencing a different reality. This is your new World, my beloved child of the new Zero-time, thus the new time without the time and only NOW, the feeling of Be-ing in the Here and Now.

“The Real Secret” that you have been ignited with, was to prepare you to use the power of your thoughts and the power it contains. You have seen in Egypt, among other things, how it can be when many people focus their thoughts towards one purpose at the same time. This is something they also know, the Illuminati, as they call themselves. Therefore, they try to scare and threaten you with the help of their accomplices who pretend to be one of you, even one of the peaceful demonstrators, but they are being paid to create riots that they hope will escalate into war.

I know that your gut tells you to see through their media and follow your heart’s voice and I thank you for this because the faster love triumphs over fear, the faster you will live in the miracle of love. As long as the fear affects you, the longer the fear affects your reality on Gaia, our beloved planet. When love flows within You, the power of love flows to and within Gaia. What reality are you living in?

I, Zadkiel and my beloved Twin Flame Lady Amethyst, love you.

(Translated from the original Swedish by Debbie Erasmus, as guided by Archangel Zadkiel)

Relax for a just a moment…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/17/2013 - 15:15

Seraphim Angels Healing Blessing

As you listen to the words of this blessing allow yourself to relax for just a moment to feel the embrace of Divine Love.

It only takes a moment to be in love.

Just a short moment of your time.

Just a whisper.

Just a breath will do.

The healing power of Divine Love just needs a moment.

Divine Love needs you to be willing to surrender to love.

That is all you have to do, for now.


Note from Debbie ~ I cannot place enough emphasis on this fact: Divine Love is the essence of who we are, it is All There Is. These amazing blessings allow us to FEEL this Love and will therefore help humanity to return to Love, to Oneness. When you let a little of this vibration into your consciousness, your light increases and ripples out into the consciousness of others and affects the planet, also helping Gaia at the same time. Take 5 minutes out of your day… you’re worth it!

Blessings of Love, Peace & Joy are yours.



Archangel Michael ~ The energies of this upcoming Equinox. – Channeled through Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 03/13/2013 - 04:56

Beloveds I am once more able to channel through this scribe who has been very busy over the last two months. She is dear to my heart and I have waited patiently for her to once more be my scribe.

My message to you today is of the utmost importance as it involves the energies that are building with the upcoming Equinox. I wish to say that it is almost upon you that you will find yourselves in a whole new Light. The energies from this Equinox will be the strongest you have felt since 12.21.12. These energies will help you integrate higher levels of consciousness that will help you integrate your energy with the highest expression of your Self.


I want to express my concern that some of you are having with regards to financial abundance. It seems as if you are still caught up in the old paradigm of thinking that you need money in order to survive in the Earth realm. Dear Ones, I have told you many times, it is not money you need, but Love.  In the mornings before you do anything else, call upon yourselves the Pink Ray of Divine Love and ask it to fill your entire being with its consciousness and allow yourselves to bask in this feeling of being unconditionally and completely loved.


It is this high vibrational energy that will draw to you all that you need in order to fulfill your missions here. I want to add that you can call upon the Pink Ray of Divine Love at any time during your day to be in the vibration of unconditional love whenever you feel yourselves dipping into the old paradigm.


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