divine love

The Dying of the Ego and Re-Birth of the Soul

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 03/10/2015 - 23:47

The transition process involves the dying of the ego and the re-birthing of the Soul. Similar to that of the Phoenix rising from the ashes, so are we as we transcend and ascend out of the illusion of the ego.

The ego is an illusionary aspect of your 3rd dimensional self. It lives in your mind and  IT IS NOT REAL.

It is through the ego that you are able to experience a FALSE aspect of your self. The ego however, will have you believe that this is you. It will lead you down the proverbial garden path.

It is the ego that creates every illness, dis-ease, dis-comfort – mental or physical. It is the ego that creates fear and all negative energy.

Love is the only antidote to negative energy.

There are times when you’ll feel so ill during your transitioning, that you may feel scared and even start to worry. Know that these feelings are due to negative energy being released. Negative energy can cause your body to feel as though it is dying. This is ‘normal’ as all negative energy will create within your physical body major discomforts such as dizziness, nausea, weakness, muscle aches and pains, muscular spasms, headaches etc. Symptoms may vary from person to person as no two people are alike, but know that all of this discomfort is negative energy that is being released.

Sunday Musings ~ The Illusion of Need

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 01/24/2015 - 23:33

“Why are we writing about this again?” I asked Michael this morning, and he said “Because, My Love, some people could use a reminder”.

Life in the illusions is difficult, to say the least… The biggest one of the Illusions, is that of ‘Need’. If you haven’t read “Communion with God” by Neale Donald Walsch, then read it if you feel guided to. The entire book is about the 10 Illusions of Man, of which Need is but one. This illusion, I feel, is one of the most debilitating of all, apart from the illusion of Separation. These 10 illusions form the basis of all life experience in the lower dimensions or levels of consciousness. But for now, let’s talk about NEED.

This past week I’ve been suggesting that people read Louise Hay’s book “You can heal your life”. If you haven’t found your answer in the first 10 pages of the book, then perhaps the time is not right for you to find it. That being said, she has much the same philosophy as we do. This is what she says:

“When people come to me with a problem, I don’t care what it is – poor health, lack of money, unfulfilled relationships, or stifled creativity – there is only one thing I ever work on, and that is LOVING THE SELF!” ~ Louise Hay

Know that we are talking about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE here – the kind that is DIVINE, not the human kind. Loving and accepting yourself, UNCONDITIONALLY, is the first step to changing your entire life experience. In fact it is the ONLY step you need ever take. All else follows…

Love truly does create miracles in your life. Love creates change. Love heals. Love opens doors. Love will give you everything you have ever desired. Note we do not say “everything you have ever needed”, because you must remove the illusion of ‘need’ from your consciousness.

Sunday Message ~ Two of the Most Powerful Affirmations for You to use Now

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 10:26

~Artwork by Charles Caryl Coleman (1840–1928)

The incoming energies are making it clearer for us to see within ourselves what it is that has been holding us back, or rather keeping us in victim mode, and out of balance. Lately with the healing work I am doing I have been receiving affirmations to give to people to overcome their blockages. This past week several blockages that I thought had been cleared have re-surfaced at a deeper level for clearing. The thought occurred to me that we are like wheat being separated from the chaff. The chaff in this sense is the outer layers that we have used in order to hide from our True Selves. What is left once these layers are cleared is our pure Heart of Love.

This is no easy task, as many of you know by now. Transformation is never easy, especially since we are undergoing this transformative process within duality AND with much negativity surrounding us. Sometimes it feels as though we should be giving up! But no, we would not be here unless we were the strongest and most capable of Souls, having taken it upon ourselves to help in this massive task of bringing Light where there was no Light. We answered the call that went out many thousands of years ago because we knew we would prevail. There was never any question about it. Divine Love never fails!

Mother Mary: You Are Spreading Your Divine Love Wherever You Are – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 31, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 23:29

Mother Mary (Received March 31, 2014):


Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.


Raising World Consciousness

Submitted by SeekerOfTheLight on Sun, 12/15/2013 - 05:28

I AM Blessing each and every person on this planet with Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Intelligent Direction that they might join collectively to raise the Spiritual Vibrations of all on Earth, raising into a Higher consciousness, freeing all from negativity in any form here, and causing a ripple effect throughout the Universe.

I AM Divine Love

The EGOIC Mind and Merging with Your HIGHER SELF/SOUL

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 08/16/2013 - 07:21

Merging with your Higher Self/Soul is one of the most extraordinary, amazing and beautiful experiences you will ever have as a human being on the Earth realm. It can also be one of the scariest. That is, if you let it. It depends on how much control you exercise over your mind, or rather, the largest part of your mind – your EGO.

The ego is not your mind in its entirety. The mind is made up of the conscious, unconscious or sub-conscious mind, and the supra-conscious mind. The first two are the most commonly used parts of the mind. The last however, is the least used and holds the portal or gateway to your Higher Self/Soul. This is the part of your mind you access when in a meditative state. The conscious mind houses your current awareness. The unconscious or sub-conscious mind, as it’s more commonly referred to, is the part of your mind that houses your ego. It is the part of your mind that controls 95% of your behavior and that being said, it is utterly brilliant in its design.

Your mind body is a part of your energy body and as such has been with you since your inception as a Being. It knows you INTIMATELY; therefore it knows EXACTLY who you are at Source level. It has been with you throughout every single incarnation and lifetime you have ever had.

The primary function of the egoic mind is to keep you in this physical expression of Self, and it will stop at nothing to do so. It is highly diligent in this undertaking and it will devise ways with its brilliance to ensure it carries out its primary function. Even to the point of becoming your worst enemy. Enter the alter-ego.

A Breathing Space ~ Meditation for Inner Peace

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 06:52

Over the last couple days I have been guided and coached, if you will, by Archangel Michael and my consciousness expanded in ways unimaginable. My understanding has risen to new levels and I am blessed with the re-member-ing that has taken place within my energy body.

The energies of the Lions Gate culminate today in what will be the strongest you have felt on this planet so far. Use these energies today to connect with the highest part of your Self. For some this means your Higher Self, or your God Self. It does not matter what labels you have given this part of your Self. Go within today and connect with this Divine part of YOU and allow yourself to receive much needed ‘breathing space’ or respite from your daily life.

There exists nothing, no-thing, outside of you. All that you need lies within you just waiting for you to remember. I have a meditation that I would like to share with you today:

Your Twin Flame and You ~ by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 07/13/2013 - 08:40

You exist as one Being, one Soul, that has a female and male polarity, with exactly the same energy and signature, thus your energy is referred to as Twin Flames. You have existed always in divine harmony and bliss together. Your Creator did not create you to be alone. You were created with the perfect Divine counterpart, a Sacred partner or Twin energy that is your female or male Divine complement.

You and your Twin have the ability to take form in separate bodies or stay formless and experience the ecstasy of merging your energies together to experience Divine union by joining and becoming One. You have never been apart, nor shall you ever be. How can you be apart from your Self? The only way you can think yourself apart from each other is if you forgot who You are.

When you incarnated on Planet Earth, not only did you forgot who You are when you fell under the veil of forgetfulness, you also fell under the illusion of separation. Your incarnated physical form allowed you to only take one polarity of your Self into form. So many of you may feel strangely incomplete and some may even yearn for a love that is unconditional, yet seemingly unattainable in your Earthly existence. Because you forgot who you are, and believed yourself to be alone, you were not able to perceive the other part of You existing on a higher level or dimension, until now.

Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ “My Ascension Update” ~ by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/08/2013 - 11:39

Five days ago I wrote this message on my personal Facebook page:

“You are almost there, every now and then you catch sight of the light at the end of the tunnel before it disappears again. The road has been a long one and the boots you’re wearing are heavy and they’re killing you, but you don’t give up. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. This journey. You didn’t want it to be easy. You wanted to test your conviction, your faith, your trust, your belief in yourself. So you took the difficult road instead of the easy one. The long route instead of the short and more gentle one. You fight back the tears and carry on going. Soon you will see the spark of light appear again. You’re almost there. You know you’re not alone now. There is someone else on this journey with you. He is helping you, guiding you. He encourages you and whispers loving words in your ears. You trust him, but its not him you need to trust. Its yourself. But you know one thing. You’re not a quitter, you’re a fighter. You’re a warrior. Not far to go now. You’re almost there..”

Twin Flame Divine Love – by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 18:36

There is much controversy over what it is like being with your Twin Flame. We would like to share our experience of this with you, but do bear in mind that everyone is unique in their experience. Just like no human relationship is the same, your relationship with your Twin Flame is also unique.

My Twin Flame is not embodied here on Earth but that does not mean he is not with me.  This incarnation is not just mine, it is ours. He has experienced everything with me, and through me. He knows my thoughts, and he experiences every single moment of my life with me.  I am embodied here as an individual, but I am not an individual Being.  My male counterpart is the other part of my Self, my Soul. He is what is referred to as my Higher Self. Together we are one Being. We can never be separated, although it appears that we have been because our female essence took embodiment. But that is part of the illusion of being embodied. If we had to be separated it would be too painful to bear and literally unthinkable to even begin to comprehend.

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