Creator of All-That-Is

Pallas Athena: You Are a Pristine Ball of Brilliant Light ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ July 1, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 23:44



Pallas Athena:


Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, Ascended Master and protector of all mankind, here to impart information for your great awakening. I come to you in Peace and Love for all mankind, you human Angels of the Great Awakening.

My beloveds, human Angels that you are, you step into a world now full of promises and miracles, for as you awaken and enfold yourselves into your Divine Essence, you will be discovering so much is afoot, so much is possible, so much is emerging.

Bubbling below the surface of your consciousness now is so much light and information just waiting to burst open, and I say this knowing it may be an understatement, for if you only knew what you were capable of, if you only knew what you were made of, the world would be bursting with so much light now, even more than yesterday, which, my dears, has been immense.

And so I bring you great assurances of your power, I bring you great assurances of your progress, and I bring you great assurances of your impending emergence into your rightful place with Creator of All-That-Is.

The doors are opening, dear ones, the light is unmistakable, and the happiness you are praying for is waiting there just beckoning your awareness. You are discovering your true nature and within that is the Universe filled with all you could ever hope for, dear ones. It is there, and the veils to your awareness of it are so thin right now, you can already touch and taste it.

Yeshua: You Are Endowed With Everything That Is Of Creator ~ As Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ March 17, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 03/17/2013 - 22:18




Hello my dear friends, fellow Lightworkers and Love-gifters. I greet you with much Love and appreciation for all you are doing. You are stepping up to this monumental task of building your New Earth with ease and grace and gratitude, and for this I give you my immense gratitude.

You may wonder why I say “with ease”. Well, dear ones, this journey has certainly not been easy for you, I grant you that, but the ease I speak about is the fluidity you impart to your mission and purpose, and the generosity with which you give of your Love, your Divine Unconditional Love.

Have you noticed that the more Love you give, the more Love you can hold for yourself and others? Have you noticed that you are able to tap more resources and abilities as you commit yourself to the task of imparting Love and creating a world full of it and all the gifts endowed by Creator?

You are endowed with everything that is of Creator of All-That-Is. You are gifted with everything that is Creator. You are uncovering all that you already are, and what a journey it has been.

You will most likely start to notice in the coming days that it is much easier for you to connect with that part of yourself that is the Divine, that is the impartial Reality that is expansive abundance and clarity. You will find thus that the trigger for manifestation is much more accessible, and it will be due to the release of your True Essence illuminated by all the Light and Love you are allowing into your Being.

Yes, dear ones, the clearing you have been so rigorously participating in is beginning to show in the increased glimmer and shine of your Light Bodies. Your soul is becoming integrated and enhanced and much more expanded and present.

Ascended Master Lanto ~ Awakening to Oneness ~ November 2, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 11/02/2012 - 22:23

Ascended Master Lanto ~ Awakening to Oneness ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ Received November 1, 2012

Ascended Master Lanto:


Greetings, all. I am Master Lanto, here to bring you tidings and Love from all the Spiritual Realm. It is not ever that I have appeared through this channel, but find it necessary to bring my words of encouragement for your Ascension through her today, my dear ones.

Throughout the times of your growth over the ages, over the eons since your fall into duality, I have been with you, watching your progress. I now again offer my support and my encouragement on your long but illustrious journey along through Ascension.

Many times you have wondered, as you trekked along this winding road back to Oneness, as to your value and as to your capability to succeed. Well, I am here to tell you that you are all succeeding beautifully. It was not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart to embark on this wonderful path you are all on, my dear ones. No, it took and is taking great strength and wisdom and courage to continue.

And for this I offer you my advice this day. With each breath you take, on this your fortuitous* journey into your Ascension, abide by your beginnings as magnificent Beings of Light, that you have always been. You have tapped a great deal of that potential so far. What remains is for you to step up the pace, my dear ones.

Your potential is limitless to absorb the Light as it is pouring in in increasing amounts and no one is immune to or incapable of accepting the increasing amounts of Light as is being readied for your acceptance and sensitivities.

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be the Vision ~ October 21, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 10/21/2012 - 18:33

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Greetings, Beloveds, Light of the Divine, Light of the Universes, Light of Creator of All-That-Is, that you all are.

We come before you today to speak of the Shift in Consciousness that you are all a part of, that you all play such an important part in.

Behold the changes in your bodies, physical and light bodies alike. You are indeed integrating the two and you are indeed benefiting from the raise in consciousness, ever-present and on-going. You have raised your frequencies and continue to do so. And you are in turn, affecting all around you in doing so.

We stand with you forever and always, and especially during this important time of mass awakening and fulfillment of the Divine Decree. You hold the reins and are the navigators of this most sacred, beautiful movement and nothing can stand in the way of it if you keep to your task.

Your task, of course, is to allow always the beat of the heart of Humanity, of Mother Earth, and of the Multi-verses, and of All Beings to entwine into the one heartbeat of Love and Oneness and Unity.

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