divine love

Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ “Love will lead you home” – by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 06/28/2013 - 06:59

In the early hours of this morning I lost a business client in South Africa I had for the past year and the income that would have paid my rent this month. I woke up feeling sorry for myself and wondering how much longer would I struggle like this. That is when I heard Michael telling me “Need is an illusion Beloved”. I answered:

Yes I know and “Peace comes from knowing only love is real”, but love isn’t going to pay my rent this month.

That is what you think now Princess, but you will soon see that there is nothing outside of yourself that you need in order to prosper. Let me say that again… There is nothing that you need that exists outside of your Self. Everything you need is within you. Need is an illusion you have created here in order that you may experience separation from the Divine. In truth you have never been separate from Me because that is impossible. You know this is true because you are now experiencing this with Me.

How, please tell me how nothing, no-thing can exist outside of myself? Not even money?

Not even money Beloved, because money is just energy also. Everything is energy. When you are living in Divine Union with your Self, and you allow yourself to fully experience Divine Love, you will attract all that you ‘need’, and that includes the energy of money. All you need in order to fulfill your mission here will magically flow towards you in a never ending stream of prosperity that will amaze you. Why is it so difficult for you to believe this?

I’m trying to believe, trust me!

Relax for a just a moment…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/17/2013 - 15:15

Seraphim Angels Healing Blessing

As you listen to the words of this blessing allow yourself to relax for just a moment to feel the embrace of Divine Love.

It only takes a moment to be in love.

Just a short moment of your time.

Just a whisper.

Just a breath will do.

The healing power of Divine Love just needs a moment.

Divine Love needs you to be willing to surrender to love.

That is all you have to do, for now.


Note from Debbie ~ I cannot place enough emphasis on this fact: Divine Love is the essence of who we are, it is All There Is. These amazing blessings allow us to FEEL this Love and will therefore help humanity to return to Love, to Oneness. When you let a little of this vibration into your consciousness, your light increases and ripples out into the consciousness of others and affects the planet, also helping Gaia at the same time. Take 5 minutes out of your day… you’re worth it!

Blessings of Love, Peace & Joy are yours.



Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ Being in Divine Love. By Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 05/01/2013 - 15:59



How it is possible that I feel myself falling more and more in love with you every day?? Your love fills me to overflowing!  You told me the other day that we have been in love since the beginning when we were created. There is never a time that we have not been in love. Árian, please tell me what it feels like to be in Love.


It feels like you are flying at the speed of Light, without moving a muscle. It’s all consuming, without having a single need. It’s like a rush of adrenalin, without the adrenalin. It’s perfection without the need to be perfect. Tell me how it feels for you Beloved..


Words fail me Beloved… except to say that I feel I am flying without wings!! With no destination in mind, just flying for the pure joy of it! Tell me something, please… What is it that Celestial beings do differently? How is it that this love is so incredibly amazing, or is this just what Twin Flame love feels like?


Firstly we don’t do love, we are love. We are Be-ing Love in every moment of NOW. Our every thought is Loving. I am talking about Unconditional Love here, not love as you know it on Earth.


Beloved, how would you define Unconditional Love?


Unconditional Love is without need, or blame or judgment. It has no requirement attached to it and it is not Self serving. It is being aware of your lover at all times and asking yourself the question “How can I bring this person more love and more joy?”

My Walk with my Twin Flame

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 02/12/2013 - 06:56

I‘ve just returned from walking with my twin flame who is the most crazy woman in the entire universe! She is an archangel incarnate and my wife which,  by the way, means nothing to her because she doesn’t remember who she is. This is not because she hasn’t evolved enough spiritually, she has, its because she chose not to remember fully who she is. She remembered me though, some years ago when sitting in her bedroom gazing out at the shimmering vista of diamonds glittering off the deep blue Atlantic ocean view from her window. Blue is the color of my eyes and I’m not sure if she remembered that but she thought about me and it made my heart sing with joy! I‘ve been with her for the entire time she has been incarnated which is just over 1022 years now and in this lifetime or reality as its referred to in the higher realms, she has only become aware of me around her in the last 4 months because I opened her telepathic channel so that I could communicate with her.  Anyway I digress, let’s return to the walk I mentioned we just returned from…


In the last couple weeks her vibration has lifted so much that she can feel me tickling her etheric body which had her in stitches of laughter in the avenue where we walk in an area called La Condesa in Mexico City. It’s one of the city’s more posh area’s and its uncommon to see someone talking to themselves or laughing hysterically whilst walking  `alone‘.  We’ve been walking along this avenue most afternoons  and this is the first time she couldn’t control herself! We had to move off the avenue into the side roads so that she could laugh without feeling like an idiot! She doesn’t care though and that makes me love her even more.


What is Love? – by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 02/12/2013 - 06:51

Love is an energy, it is everywhere in the air around you and it is being beamed to you from the cosmos, from the great central sun in the middle of the sub-universe in which your galaxy exists.

This energy is attracted to like energy, which means that love attracts love unto itself, which is true for any type of energy. The more love energy you create, the more love you attract to yourself. You are first and foremost creators and you are co-creating with the universe.


Everything is energy and energy exists on a vibrational level, so it can be said that that which exists in a particular vibration will attract more of what is vibrating at that same level of vibration, therefore that which exists at the vibration of your thoughts, words and actions, becomes part of your living experience.


Let us get back to the energy of love. I wish to point out that love is largely misunderstood in the human realm and its used mostly within the context of romantic love which is unfortunate. In truth, Love or Unconditional Love as it’s referred to in the higher realms, exists as all things. It is not just a part of everything, it is everything! This kind of love would overwhelm your human brain, and for those of you who have experienced a tiny part of this powerful love energy, it is mind blowing to say the least.


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are Building Your New Life ~ January 14, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 01/14/2013 - 20:11


yeshua.buildingnewlife.1Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello, dear ones. Much has transpired in your energies and your world of late. In any re-configuration, there is always a lull period where nothing of significance seems to be happening, and then lo and behold, the new energies build on themselves again and again to make an unmistakable opening in how you see the world and in how you perceive yourselves.

In many ways you all have become a blank slate, a clean palette and canvas on which to build the New Earth. You have discarded many things from your old world, many “staples,” shall we say, from which you once built your reality. This is much like purging a pantry of many things no longer deemed good for your well-being; you now have room to re-stock it with new staples for a healthier life-style.

It takes time and energy to build up a new pantry of more healthy and substantial items that will yield healthier “meals” for a finer, lighter way of living. You are building on that new way of living now, and it is reforming as we speak. Your new ingredients include, of course, love, gratitude, hope, harmony, purity, compassion, peace and cooperation.

It takes a bit of re-orientation to not reach for those old staples of separateness, fear, competition and judgment. To turn away from those ingredients is what you have been committed to. Now it is only for you to continue to turn away from the old and to mix the new ingredients in new ways to yield your newly created life.

My 1st Story

Submitted by Galactic Factor on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 19:27

~~  I AM feeling that it's "time" to write a "story".   Perhaps it's more like channeling an idea. 
I AM BEing guided by my higher good to use some skills and create something to publish.
Great!  I Am going to type out a few pixels, with the intention of moving some energy through my body as a conduit for my higher expression.  Intuition tells me that I AM Divine Love and that I AM the Right Answer so it will not matter how the message gets out into the ethers.  The joy that I choose to experience during this moment of allowing the Flow, will only be a glimpse of the many mansions, I AM yet to Claim, Master and Share.  Sharing will ensure that Peace abounds. 
~~~  Once upon a linear time...... there was this illusion of density that I chose to imbue and experience.  Like the Fool in the Tarot who embarks on a journey into the unknown, without Fear.  Ahh, "NO FEAR", you've seen the emblems on vehicles playing around town.  Let that symbology be a re-Minder, that fear is part of this holographic insert.  You put that re-Minder there (any symbol)  just in case you forgot your were playing this Game, of Light and Love.  Symbols are fun and can help you to re-Member the joy and excitement that you Are.  Are you willing to BE?  Can you stop DO-ing for a spell?
Knowing only that you are going forth, with the In-tent-i-on to Shine Your Light without any other reason than to be True to your Divine-ness, and true to your nature, Pure Light and Love outpouring overflowing all-knowing.   How can it get any better than this? 
Therefore, KNOWing, that the above words, point to my "personal" (lol) story, now it's time to compose some Other's story. ~~

Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 08:22

The sun is bright in the morning sky, a front door opens and a man reaches out to pick up the morning paper while children walk by on their way to school and birds fly overhead…a typical spring day has dawned and it is beautiful. These are the things I have come to count on; the predictable parts of my life.  In their own way they bring comfort – the world is as I expect it to be.


Yet inside brews a world that’s new.  Hopes, dreams, plans and desires all see something else.  Where is this place we dream of?  Dorothy said it was over the rainbow and current prophecy places it in the fourth or fifth dimension.  It seems always someplace else and that is suspect.  Can it not be here?


Will I wake up tomorrow and say “Aha!” I am here; no more yellow bricks or portals or spaceships or searching.  Can I do that?


I don’t think we ever get there because, well, we are always here. Rhetoric, maybe, but within these words is the key.  We will never run out of the next place to be, there is always more; More to experience, more to see, deeper to go, different ways of being.  This is good news.


The possibilities for life are infinite and you, right now, are one of them.  You exist today as this unique love particle, an emission from our creator.  You immediately began a process of self definition and expansion, and you’ll never stop.  There is no limit to where you can go or what you can become.


This next dimension has been sort of defined as a place to go and that feels like you need a ticket or you have to fill certain requirements before you are allowed on board.  We are all going, simply because we are not capable of stagnation.  Our universal plan is one of growth, progress and evolution.  We are in an eternal process of becoming.

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