
Solstice Energy Update 21st June 2018 and Beyond

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/17/2018 - 21:43

A short energy update follows to help make sense of all the changes happening. Firstly we stress again the importance of eating light foods, as live as possible. Meaning containing as much life force as possible. If you are fortunate enough to have your own garden, harvesting foods and them eating them the same day is the way to go. If not, then purchase fresh foods daily and eat them well before they ‘expire’. The physical body is going through enormous cellular restructuring at this juncture and could use all the support it can get. Your body elemental will thank you!

The energy is mostly being felt again in the cranial and base of skull as the brain structure and spinal column receives the New Codes of Life, as one may call them. It is an appropriate enough description. The new codes enter the brain and spinal fluid flowing through the nadis and meridians into cellular tissue and structure, finally making contact with the atoms and electrons where they are engaged in their upgrading work.

Water is an important component for your physical body, as always. Before ingesting anything it would behoove you to send your life force energy into it. You can do this simply by intention and focusing your energy, infusing the water and food with the purity of your Light.

Personal Invitation to Join our Live Group Clearing Workshop

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 03/21/2018 - 04:16

Personal Invitation to Join our
Live Group Clearing Workshop with the Masters of the Sixth Ray ~ the Flame of the Resurrection & The Dragon Realm

Dear Readers,

Did you know Mother Nature uses the Flame of the Resurrection in Spring-time to stir to life the flowers and all of that which has lay dormant throughout the cold winter months? You too can learn how to use the Flame of the Resurrection! In fact you can use it in a much greater way in your own life. You can resurrect your health, your finances, your relationships, you name it!

Over Easter time, for a period of 40 days, the Resurrection Flame is at its strongest and most potent.  As Jesus says, the Flame is limitless and free for the asking! What better deal can you get on the internet?

Through the guidance of Lord Sananda and his Twin Flame, Lady Nada,  we will teach you how to build momentum using the Flame so that you can resurrect areas of your life and also increase your Light quotient to help you make great changes in your ascension journey.

In this event we have once again the assistance of the Dragon Realm which is most prominent at this time in the uplifting of humanity in their Ascension journey. The Dragons will assist us to clear all unwanted energies, within ourselves and also within the Elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

For more information and to book your seat, please click on the link below:

All have been pulled through the Eye of the Needle

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 09/21/2013 - 17:42

All have been pulled through the Eye of the Needle:   Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Great Central Sun, Central Sun, Sun, Planetary  systems, including Gaia, Humanity, Animal Kingdom, Elementals, Elementary’s, Crystalline Grids, lay lines, Meridians, All of God’s Creations, As Above, As Below.

Releasing of Duality into Polarity for all.

All has been done with assistance of my team.

Enjoy the Ride







Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

All Darkness, all Counter Acting, All Apposing the light and Ascension is in the Process of being Eradicated from the Infinite, Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, Humanity, Minerals, Elementals, Angelic Realm, Multi Dimensional Time and Spa

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 09:10

All Darkness, all Counter Acting, All Apposing the light and Ascension is in the Process of being Eradicated from the Infinite, Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, Humanity, Minerals, Elementals, Angelic Realm, Multi Dimensional Time and Space known, and unknown, All Matrix's, all Crystalline Grids!

This has been set in motion from the "Infinite Supreme Mother/Father Creator of all that is", assistance from Federated Galactic, and the Company of Heaven.



Copyright © LynMarie8. Gives permission to freely copy and share this message. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.  www.lynmarie8.com 


Anchored in New Infinite Supreme Creator's Matrix System to fields of Cosmos, Galaxy, universe, Planetary, solar, Gaia, Animal kingdom, angelic kingdom, elementals, as above as below.

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 07/13/2013 - 09:25

Anchored in New Infinite Supreme Creator's Matrix System to fields of Cosmos, Galaxy, universe, Planetary, solar, Gaia, Animal kingdom, angelic kingdom, elementals, as above as below.

Release and Clearing of all fields connected to Diamagnetic, Para magnetism, Bio magnetism fields of Cosmos, Galaxy, universe, Planetary, solar, Gaia, Animal kingdom, angelic kingdom, elementals, as above as below. They are now free of all dark energies, frequency's vibrations, disease, and will no longer accept or absorb these energies. All cellar memories and imprinting removed.




All information is © by LynMarie8 and all may freely repost with full content and acknowledgement in this article. www.lynmarie8.com



Part 2 of 2 Portal Opened and Anchoring of New 144 Harmonic Universe tones, Frequency’s Vibrations & 144 Color spectrum tones, Frequency’s Vibrations , 144 Sacred Geometry. .

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 16:24

Part 2 of 2  Portal Opened and Anchoring of New 144 Harmonic Universe tones, Frequency’s Vibrations & 144 Color spectrum tones, Frequency’s Vibrations , 144 Sacred Geometry. .

Anchoring in the I AM of the Supreme Mother Father Creator of all that is. Bring in New Harmonics, color, Frequency's of this Love.

Assistants of the masters of the 7 Rays to bring in the violet flame to transmute discordant energy, dense energy, low frequency and vibrations of the 4 bodies of Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:  Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional bodies.

Clearing of the 4 bodies of Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:  Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional bodies with Platinum Rays, Diamond Rays, Crystal Rays, - These Rays will purify cell memory banks, as well as purify all impurities from all 4 bodies

Activations of all energy wheels, and 330 energy chakras systems in Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:

New connection established with these 4 bodies as listed above bring in higher spectrums of light, sound, color frequency's and vibrations of 144, this will start to bring things back into the original state of perfection.

All the work was done today at the Patricia Cota- Robles event in MN was connected also anchored in today for humanity, Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations through all Crystalline grids, meridians, lay lines as above as below. Assistances by Mother Mary and Jesus holding space and sending this work for all to receive.


Blessings and Love to all with Gratitude for all help today.




All Branches,Roots to the Tree of Life Reconnected from the Cosmos, Universe,galaxy, planetary, solar, earth, Humanity, elementa

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 03/23/2013 - 09:22

All Branches,Roots to the Tree of Life Reconnected from the Cosmos, Universe,galaxy, planetary, solar, earth, Humanity, elementals, Animal Kingdom, Angelic Realm reconnected unified of one for one with one. 100% of the for the light with the light of the light.


All Masters, Angelic, beings, Multi Dimensional Beings that were separated from the feminine energy of self and all that is has been unified.


Cosmos,Universal, Galactic Solar, Planetary, clean up is almost completed


Divine Mother Creator and Divine Father Creator is still processing is on going of there personal oneness - cleared out old programs, patterns, habits. Agreement to work of a clean slate to create New energy and to be the example for all.


There Hearts have been purified. So all may feel and been in divine pure love, unconditional love, peace, harmony, forgiveness, companion, empathy, and anchored into everything.





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