ego cleansing

IN-Lightenment ~ What Is It You Believe Dorothy?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 12/27/2013 - 07:24


I have had further proof (as if I needed it) that we are loved, guided, supported, etc., more than we realize right now. Yesterday I received a message to ‘light-en up”, and then later I followed a thread on Facebook with an image of Ego vs Soul, and I thought “Yeah, I will share this. People should know how difficult the ego can be etc.,” and then I was led to some dear Soul’s profile page, and on his wall he had written a quote from The Wizard of Oz: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we‘re not in Kansas anymore…”. If you’ve been following the series on TV ‘Once Upon a Time’, you will know that in Season 3 they have been in Neverland ~ a place where what you believe is what you will experience, very similar to ‘real’ life is it not? Haha…’real’ life you say? Well……, what is ‘real’ depends on what you believe.

Our Higher Self/Soul/Higher Consciousness has the patience of Job.. perhaps more so. It will go to great lengths to get the message across. Sometimes it will even tell us directly, in plain language. But sadly even that doesn’t always mean we will get the message. Just because something is in plain sight doesn’t mean we will see it. Don’t blame yourselves though.. this is a great game we’re playing here, and it can seem to be a trial and tribulation, if we let it, which is why we are constantly reminded to ‘lighten up’! How we perceive something to be is how we experience it. Another way of putting it is ‘nothing has any meaning unless we give it meaning.’ That is a deep one to get through to your mind..


Submitted by Rene Duran on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:11

Una forma muy antigua de liberarnos de las garras del ego, consiste en mantenernos autovigilantes,y descubrir como actuamos. En los últimos tiempos nos han brindado información de como eliminar nuestro lado oscuro, mediante la técnica de la Muerte. Consiste en pedir a nuestra bendita Madre Kundalini (es nuestra madre espiritual particular, espíritu santo, el tercer aspecto de la Trinidad ,etc.) que saque de los 49 niveles de la mente los yoes psicológicos, la cantidad que deseamos. Se pide así: 'Madre saca 500 trillones de defectos y desintegralos'. Se procede así de forma constante. Día tras día. Noche tras noche. Obviamente, el ego va muriendo. Y nuestra conciencia aumenta. Hoy con la llegada de las energías del amor el proceso se acelera mas, porque el ego existente se disuelve con las poderosas energías photonicas. Así se cumple lo dicho, Ayudate que yo te ayudare. Con este método podemos alcanzar nuestro 51% de conciencia libre particular. Un obstáculo para no trabajar, es creer que uno ya no tiene ego. Nosotros tenemos tantos defectos como granitos de arena tiene el mar. Cuando el ego muere, entonces viene la iluminación. Y puedes iluminar el camino para que pasen otros. PAZ PARA TODOS.

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